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The thriving city of Nagasaki
is cradled in the lush western mountains of Japan’s Kyushu Island.
日本の九州にあり 西側には緑豊かな山々があります
An 8-hour bullet train from Tokyo,
東京からは新幹線で 8 時間
this charmingly diverse city lies on the edge of a scenic channel
魅力に溢れた個性的な街は 眺めのよい海峡である角力灘の
of the Sumo-nada Sea.
In a nation isolated from the outside world for generations,
何世代にもわたって 鎖国政策を取った国にあって
Nagasaki was a gateway,
through which knowledge and resources flowed to and from the rest of the globe.
諸外国との間で知識や物品の やり取りが行われました
This historic harbor city is now a dynamic fusion of Japanese sophistication,
この歴史ある港町では 洗練された日本文化と
which co-exists and harmonizes with elements of overseas cultures and faiths.
海外からもたらされた文化や信仰が 調和し 共存しています
To much of the world, the name Nagasaki
is bound to one of the most devastating events in modern history.
現代史における衝撃的な出来事と 深く結び付いています
At 11:02 am on August 9th, 1945,
1945 年 8 月 9 日の午前11 時 2 分
World War Two’s second atomic bomb, “Fat Man,” was detonated over the city.
第二次世界大戦の 2 発目の原子爆弾 「ファットマン」がこの街の上空で炸裂しました
Tens of thousands perished,
and most of the northern valley was reduced to rubble and ash.
谷の北側のほとんどが 灰燼に帰しました
At the Peace Park in the Urakami District,
a dark pillar stands under the exact location of the bomb’s detonation.
正確な爆心地とされる場所に 柱が立てられています
Take in the surrounding art and statues,
and reflect on the horror of the blast and its aftermath.
Take a short walk to the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum,
しばらく歩いた先には 長崎原爆資料館があります
founded in remembrance to all those who perished.
Just across the road from the museum is The Memorial Hall.
道路を挟んだ向かい側にあるのは 荘厳なガラスが印象的な追悼記念館
Meditate in the solemn glasshouse,
and leave a message of peace before you continue on your journey.
平和のメッセージを残してから 旅を続けましょう
Discover a serene refuge from Nagasaki’s often-confronting history
長崎が直面した歴史 これを静かに語る証人は山王神社で
at the San’no Shrine.
These 500-year old camphor trees were a surprising survivor of the blast,
500 年の樹齢を誇るクスノキは 原爆に耐えて驚くべき生命力を発揮
and stood strong when nuclear winds flattened this part of the city.
爆風でこの地が壊滅した後も 力強く立ち続けました
Today, they remain a symbol of Nagasaki’s resilience.
Despite all odds,
greenery sprang forth within a few months of the detonation,
被爆の数カ月後には 植物が芽吹く力を発揮し
giving hope to those who were spared.
The city’s surviving residents put aside old quarrels
and banded together irrespective of cultural and religious differences.
文化や信仰の違いを超えて 一丸となりました
Historical monuments were painstakingly rebuilt,
and brick by brick, season by season,
the Nagasaki way of life was restored.
Today, Nagasaki invites visitors to look beyond its atomic story;
現在 長崎の街は原爆以外の面でも 旅人達を惹き付けています
this is a city whose earliest chapters are filled with riches,
この街には元々 豊かな歴史があります
and whose future pages are written with the ink of inspiration and hope.
そしてこの街の未来は 創造と希望によって描かれています
Travel to the harbor,
the historic gateway which has brought travellers
400 年以上にわたってこの国にやって来る旅人や
and trade to the nation’s shores for over 400 years.
While away an afternoon in Nagasaki Seaside Park
and watch as ships cruise in and out of the channel.
This is a place of relaxation and recreation,
where locals unwind and enjoy their beautiful city.
地元の人もゆっくり過ごし 美しい街の眺めを楽しんでいます
Take a tour from the harbor to Hashima Island,
an eerie landmass which was once home to miners and their families.
端島は以前は炭鉱の島で 労働者の住宅が残っている不気味な島です
The island was deserted almost overnight in the mid 1970s
1970 年代半ば 石炭の枯渇によって炭鉱は閉山となり
when coal reserves ran dry.
Explore the crumbling buildings,
listen to the echoes of those that called this island home,
この島に住んだ人々の声に 耳を澄ませてみましょう
and dredge up whispers of the hardships
which once occurred beneath the rocky surface.
Back on the mainland,
savor steaming fusions of Japanese and Chinese cuisine
新地中華街での 日本料理と中国料理が
in the Shinchi Chinatown District.
After filling your belly,
fill your shopping bags in the Hamamachi Arcade.
次は浜町アーケードで ショッピング
This warren of wellness, fashion and sweet shops is a favorite of Nagasaki,
美容や健康 ファッション そして菓子店などが迷路のように入り組み
and the perfect place to immerse yourself in the city’s modern culture.
長崎の現代の文化に浸ることができる 人気のある楽しい場所です
Ride the trade winds north to the Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture.
貿易風に導かれて北へ向かうと そこは長崎歴史文化博物館
Discover the fascinating story of how
new faiths and peoples boosted the city’s economy,
and helped Nagasaki become the multicultural beacon that it is today.
そして長崎が今日も多文化社会の 牽引役となっている理由が分かります
Refresh your mind and spirit amidst the tranquil gardens of Sofuku-ji.
心をリフレッシュさせたいなら 崇福寺の静かな庭園へ
This hillside Zen temple was built by Chinese merchants
who settled at the port in the 17th century.
17 世紀にこの港町に定住した中国商人たち
Faith is the lifeblood of Nagasaki.
For centuries, conflict reigned between followers of different beliefs.
異なる宗教の信者の間では 何世紀にもわたって衝突がありました
But since the city’s total obliteration,
its people have united in a single prayer that transcends religion.
人々は宗教を超えた 1 人の祈る人として団結しました
A prayer for peace.
To the north-east,
a relic of traditional Shinto times
lies at the base of leafy Mount Tamazono-San.
The Suwa Shrine can be traced back 500 years
諏訪神社は 500 年の歴史があり
and is believed to be the ancient dwelling place of three kami spirits,
神道の聖なる 3 柱の神が鎮座する
the sacred gods of the Shinto faith.
As your journey reaches its peak,
climb to one of the most epic vantage points in Japan, Mount Inasa-yama.
日本有数の素晴らしい眺めが 楽しめる稲佐山に登ってみましょう
This mountain’s protective embrace helped shield much of Nagasaki
市街地を守るように聳えるこの山のおかげで 山の背後にあった地域は
from the devastating atomic winds and today it continues to watch over the city.
原爆の爆風による被害を免れました 現在も変わりなく市街地を見下ろしています
Gaze out in awe at the incredible beauty of a city, reborn.
畏敬の念を抱いて美しい街を 眺めれば生まれ変わった気分になります
Nagasaki has become a beacon of hope,
stepping out from the shadows of one of history’s darkest days
輝かしい新しい未来へと 踏み出したことで
and into a bright, new future.
Though great suffering is woven into the fabric of this city,
大きな傷跡は市内のあちこちに 今も残されていますが
its light of creativity, tolerance,
この街の創造性 忍耐
and forgiveness is leading the rest of the world on a pathway to peace.
そして寛容さは 世界の国々が平和へと進む道を導いています