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  • I appreciate it.

  • I thank you so much.

  • I feel the same way about you.

  • Have a seat if you'd like to.

  • I don't care.

  • You can stand.

  • I'm going to sit down in a minute.

  • I would like to sit down right now.

  • I am so sore.

  • I was on my Peloton this morning.

  • Do you know-- you know what a Peloton is?

  • Whoo!

  • It's a bicycle slash torture device.

  • I use it every night because it's a great place

  • to hang your clothes.

  • And-- no, I do.

  • I love the Peloton bike.

  • I really do.

  • I'm on it every single morning.

  • That's why I have this caboose that just won't quit.

  • I love it.

  • It is the best invention since the Cadillac Margarita.

  • And here's how it works.

  • There's a screen on it.

  • Does anyone have a Peloton bike?

  • Whoo!

  • Yeah, all right.

  • It's a cool thing.

  • There's a screen on it so you can take classes

  • led by real instructors.

  • There are options for live classes, pre-recorded classes.

  • You can take classes through--

  • you can go through scenic routes, like Italy and Spain.

  • You know how exercise usually, when you do something

  • and you get used to it, it gets easier and easier

  • the more you do it?

  • Not this.

  • No, it gets harder and harder.

  • That's what she said.

  • No.

  • Literally.

  • No.

  • That's what the instructor said.

  • Literally, she said, "It gets harder and harder."

  • My favorite instructor right now is a woman named Emma Lovewell.

  • And it sounds like a fake stripper name.

  • But that's her real name.

  • She told me she's working her way through college

  • and she's a single mother.

  • And I think she really likes me.

  • My second-favorite instructor is Dirk Diggler.

  • Seriously, Emma is--

  • I don't know if you know Emma Lovewell.

  • But she is unbelievable.

  • She is in such great shape.

  • And her abs are incredible.

  • And you know, you're working so hard in the class

  • and you're watching her and you're like,

  • my abs look just like that.

  • And you're pedaling.

  • And then you get off the bike and you look in the mirror

  • and you're like, my abs don't look anything like that.

  • You think your abs should look the same because you're doing

  • the same thing that she is.

  • But apparently, Emma's doing it a lot better and faster, harder

  • and faster.

  • And that's what she said, too.

  • There are different instructors for different personality

  • types.

  • They motivate you in different ways.

  • My producer, Mary, has an instructor that she likes,

  • Robin.

  • And-- because Robin calls everyone queen,

  • and Mary likes to be called queen.

  • And then Ed, my producer, who is in the booth--

  • you rarely see him--

  • he has a Peloton.

  • And he likes to compete, because there's

  • a leaderboard on the side.

  • And you can see where you are with all the others.

  • And he's consistently in at 803.

  • And yet he pedals and pedals.

  • The whole reason I'm bringing this up

  • is because I think the more that I talk about it,

  • then the more I have to keep doing it, you know?

  • That's why I talk about tequila the way I do.

I appreciate it.


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A2 初級

Ellen Loves Her Peloton (Ellen Loves Her Peloton)

  • 15 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日