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Yo, What's up, ladies and gentlemen, it's your boy.
And welcome back to another video.
Now, I probably look like I'm happy right now, but the truth is, I'm not.
Because today I'm doing one of the most ridiculous challenges I could possibly think of and that is attempting to eat nothing besides foods I find in vending machines for the entire day.
Now, obviously, this is going to be miserable because pretty much all you finding vending machines is like chips.
Can the the occasional apple and nothing else with nutritional value.
Now, since this is obviously going to be such a huge challenge, I need an accomplice who's going to help keep me on the straight and narrow.
So we got to go get my accomplice to make sure that I stay on track.
So let's go way e.
How's your trip to Jamaica?
Ah, very what?
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
So now I have my accomplice dust, and I need you to keep me on the straight and narrow today.
I'm good at that, too.
What level am I loud like if you all of a sudden you're like, Yeah, I'm just gonna go eat this apple, not from a vending machine that has to come out of a vending machine over If you I know you're gonna Maybe in a couple hours from now, we're gonna start to deviate from that a little bit.
And can I just slap me on the wrist?
As soon as I reach for whatever else he slapped me on this.
You can't let me do it.
And it would be cool if you join me.
Because then then I get to, like, a mantra.
No, no, but it would be a team that will tell you what, depending on what the vending machine has.
I will try it.
But you're still I also haven't eaten lunch it.
And we may need to stop for me so we can get your food, and then we'll go to my place, get our food.
We have a nice little meal together.
All right.
You're an asshole, But okay, fair enough.
I'm starving.
Dust and starving, and apparently we have to actually go somewhere for him as well.
But first we gotta go find a vending machine and see what we have in it for my first meal of the day.
My guys who were at our first stop, which is Walmart.
I'm pretty sure there's a couple of vending machines in the front.
I'm really hoping it's like a legit vending machine with least like a bag of chips, cause I'm literally starving right now, so let's go check it out.
I mean, do you want some gum balls or can you got fidget?
Spinners so stressed.
Tracked yourself away from the hunger.
This is all they have.
25 cent coins.
I don't even have 26.
I only have this this council of any machine.
I don't know about that, but it's a dollar.
I distract myself that that works.
That works.
All right, guys, obviously we're going for I don't know.
Yes, you do it.
So I press it and then press it again.
You're an idiot.
How was I supposed to go up?
I pressed it to go up.
No, Hero number two returning.
You fold it.
Oh, my God.
Okay, I figured it.
I figured it out this time slash.
So close, you guys.
First location was an absolute flop.
The only thing that had was trash little 25 cent gummies and I don't even have quarters on me to try called trash.
It's fine.
They're trash.
Especially when you're as hungry as I am.
I need at least a bag of chips.
Family needs some carbs in, like, almost 2:30 p.m. I haven't eaten anything all day because one we didn't start filming this into, like, 1 30 They need anything before that.
And now we're doing the vending machine thing.
I can't find anything, but we're gonna go check out the cinema's nearby, and hopefully, hopefully they have something they don't have in their world.
Well, I Yeah, because I'm getting to have him.
There are scratch.
All right.
Son of a vending machines.
I got the cinema right now, more of the same way over here.
Little game, arcade area.
And there might be something in there that literally hold food here.
Food all around me smooth.
This would be a vibe.
I actually kind of down to play the game booth.
Still no food program.
Rub, rub, rub.
Ice cream, vending machine.
How does this even work?
Look at all the flavor it like.
It's a refrigerator or a freezer.
It's sections a little, and then it gets you on.
Thank God you're here because I wouldn't have even known this kind of catching my attention.
That's creamy orange.
Creavy orange.
Don't you like orange?
Sherbert wants?
Yeah, but not as much of that.
Like cookie dough or Oreo cookies and cream or like something else.
I mean, it's whatever you want to.
Yeah, I'm eating good food so I might get it.
I'm getting I gotta stock up.
Oh, it's working.
Elon musk.
Make an ice cream machine.
Like what is going on?
The way things is like liquid nitrogen ice cream.
We did back.
It's exactly Hey, this is delicious.
I'm gonna eat the rest of it, but we need something else.
Wait, let's go to the car.
All right, well, that was that was fun and all but Shawn's moderately are at least temporarily satisfied with his food.
And I'm still sitting here hungry.
So do you want to explain to them where we're going?
We're going to get me food because I'm hungry and old against Big Chunk right here.
That's mine already.
Don't have a lot of food.
You stop stealing mine.
We're going to get you find we're going.
We're going to get me my food number on a hunt for better.
Really cool hunt for better Vang machines.
She's real food, not ice cream.
A few moments later, this guy of all places, he decides to my favorite spot in the world and get my favorite food in the world short on.
This is this is what I'm talking different doubts.
Now sit here and you put it in my face.
I'm just gonna sit here and watch you eat this.
They're bringing What?
Just give me a piece.
Just give me a piece.
A piece?
I'm here because I'm the enforcer.
It was fun and all but one.
I hate you.
And two, I need some real food, not just ice cream.
Go take a piss.
Why are you pulling up to the bathroom?
I could use a McDonald's.
You think that's a little bit right back?
Just relax all the five minutes.
All right?
Being totally 100% honest with you guys, I don't trust Sean in anyway.
So three minutes, You know, it kind of seems like a lot just to goto testicle for a piss.
Let's go check on him.
Uh, Shawn?
Okay, I guess is actually in the bathroom.
Yeah, Sean shot, right?
No, you're e bro.
I'm so disappointed.
I'm actually disappointed.
Like an hour is.
What if I give you something?
I'm taking the Sunday Regardless.
I'm so long.
Oh, they didn't bite it.
I need it.
We're still doing the child called when I was in the car before.
I was like, You know what?
I don't trust him.
Three minutes is enough time.
Like watch.
He's gonna be a line, then.
You weren't lying.
I was like, I gave you The benefit of the doubt is like, You know what?
He's not lying.
He's actually in the bathroom that I walk in here.
Sean, I I had to check on, you know, you weren't responding to me.
I see McDonald's banging the ground McDonald's bag on the ground.
I didn't eat it, though.
You You did your job.
That's what happened.
You did your job.
I did my job.
So we're still good to go.
And I still haven't eaten anything besides different dots.
Ice cream.
Which means we still need to go find ourselves a goddamn vending machine with something into get This should be have to be a 25 hour challenge.
I e I saw there was a tooth mark.
You didn't chew it.
Your tooth type of none went in my body.
Yeah, yeah.
Forget big.
We're I guess we're now that there's actually a library right there.
So I'm going to be pretty quiet.
But I think the way you know what they don't have in their, you know, they don't have in their McDonald's.
Shame on you again, but let's move on.
Let's move on.
It's okay.
We're moving on.
We got chips without chocolates.
I needed this.
After everything we've been through today, I needed this.
Let's go, Ginger.
Not my first choice, but it's all right, Actually loved you.
Drove up tendrils.
I got my drink.
The Welsh is fruits.
I know, I know.
It's probably my number one there.
Buck is trash.
Oh, no.
You didn't ate your fiber one yourself, huh?
Just get everything.
Just use all my money.
We we we chill.
Chill, chill, chill show.
You can't get everything at one vending machine.
Let's go to a different vending machine.
They want to see the variety.
You know you want variety in your life.
You don't want your chips and whatever.
Hopefully we can stay on a roll with good vending machines because this is the first time we've actually found something that is legit.
I think I'm gonna be able to not have a relapse and back in a McDonald's bathroom.
So let's go do kill you.
Way found the jackpot semi jackpot to see a lot of out of orders, but I see that a.
Border agents were in the Carleton University sports facility, which makes sense.
They have a kind of stuff that isn't just like candy, and they even have long ruled.
A Vitaminwater is out of order, but their protein shakes.
I'm not saying I didn't work out chocolate vanilla banana for sure.
When it comes to protein shakes, you always go chocolate cold.
It's cold, freezing cold.
This is like honestly, just took off.
The entire label like this is so delicious.
I feel like I need to buy like, eight of these, and I'm good for the rest of it.
Or you can get some flak sees or some awakened of ours are right You're right.
I mean, the flak scenes, but energy mix.
What does next has a queen slot, but it has a coin slot.
That's all right.
We'll credit card thing on top.
Campus cart.
Nothing you legit can buy Anything is a campus card.
Yeah, I'm loading up on the protein shakes because I don't need another one.
Yeah, Nose back, us.
Stay flavored.
You're absolutely right.
If this isn't a success, I don't know what it is.
Let's head back to All right, guys.
So we found the jackpot here at Carlton.
Honestly, I'm pretty good to go.
Like I've got two of these protein shakes.
I still have a bunch of my attention.
I have to survive the rest of it, bro.
Bro, I have to see her the rest of day.
You can eat anything you want.
I hope.
I really hope you don't end up liking Havana so I can have it.
Well, I'll give it to you in that case, but that means we're also gonna have to go two more stops.
Because what I was going to tell you guys is I think I'm pretty much good to go.
I got my dinner right here.
It's getting dark outside right now, as you guys might be able to tell.
So all that I have left to eat is like a late night snack.
So I think I'm gonna head back to those hang out for a little bit, Probably police in for tonight.
And then I'll see you guys later on.
If I get hungry.
And if not, then I'll just go to bed and call it a day.
This was a big success.
All right, Family back at the house.
Now, take a little nap when I got home.
I've been trying not to eat because all I have left is this And I really don't want to leave the house again if I don't have to, But it's I'm feeling the hunger, and I'm about to start a live stream, which means I'm gonna be playing for, like, at least three hours.
So I'm hoping that this is delicious so I can just drink this whole thing and then hopefully be good to go.
But I haven't tried it yet.
I just popped it open.
It smells so banana and honestly, I like bananas.
But when it comes to drinks.
Like I think Dustin might have played me.
But here goes nothing.
Ladies and gentlemen, the bottoms up.
See if this is any good.
Thus, head.
You played me, bro.
Oh, my, This is actually disgusting.
All right, I'm gonna go see if Bond goes down to, like, I think he's hungry.
So maybe he'll be down to drive me to one of the vending machine spots, and then he can go get food or something.
I need something.
I need one more thing to get me through this night.
All right, guys, I didn't wanna have to do it, but I was so hungry.
I needed to leave the house.
We're back at the community center.
I'm trying to get some late nights next.
Honestly, Thought it was gonna be close to so thank God.
Library's closed with the rest of community center.
Still open vending machines.
Please don't be out of order.
Oh, my God.
I have $3.50 left with means I can get a bag of chips and the chocolate bar.
So this is going to get me through.
The rest of it has to because honestly, in another hour, every single place.
I have vending machines that I know of is gonna be close, so I'll be over by then.
I can only get $2.25 of $3 and 50 cents in here to the other two weren't.
Won't go in like it won't pick them up for some reason.
You look watch.
No, loony, ma'am, I'm stressed, All right.
I guess it's just a bag of chips, and that's it.
Just gonna hold myself off with the nice bagel chips.
I can't wait for this day to be over Thistle like a left.
This is all I got left Slow Bongo drove me to go get this.
And then he was like, I'm gonna go get food.
And I was like, Okay.
Sounds good.
Guess where he brought me again.
I'm hungry.
I can't do it.
We're back.
We're back.
Palace again.
Watch someone eat.
Pilots stuck.
Wait for the state of you.
The house now.
But the watching Netflix.
I'm actually starving.
This is all I have.
This is it.
Just this little bag of all dressed chips.
So I'm gonna work this, brush my teeth and just try and sleep so I can start off tomorrow and actually eat some real food group.
Oh my God, is this so good?
But there's only like, there's not enough chips in here to sustain my life, but I really have a choice in the matter.
I'm I'm committing to finishing this challenge.
At this point, I almost failed, but it's safe to say your boy's gonna make it through the night.
I just got this Vega chips and then I'm literally going straight to bed.
It's probably gonna be a struggle.
Fall asleep because I'm gonna have tummy aches, but it is what it is.
I'll fall asleep eventually.
I'm mad, exhausted because I have been eating terribly all day long.
This challenge was pretty miserable.
But if you guys want to see me, continue this and do another thing where I try and only eat something weird or random like vending machine foods for an entire day, be sure distracted comes up on.
And be sure to let me know Any ideas you guys have in the comment section down below huge shadow to dust and for helping me out with today's video also leave a link to his channel down below as well as always.
Thank you guys.
So much for watching.
And I will catch you next time totals.