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  • Hey, what's going on, guys?

  • John here at detail king dot com.

  • And today I want to show you our big wife's thes wipes.

  • Are are heavy duty industrial textured, scrubbing, wife's.

  • They're perfect whenever you finish up a job and your hands are filthy dirty, and there's no sink around for you to wash them.

  • 80 of these come in one container, and there's some of the most strongest, adorable wipes on the market.

  • They have a double sided, abrasive fabric to help scrub off any of that grime, grease or even paint that may be left on your hands.

  • Most importantly, big wipes are dermatologist proven to be safer hands, making there no need for any special barrier creams or moisturizers, and it eliminates any dried or irritated skin.

  • So for more information on this product or other auto detailing products, visit us right here at detail.

  • King dot com.

  • We have everything you need to keep your car clean like a detail king.

Hey, what's going on, guys?


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B2 中上級

ビッグワイプ - ハンドワイプ (Big Wipes - Hand Wipes)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日