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  • Hi, It's Carol, the conscious queen.

  • And if you're Canadian, you might know what this is.

  • This is roll up the room to win.

  • You know, I can't do the her and, um, I want to talk about with the West.

  • Best way to find out if you won.

  • Now, last year I blogged about the YouTubers who would buy 100 cops or 250 cups or 1000 cops, its role hoping up they were gonna win something I'm like, Oh, my God.

  • So I have a couple cups today and I'm gonna show you This is something that I got years ago.

  • It was originally a Christmas stocking gift is a rim roller.

  • It was found at Lea Valley tools, and I used to carry to my key chain all year long, even though his promotional last, like, two weeks, three weeks.

  • And then one day my girlfriend said to me, Hey, where's your room?

  • Roller?

  • I don't even notice it full enough at some point, because I never used it only during the promotion.

  • And then a couple of years ago, I found it staples again.

  • These are amazing.

  • Um, somebody invented this because it's so hard so I'm gonna show you the two ways.

  • The easiest way because most people get the cup.

  • But it's still round, okay?

  • And the you you roll right here.

  • You can tell because that's where the arrow is and you roll and it's it's really hard to push this up.

  • Hi, Elizabeth.

  • So it's really hard to push up.

  • And then some people just take their teeth and they they scrape their teams.

  • Oh my God!

  • After all the money my parents spent on my braces, if I wreck, my teeth would have a fit.

  • So this fellow invented this room roller.

  • It's really cool because of what you do is you just I don't know if you can see this.

  • Let me see what I put the camera.

  • It's so the design is is this shape.

  • It's curved, like the cup.

  • It's got like a little It's two pieces and you just push it down onto the rim.

  • And then what?

  • You d'oh!

  • I'll see my put it this way.

  • You just pull and you see how it brought up the the rim right there.

  • And sadly, you can see the words play again.

  • Didn't win.

  • Well, now, if you don't have a rim roller.

  • I sent Thea.

  • Yeah, I love this too.

  • It's so fun is to splatter on the cup.

  • You make a flat, flat flat and then you take your thumbs.

  • This is an awkward demo and you roll like that.

  • You see how quickly that came up?

  • And it also says, Play em.

  • But I don't like this thing is opened.

  • I at least want a doughnut.

  • Uh, anyway, I just wanted to do a quick little video to show you guys two of the best ways to participate in Roll Up the rim to win.

  • I'll throw this in my block after with the links to all the other interesting Tim Hortons role at the rim of Blog's and videos I have done in the past Bye for now.

Hi, It's Carol, the conscious queen.


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A2 初級

リムをロールアップする方法 (How to Roll Up The Rim)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日