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  • DAVID CULVER: Behind the police tape,

  • this normally crowded market in the central Chinese city

  • of Wuhan sits eerily desolate.

  • This is ground zero for the illness sparking global unease.

  • So this is where authorities believe the source

  • of the coronavirus is.

  • It's the wildlife and seafood market.

  • And you can perhaps actually over there it's cordoned off.

  • You've got police at all the corners.

  • It is so sensitive that within minutes

  • of us arriving and recording, security

  • asked us to stop filming.

  • There is an uneasiness felt throughout Wuhan.

  • We experienced that as soon as we

  • boarded the train from Beijing.

  • Each car nearly full.

  • Most faces covered.

  • Just about everyone traveling home for the Lunar New Year.

  • Strict screening upon arrival.

  • One by one, passenger step through a thermometer

  • check to make sure they are not bringing a fever with them.

  • Scenes like this playing out in transportation

  • hubs across China.

  • LI BIN: [speaking chinese]

  • INTERPRETER: The virus was being spread mainly

  • through respiratory transmission and is

  • likely to mutate, which will increase the risk

  • of epidemics spreading.

  • In addition, the spring-festival travel rush

  • saw a mass migration of people, and that has objectively

  • increased the risk of epidemics spreading

  • and the difficulties in taking effective preventative

  • and control measures.

  • We should always be on high alert

  • and never take this lightly.

  • DAVID CULVER: Behind me, this is one of a few hospitals here

  • in the region that's dedicated to treating some of those who

  • are either confirmed cases or suspected

  • cases of the coronavirus.

  • Out front you've got a few staff members who we

  • notice are all wearing masks.

  • Some of them are even wearing protective gloves just

  • to prevent any potential exposure.

  • It's brought the normally festive holiday mood in Wuhan

  • to a halt, and it's cut down this vendor's business.

  • XIAO CHUAN'AN: [speaking chinese]

  • INTERPRETER: This year, the pneumonia situation

  • is getting serious, so there are not so many people

  • coming here to buy goods.

  • DAVID CULVER: She's from a city that's about

  • two hours' drive from Wuhan.

  • She's got her mask nearby, and she admits she's worried,

  • and so too is her daughter and other relatives.

  • XIAO CHUAN'AN: [speaking chinese]

  • INTERPRETER: They were asking me to go back home,

  • but I can't leave with all my inventory here.

  • I've already bought these goods.

  • I have no choice, and I have to stay here

  • and resign myself to my fate.

  • DAVID CULVER: Other vendors more hopeful.

  • This woman telling me she does not

  • feel the need to wear a mask.

  • YAN WEIXI: [speaking chinese]

  • INTERPRETER: Maybe I am having a positive outlook.

  • I have been checking online instructions on Baidu,

  • like drinking more water or washing

  • your hands more frequently.

  • I think that should be fine.

  • DAVID CULVER: The unknowns looming over a city

  • with a rising death toll.

  • Unclear what's next for Wuhan and the 11 million

  • people who call it home.

  • David Culver, CNN, Wuhan, China.

DAVID CULVER: Behind the police tape,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

中国は症状が出る前にコロナウイルスが拡散する可能性があると述べており、米国の封じ込めに疑問を呈している。 (China says coronavirus can spread before symptoms show -- calling into question US containment)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日