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  • - All right Kerri, thank you.

  • Well, it's been all over the news,

  • a new virus from China was discovered in the United States

  • and it's called the coronavirus.

  • - What is it and are you or your kids in danger

  • of getting it?

  • Matt Stewart is live at Research Medical Center

  • with an infectious disease expert to talk about it.

  • - Good morning.

  • Yeah, you know a lot of concern out there about

  • this new virus from Wuhan, China.

  • We just had a case here in the U.S. up in Washington State

  • so a lot of you are wondering what is it,

  • so let's go to the expert, right?

  • We have Doctor Joel McKinsey he

  • is an infectious disease specialist

  • at Research Medical Center.

  • First of all, it's kind of wrong

  • to call it the coronavirus, right?

  • - Well, it is a coronavirus.

  • There are several coronaviruses in

  • that family of respiratory illnesses

  • that circulate in humans.

  • This is a new, or novel coronavirus.

  • - And it doesn't have a name yet

  • so that's why everyone's calling it coronavirus.

  • - Correct.

  • And that is the family.

  • It is in a family of coronaviruses.

  • - Okay, so how did this virus become?

  • - So, it's thought that this virus emerged

  • from the animal population.

  • So, in humans there are several coronaviruses

  • that circulate all the time.

  • In animals, there are even more coronaviruses

  • that don't typically affect humans

  • but it's thought that this one mutated in a way

  • that allowed it to infect humans in Wuhan.

  • And there's the concern that it may be spreading

  • from person to person, and that's the big concern.

  • - What's the severity?

  • I mean, I know we don't have a lot of information

  • but from what you've heard,

  • what's the severity of this virus?

  • How concerned should we be?

  • - So, there's very limited information currently.

  • I've heard that there have been reported 600 cases

  • and 17 deaths in China.

  • Most of the deaths as far as we know have occurred

  • in people with underlying medical problems,

  • but we just don't know yet how severe this will be.

  • - And symptom wise it's kind of like the common cold?

  • - So most coronaviruses cause a relatively mild illness

  • which is just like the common cold

  • with fever, runny nose, and cough.

  • Some new coronaviruses can cause more severe illness

  • that can lead to respiratory failure.

  • - Okay, so obviously as Doctor McKinsey's telling us,

  • still learning a lot about what's going on

  • with this new virus out of Wuhan, China.

  • But obviously the CDC is on top of it.

  • They're learning as much as they can

  • and hopefully we as journalists will continue

  • to share that information as it becomes available.

  • But no cases here in the Kansas City area?

  • - None yet.

  • - So, right now hopefully we don't have to worry about it.

  • Matt Stewart, Fox4 News.

  • - Yeah, they are taking every precaution over

  • in China, Matt.

  • You probably read this,

  • in Wuhan, China they basically quarantined the city,

  • and that's a city of 11 million people.

  • - Yeah, it's a lot of people.

  • They can't even take public transportation there.

  • - I know, really trying to keep it contained.

  • - Yeah, all right.

  • Thanks Matt.

- All right Kerri, thank you.


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