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  • six.

  • Bc natives It's a predator's lineup.

  • It's the most is outside.

  • You saw Sutter going to the dressing room.

  • He's gonna get checked out.

  • Medical Center passed their love kind of shot it back towards the golden Renee coming across.

  • Got over the right.

  • Ben Burke.

  • She set up in front, denied by running back in his own zone.

  • Steal stuff by Josh.

  • Leave.

  • Oh, stealing!

  • Thank you.

  • There's John.

  • I know that.

  • Force the puck over the line.

  • Yosi shoots it right back out our bits and giving chase antlers able to get there first, please, for Adam.

  • Got it.

  • 40 seconds to go in the Bank of power.

  • Pearson.

  • Nice move.

  • Pearson in with a shot.

  • Pearson.

  • Just nice little move at the blue line and you could be ready.

  • Look skyward Yard crook leave for our bits.

  • And Victor Robertson with a blast.

  • Blockers say for Temuco.

  • Tanner Pearson, back from stuff by 10 and reaching that.

  • Couldn't make contact with the rebound.

  • Victor are used.

  • Go down there to pop in the loose puck and the Predators have tied the game and won.

  • Steered to the corner and it goes right.

  • We aren't nice job by the shame, just snaps it low and you could see Yard Crow comes in great control to start.

  • I never got a shot.

  • Pedersen steals shoot.

  • You talked about that whole earlier, John.

  • How him knocking this one down?

  • Look at the shot.

  • The puck is just almost standing on end and it's off the water bottle connects two for two on the power play.

  • Hampton after the road gets it, rips it wide of the goal at home of the left point.

  • He puts one in front to predators.

  • Were there Forsberg and Mikhail, Grandma and the puck deflected in past Thatcher DeMarco reach for Oh, hi, Reached for I think it's grand line that pulls it back the other way.

  • Spend back to Alexandria.

  • Josh Levi.

  • Here's the second group bare teeth dance.

  • And here's the shot.

  • Josh Legal.

  • Just shoot him.

  • There's another shot goes wide.

  • Pan appeared on a truck to take a look at some of his actions.

  • Was that doesn't look like Brock.

  • Pestering with stores from the face of evil.

  • Does a nice job gains the line shot malls right to Elia's.

  • Pettersson, who naturally is ready to shoot on Miller, is paired up front with Tim Shower, Jo Hanson, Yosi to the side.

  • Forsberg scores second of the period post an end and a power play goal for Forsberg has national back within one problem for the goaltender.

  • You're going left to right.

  • Forsberg has it.

  • Predators here.

  • Is that your chemical?

  • He's LAPD now.

  • He's gotta go right on.

  • Filip Forsberg.

  • Are bits back up the forest for years.

  • Alice.

  • One time I kicked out bythe, and there's Tanner Pearson shooting into the empty den.

  • Not if you didn't deserve one on Gordie Howe's last time runs up the number you called Pearson second of the game, another winner.



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NHLハイライト|プレデターズ対カナックス 11月12日2019 (NHL Highlights | Predators vs Canucks – Nov. 12. 2019)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日