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  • Hi there, everybody.

  • My name is Richard McMann from the Career Guidance company.

  • How to become dot com And in this video, I'm gonna give you 12 sample I Q and aptitude test questions to work through.

  • So very, very warm.

  • Welcome from me.

  • That's me.

  • There on the right.

  • Inside.

  • My name is Richard.

  • What?

  • When I founded the career guidance company how to become dot com And like a say in this video, I'm gonna work through 12 practice.

  • I like you and aptitude test questions for you.

  • These are great for people who want to prepare for a psychometric or aptitude test.

  • Or if you just want to try it for a bit of fun as well.

  • Just see how you perform then.

  • That is great.

  • Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel.

  • I would really appreciate that.

  • Click the red link below the video and also get the video of thumbs up.

  • If you do like it, that will motivate me to do some more.

  • I really appreciate that.

  • So subscribe on like the video.

  • I would be very grateful for that.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, let's get straight into it.

  • Question number one.

  • Which way would you turn the bolt in order to tighten it?

  • Okay, so this is like a type of mechanical comprehension test.

  • Which way would you turn the bolt in order to tighten it.

  • So we need to know which is the bolt on, which is that not?

  • Well, that is none up there.

  • And that is the bolt.

  • So therefore, which way do we turn the bolt in order to tighten.

  • It is a A or is it B?

  • And the correct answer is Of course, a Okay, question number two.

  • I'm gonna get you guys to have a go at this for me.

  • Question is, which direction is the truck moving Now?

  • If the truck is stationary, select.

  • See, for your answer.

  • Now you'll notice in the middle of a truck, there is like a weight which is attached thio a line or a piece of string.

  • And that is your clue.

  • So please put your answer in the comments section below the video.

  • Say question to his answer.

  • A B or C.

  • No, you got 12 seconds to answer this question and the timers on the right inside.

  • So which direction is a truck moving A B or If it's stationary, I eat still.

  • Select.

  • See?

  • Okay, so put your answer to question two.

  • In the comments section below Question number three This is a great fun question.

  • The clock below reads three PM say so.

  • It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

  • How many degrees will a small hand, which is the hour that one there have turned when the time reaches 4 p.m. Okay, so basically, it's got to go around one full turn that the small a small hand.

  • Not that not the large one.

  • So is it a 4320 degrees, 360 degrees, 180 degrees, 30 degrees or 270?

  • So how do we work this out?

  • Well, there are 360 degrees in a full turn.

  • And then what would have to do is divide 360 d block divided by the 12 hours because he's 12 hours in toll, so 360 degrees in a full turn divided by 12 equals 30.

  • Therefore one hour from 3 to 4 pm that would be a 30 degree turn.

  • Therefore, the correct answer to question three is deep.

  • Okay, I'd like you to have got this one now so we've got the timer again in the right inside.

  • Don't forget to put your answer in the comments section below.

  • Say question for this is my answer.

  • The clock below reads three PM How many degrees will a small hand of turned when the time gets toe?

  • 8 p.m. Is it a 210 degrees B, 6 40 degrees C.

  • 1270 degrees di 150 or E 270 degrees.

  • You got 12 seconds toe.

  • Answer that question, please.

  • And if you are struggling with the time, if you need more, please do pause it.

  • Pause the video on work for the questions.

  • It's important to get it correct.

  • So put your answer to question for the comments section below question Number five.

  • Which of the following words is used to describe something that is closely associated with or suggestive off something?

  • Okay, so this is kind of I Q.

  • An aptitude test verbal reasoning test.

  • You get the question.

  • Which of the following words is used to describe something that is closely associated with or suggestive off something?

  • Is a unrelated ble, bee associative, cease anonymous or D relinquish a ball on the correct answer is C synonymous.

  • So that means some anonymous is describing something that is closely associating with more suggestive off something.

  • Okay, Your turn, please.

  • Again, put your answer to this question.

  • Number six.

  • In the comments section below which of the following words used to describe something that is equivalent in seriousness do, or virtually the same as it is a punishable.

  • Be penetrative, see, relinquish herbal or D tantamount.

  • So which of the following words used to describe something that is equivalent in seriousness to or virtually the same as?

  • Please put your answer A, B, C or D in the comments section below, and you have 12 seconds to work through it.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay, Thank you.

  • Question number seven.

  • Which four of the eight letter bits could be combined to create a word to describe accepting something reluctantly but without protest.

  • So you've got these eight letter bits here.

  • You've got Q u I c e p T a double C A c A r NGO.

  • Yes.

  • So you've got eight letter bits and you have to choose four of them.

  • Put them together in any order to come up with a word that describes that accepting something reluctantly but without protest on the correct answer is acquiesce.

  • Okay, so quite a difficult one that the correct answer is acquiesce.

  • So let's give you a go.

  • A question Number eight.

  • Same kind of question.

  • You have to work out what the answer is.

  • So which three?

  • Not four.

  • But which three of the eight letter bits below can be combined to create a word to describe putting off or postponing a resolution A ll sentence.

  • So P O S a D J t P O R N m e N d i n n e o Use You have to choose three of those putting together in any order to come up with your answer for describing something that puts off or postpones.

  • You got 12 seconds.

  • Please put your answer to question eight in the comments section below the video on our market for you.

  • Thank you.

  • Okay.

  • Question number nine.

  • Here's a good one.

  • A bit of fun.

  • Start in one of the corners so we can stop top left, top right, Bottom right.

  • Bottom left.

  • A move anti clockwise that way.

  • So anti clockwise is not the way a quote would go.

  • It's the other way around the square finishing in the centre to create a nine letter words.

  • We have to finish with Bess.

  • So the correct answer without you.

  • Look at it.

  • What?

  • A nine letter word.

  • You've gotta find three of the eight letters I put see their f there.

  • And they're the correct answer is cufflinks.

  • Okay, so you have to start in the one of the corners and finish in the middle.

  • So have a guard.

  • This question on the 10.

  • Your your turn.

  • Please put your answer to this question.

  • Number 10 in the comments section below for market starts at one of the corners and move anti clockwise around the square, finishing in the centre to create a nine letter word.

  • Okay, so you got to choose or find three of them.

  • So start in either of the corners, you're gonna move anti clockwise and finishing the middle.

  • So the word's gonna finish with a What is the answer?

  • You got 12 seconds.

  • Please follow that.

  • And then put it in the the comments section below for marking.

  • Thank you.

  • So don't forget to start one of the corners and move anti clockwise like safe.

  • I need to pause the video.

  • Please do.

  • If I'm irritating, you were talking over the top.

  • Please say so.

  • Question number 11.

  • Join all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters to make the following shape.

  • So you've got three options here.

  • You've got these shapes and we have to join them together with the corresponding lettuces that has to be put, their access to be put there.

  • And we have to visualize the shaping our head and were given these auctions A, B, C or D.

  • So what you do in your mind in your head is that you look at X and you join next there together, so this one would have to be sort of turned upside down.

  • And then we have to add said on the top of their and visualize that shape and choose it from a, B, C or D and the correct answer.

  • Of course, the only one is D.

  • That's the correct answer.

  • Question 11.

  • So question number 12 and I want for you to try.

  • Do join all of these shapes together in the middle with the corresponding letters to make which one of the following shaped is a, B, C, D or E.

  • None of these.

  • So if it's none of a B, C or D, select E for your answer.

  • So you got 12 seconds quite tough when you might need to pause this 12 seconds to come up with the right answer.

  • Please put your answer in the comments section below.

  • You got 12 seconds, so that's obviously quite a tough one.

  • Okay, so that's 12 questions I really hope you enjoyed.

  • Those are love doing these for you.

  • If you'd like some or free test questions, just click the link.

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  • Sorry click.

  • Click the link below the video and go fruit to the website.

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  • It says I Q and Aptitude test stock.

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