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  • Hi.

  • It's the role of the rheumatic.

  • I was just in, like, 10 minutes ago.

  • Can I get another 36?

  • Sweet necklace.

  • Sweet jacket, bro.

  • What's going on, guys?

  • Hopefully you guys are doing well.

  • That's right.

  • I'm going to do 100 cups of Tim Hortons coffee once again Rob the rib styles Two years ago, I did this video years ago.

  • Really tired.

  • Another coffee.

  • How many cups left?

  • You win some, you lose.

  • Some lots of people have done it.

  • And I just figured it was just time, you know, dropping by Saudi.

  • That's what brought the rib.

  • Gotta do it.

  • I'm inviting my buddy Jamie for this one.

  • He's actually been posting that he has not won.

  • Actually, once I think he's World 12 or 14 times already, and I figured he'd have a lot of fun growing a couple ribs.

  • Bringing him in for this video game is actually helping me out with proxies YouTube channel.

  • You guys haven't subscribed to that Scott Crock.

  • So is the 15 4018 world champion of Red will crash ice, a sport that I'm diving into and just trying to really dissect and really bring it to the forefront of YouTube.

  • Has a lot of people actually don't know what it is?

  • And it's really fascinating, really cool.

  • Kicking it with Craxi.

  • Go ahead and check out the link of the description and subscribe after the video.

  • Also, right before we launch into getting all those cups.

  • My previous video, I did not like what I saw.

  • I just wasn't myself so many, you know, hours of sleep, miss.

  • Just not myself.

  • S o.

  • I'm actually unlisted in that video.

  • It's hard.

  • It was kind of hard for me to watch.

  • I feel much better.

  • And I think maybe you guys even see that feel like finally, the injections that I had are there starting, Maybe Tito work and I'm getting more rest.

  • I feel like I look better.

  • I feel like I sound better.

  • I don't know.

  • I apologized for that video.

  • That's why I'm kind of removing it, because I just feel like I just wasn't myself and I'm going to improve.

  • And I really do appreciate your patience with me because I was launched five minute subscriber video and all that stuff, but it will all launch very, very soon.

  • It's not been an easy time for me whatsoever.

  • And I'm trying my very, very best to simply provide content.

  • Simply be the furious Pete that I am also, Thank you so much to everyone that supported our new release of all our necklaces.

  • Of course, supporting DC researching awareness.

  • Can't wait to hear what you guys think.

  • Let's get into it and see if we can win some prizes.

  • 262 winners in this spot alone.

  • Can I get, uh, 20 tried?

  • Look.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.

  • One copy.

  • Two copies, like Total and then everything.

  • I was doing this for 36.

  • All right, All right.

  • Around.

  • What?

  • You set it for this?

  • Two years ago.

  • I did this experiment.

  • 100 world, The room cups.

  • I don't know how many people did it afterwards.

  • Some believe and did 1000 cuts.

  • And Sarah, I don't know all the time or one of his money on 1000 cuts, but I do want to waste money on 100 cups.

  • Apparently, we're gonna tv up this staff of pups, roll up C l a ghost and then go back for more excited.

  • So I guess I'll give you 70.

  • Wow.

  • 16 off before you're, like, clearly from the same stack.

  • I don't know how they mix it up.

  • We should have a couple of winners.

  • I mean, let's hope Let's have a big Alright.

  • I started.

  • I started pretty good.

  • It's pretty good.

  • Probably again.

  • All right.

  • No.

  • No way.

  • Want a donor?

  • We got a winner.

  • Got a one winner.

  • Nine losers.

  • I want a copy.

  • He's up.

  • I got another.

  • Please play again.

  • Wow.

  • Wow.

  • Wow.

  • You break my copy here because maybe that's really getting bad idea.

  • You know how to lair so far?

  • These other terribly coffee.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, I got a man think it's 24 hour drive with a scythe.

  • Perfectly.

  • Think she's ordering 20.

  • Don't even go out there.

  • Actually do this.

  • There's probably some addicts out there, but they're more like they just get one every day.

  • Yeah, but just in general, they just get a coffee on the way.

  • The world lunch?

  • Yeah, it's the role of the rheumatic.

  • We was just in, like, 10 minutes ago.

  • Can I get another 36?

  • But no, no coffee.

  • Just cups.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, just just cuffs.

  • Large cups.

  • Uh, no coffee inside this time because I still have mine.

  • So just 36 empty cups.

  • Great.

  • Thank you so much.

  • She's like, you're just an idiot.

  • Come on through.

  • Probably like I wish I was the owner of this business because, like, I think people are buying cups.

  • I'm doing it for you guys, you know, like, just like McDonald's.

  • Like we're doing it for them, right?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, they need to know whether the odds are in their favor or not.

  • I mean, just like McDonald's.

  • You know, I let you guys know.

  • And every time, even though it looked like the odds were not in our favor, they actually are.

  • I'm hoping that, like one of these YouTubers that do like these 100 cup challenges actually win something more than a cough.

  • That's what I'm hoping for.

  • Like at least like a $25 gift.

  • I don't even know what you could win this year.

  • She's like running around trying to find probably more large.

  • We're out of large ones.

  • There you go.

  • She's tying it up nicely, too.

  • You open it in the first, you're so chill about it.

  • It's almost like We're not the first ones doing it.

  • Oh, well, that's interesting.

  • Yeah, it's, like almost expected.

  • Probably watch videos.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Rail to do the honors of looking way go.

  • Yep.

  • Nice.

  • A donor with go Who?

  • Gaze Coffee.

  • Don't be so optimistic.

  • Like this attitude.

  • J B Please play again.

  • Copy.

  • Copy is kind of exciting because you get to play again.

  • No, look, look, look.

  • What the's are all losers.

  • All of these are losers.

  • And then these are winners.

  • Other winners, what?

  • Six hours So appealing.

  • And I am into the next day to finish this video because time kind of actually just got away from us.

  • Ultimately, we should just all 100 at the same time.

  • But I wanted to just space it out and get it from one location that has always been super super busy during the day and figure out a location that super busy.

  • Maybe they would want to put a cool prize like, uh, something more than just a coffee so that I don't know.

  • You guys get what I'm getting that Let's do this.

  • No person working.

  • I don't want any poppy.

  • Just one copy of one just for me for right now.

  • And everything else was just a cover.

  • But wait, just make a call on that.

  • Like, I want to make sure it's like somebody.

  • Really?

  • All right.

  • After much confusion and whatever.

  • We got her cups, we got the rest of the I got 30.

  • Um, just 30 30 cops.

  • I feel like if I started asking for more, things would have gone crazy, but they had to call the manager.

  • I'm like, I'm getting up two cups like we're actually the people that are crazy.

  • Doing these videos are actually doing a favor for demotions and really improving their bottom line because I'm just getting empty cups.

  • Not wasting.

  • You know, coffee on milk.

  • I wasting coffee and milk.

  • Sweetener.

  • Sugar's all that good stuff.

  • Just please, no lids were saving the environment, too.

  • So the final cuts I am alone now.

  • I feel like we should bring everything a little closer.

  • I feel like that's a little bit better.

  • All right.

  • I got my copy because I wasn't just gonna pay for another 30 cuts with no cops.

  • It just doesn't feel right.

  • Let's go predicting big wins here, Please.

  • My God, Uh, no fee, Cappie.

  • Okay, we're doing pretty good this time around.

  • Please play again.

  • Please play again.

  • Be Yeah.

  • What can you when you can win, There's 40 jeeps to be 1 $105,000 prepaid gift cards $50,050 Tim cars 50,000 But 100 cups.

  • You can't give me one of those again.

  • It's like Alaska.

  • Wait there.

  • I want to go.

  • But only guys enjoyed the video.

  • That's like a little fun video again.

  • Thank you so much for all your support.

  • Thank you for your patience with the whole finally subscriber Siri's.

  • I thought I would have the energy and everything to get it all done, but it's going to be launched in March.

  • I just want to make sure it's done right.

  • Step it up, Teoh the best of my abilities and just step up.

  • Step up content on the channel as much as I possibly can fish in five subscribers, you guys deserve a really cool Siri's.

  • And hopefully I can deliver on if you guys have picked up.

  • One of the new necklace is unfortunate Met Black Weekly because I think it's already sold out.

  • But there's plenty more in stock off the other designs.

  • Go check him out.

  • Part of proceeds, of course.

  • Go to T C.

  • Researching awareness.

  • Appreciate you guys support.

  • And of course, I'll catch you guys once again in the next video.

  • We are team furious.

  • Were people l dedicated for life.

  • You stay home.



ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ティム・ホートンズカップを100個転がしてみた(そして優勝した (I Rolled 100 Tim Hortons Cups (and won))

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日