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Hello You do, Fam?
I am officially 29 years old.
This is my last year in my twenties.
It's a big deal freaking out, but kind of ready to be 30 already.
I feel like I'm wisdom that doesn't suit the twenties anymore.
This video, I decided to talk about all the things I've learned this year.
Some are good, some are bad, some are ugly.
And I'm gonna share it all with you because that's what I'm here for if you haven't yet like subscribe, oppressed Abell doing right now and let's get to the video.
So lesson number one I am a mean, lean smoothie machine.
Basically, I'm really good too, Sweetie, I'm really good with the blender there other items in the kitchen that we're not at that point in our relationship by I don't feel defeated.
I feel like with practice, I'll get there.
But smoothies.
I'm your girl.
Lesson number two.
I've learned that it's okay to cry, and probably a better way to take all of it out rather than trying to pretend you're strong and to just harbour all these emotions and sign because the day is gonna come.
The huge is gonna explode, and it's just not worth it.
So quiet Lesson number three that I've learned this year and finally started practicing is stop being so humble whose amazing you're amazing.
You're gonna have the best day ever.
There is a time and place to advocate for yourself and to kill the world.
Walk on a badass you are.
So in case you guys didn't watch that video where I'm talking a little bit more about it, you can find it here.
Lesson number four A dull King is hard Probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.
Instead of pretending I'm a superhero, I acknowledge that there are days that it sucks and annoying and frustrating.
And instead of trying to be perfect, I've come to terms with it and I just take it a day at a time.
Have multiple breakdowns a day.
And that's how I get by lesson number five.
I've learned that the way you love yourself body, mind and spirit shows to other people how to love you.
So lead by example.
Be kind to yourself.
You're getting older exfoliation, its key exfoliating by your face your mind You're surrounding the people around you maybe ask for their permission first, but to help your skin regenerate faster.
You can never have too many extra waiting tools, but don't over exfoliate Lesson number seven and learned this year is to stop torturing myself with mom guilt.
I will never be perfect.
It will never be enough.
And all I can do is love my Children as much as I can and be there for them when needed, and live my life in a happy manners so they'll have a good example to follow you don't Great Malaria Lesson number eight Awkward is my middle name, and I finally fully accepted Lesson number nine.
You are not your thoughts.
Learn to separate the real you to your emotions and thoughts that are coming through your head that may be affected by your surrounding or society or anything like it.
I talk a little bit more about it in my video.
You are not your thoughts Original title, so check it out.
Lesson Number 10 that I finally learned this year that just makes me feel more motivated and determined than ever is.
I've come to realize that no body knows what they're doing.
You know that CEO girl?
That's 24.
They just made $100 million in a company.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
That Starbucks barista that's doing your little coffee art.
He doesn't know what he's doing.
That little flower was supposed to be Castle lesson number 11.
I'm proud to announce that I am officially alive.
Packard lesson number 12.
Don't take yourself too seriously, Theo.
Have fun, would it?
Life is too short.
Lesson number 13.
You know, when you do something or about to do something and there's this, like, feeling in your stomach that's all weird And it's butterflies.
But you kind of wanna puke that, like, uncomfortable feeling Embrace it and know that when you're feeling it that means that you are on the road to grow and evolve So embrace the feeling of being uncomfortable.
Lesson number 14 Really have to say I love you more often to the people you care about in your life.
I love you.
I love you.
Yes, I'm singing.
Love you.
I love you.
I know every I love you.
I just wanted to say I love you and thank you.
I love you.
Bye bye.
Have a nice day.
I have to love you.
I love you.
Lesson number 15 Comfort over everything.
Even a really, really good care issues.
Lesson number 16 That's been a game changer for me.
You can do anything but not everything.
Learning how to delicate.
Ask for help.
It's crucial if you want to kick ass in life.
Lesson Number 17 There's a really famous quote from Alice in Wonderland that goes, I knew who I was this morning, but I changed a few times since then.
You need to accept that evolution in yourself.
Don't stop your growth.
What you talked about and what's special about yesterday may change today or tomorrow.
You might change your style and your thoughts and what you stand for and believes, and that's OK.
It's part of the process.
Lesson number 18 I have learned and accepted and announced to everyone around me that alone time and sult itude is my therapy, so I make sure to squeeze it in every week if I can.
Lesson number 19 that I've learned in my 28 year is finally the proper skin care order.
You go, Finn.
Too thick lesson number 20.
That's extremely important, Thio.
Keep in mind in our day and time is to learn when and how to disconnect.
Just getting you got a few more free lesson number 21 I finally accepted that I'm too cool for the weird kids and too weird for the cool kids Missed it for lesson number 22 Growing up, I always talked so much about all these things that I'm gonna d'oh promises that I'm gonna make and I never follow through.
So something that I've learned and know for sure is that actions are louder than words.
So do act, Step, Doc.
Dedication and work ethic is a muscle you need to practice and develop.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me Happy birthday, That area.
Hi, Beauties.
Thank you so much for watching my video because I am approaching my birthday.
I decided to challenge myself and do one of the scariest thing ever.