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  • What's up, everyone?

  • So today actually got a package for the TSX?

  • I know.

  • That's kind of a shocker.

  • I don't really do much the TSX cause, like, it is my daily, but I decided to treat it a little better.

  • Um, and I saw these on the TSX Facebook group page, and I was like, Whoa, I've never seen these before.

  • They're obviously tell lights because he clicked on title, but okay, sorry.

  • So it's the next day.

  • My battery, uh, died?

  • Yes.

  • Here's one of the tail light One of the pieces.

  • Here's the other one.

  • So it looks really cool.

  • Um, they come with the black housing and then a red housing.

  • Um, my car is black, so I thought, like I'm guessing the black would look better with it.

  • The red I don't really not a big fan, to be honest, like I'd rather just stick to the opium once and then the black housing like it's cool, but I feel like it's a little too much like aftermarket in a way, I don't know how to say it.

  • So, like, I I feel like these would only look good in like Black Chasse, ese.

  • But is the reason why I got it cause I have a black car.

  • But, I mean, anything can look good as long as someone does it right, Right.

  • But yes.

  • So here's that one side packaging was pretty decent.

  • There's the other ones, so, yeah.

  • Go toss them in the car right now.

  • See how they look.

  • Okay.

  • So from what I know is you pop the trunk to get peace out.

  • You have, like, three, um, nuts back there.

  • Um, you gotta pop this, uh, bolts or not.

  • It's a 10 million.

  • That's all I know.

  • You got to get that out.

  • And then you have, uh, another bowl right here.

  • And then you would have some share right here.

  • But I don't have these because I broke them off, and it's just sit tight.

  • So I just pop this out, and then I just do that and then my shift should come out.

  • Should be easy, but yes.

  • Oh, in case you don't know, that's so I just threw one of them on.

  • And here's how it's looking so far, it was a pain in the ass.

  • Um, those were paying the s the two nuts.

  • They're fully rusted and were rounded.

  • Um, and then the one that holds the bumper was pretty fucked to help show you guys in a second.

  • But here's the other one.

  • So you guys can kind of get a feeling off what the Midwest it's all about.

  • Um, yeah, I just sprayed some peopie plaster on them right enough, But let me show you what I did for the bumper support.

  • Ended up having to take a Dremel and just cutting it.

  • Yes, I took a dream one.

  • I just cut it like that and then took a flathead to go ahead and remove it.

  • And then what used were ah, some self tapping screws.

  • Oh, these are not self steps.

  • Well, kinda self tapping.

  • Yeah.

  • So I used himself tapping spruce, and what I used were these because those were pretty similar to the ones they had on.

  • And it's never turn by 1/2 inch.

  • Uh, some recording this just so I remember for a future.

  • Just in case.

  • Yeah, So let's go around the other one.

  • Okay, So after an hour and 1/2 later, I finally got the tail light something.

  • Um, thes top ones were easy.

  • You just pop this pant This cover down, um, and then you have one nut right there, Another one over there and then Ah, the ones like Rachel on the outside.

  • Uh, those it won't focus, but you know what I mean?

  • Uh, the only thing I didn't like is the.

  • For some reason, my harness wasn't reaching to this one.

  • So I actually had to pop this clip down so I can reach, so that kind of bothers me now I'm trying.

  • I don't know.

  • See, like, it won't be too much stress on the cable.

  • That's I don't know if it's just mine or yours.

  • I don't know, but that's the only thing that I didn't really like.

  • But, I mean, they are You bay tell, So Wow.

  • Oh, yeah, That's how it looks.

  • Let me go ahead and turn on the lights and shit.

  • So let's test out the emergency once.

  • Go.

  • So that's the emergency.

  • Or blinkers?

  • No, Let's go ahead and turn them off.

  • Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

  • I like that a lot.

  • Yeah, they look good.

  • I actually like, um, like, actually like how it looks because it's a black chassis and then the black housing doesn't look as bad.

  • I do think the all red ones would have been a little Or maybe they wouldn't look too bad on the black chassis.

  • Also, because the only M wants our free much red.

  • Um, yeah.

What's up, everyone?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

アキュラ tsx はテールライトを導きました (acura tsx led tail lights)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日