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  • Jessica's Story - A journey through life childbirth and critical care

  • Life - growing up and happy days in my life

  • Life - Holidays around the world, Florida, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Spain, Greece and France.

  • Life - Driving my big V8 in the USA, my greatest experience on big roads

  • Life - Fun days in my life playing on the kids amusements

  • Life - laughing until I cried

  • Life - my worklife and raising money for charities, my pregnant life and my first bump.

  • Life - showing off my bump to my brother Ashley, just before I gave birth.

  • Life - My baby, my little Lewin who I cared for and looked after until I was 15 days postnatal.

  • Then I felt unwell, I went to ED as I could not breath properly and had a persistent cough, I was very tired and felt I was struggling to feel normal again.

  • Life - I have no words for this period as I have no memory of any part of this.

  • I am told I had a cardiac arrest, I had phenomena, sepsis and multiple organ failure.

  • Over the coming days

  • Multiple organ failure

  • Sepsis and Dialysis

  • But Jess hung on

  • Waking up to my new Life - Where am I, who are you and where have I been?

  • Our struggles were difficult, Jessica's Mom and Dad stayed by her bedside, she was slowly waking up but was very confused.

  • First words to Mom and Dad

  • Mom "I love you with all my heart" I love you

  • Jessica says "I love you back to her Mom"

  • First Smile

  • First Drink

  • Jessica learning to speak but a little confused.

  • Jessica "So I been in hospital for 6 weeks?"

  • Jessica meeting Lewin after 4 weeks in a coma

  • Jessica receiving EEG monitoring on her brain activity

Jessica's Story - A journey through life childbirth and critical care


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ジェシカの物語-出産と集中治療室の旅 (Jessica's Story - A Journey through Childbirth and Intensive Care Unit)

  • 2 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日