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  • - 'Sup, you beautiful bastards?

  • I hope you've had a fantastic Monday.

  • Welcome back to the Philip De Franco Show, buckle up.

  • Hit that like button,

  • otherwise, it will punch you in the throat.

  • And let's just jump into it.

  • And the first thing we're gonna talk about today

  • is the story and situation around Post Malone,

  • which I feel like is bigger than the story around one man.

  • I think it's something

  • that touches on anyone in the spotlight

  • and the relationship and a sense of ownership

  • that people have, whether it be the fans

  • or the internet, in general.

  • So over the past week,

  • we've had a large number of people

  • sharing clips saying they're incredibly concerned

  • about the 24-year old's behavior.

  • This including videos of him stumbling on stage,

  • intensely rolling his eyes as he sings.

  • Right now we have a lot of fans

  • that are protective, concerned,

  • people who are still reeling

  • from the drug-related deaths

  • of people like Mac Miller and Lil Peep.

  • I've seen a number of people with these viral videos,

  • saying that Post Malone's behavior

  • signaled a potential substance abuse problem,

  • though I understand, while these theories were going viral,

  • they were blowing up, you still had

  • a number of fans arguing

  • that this is just how Post Malone performs,

  • others just feeling uneasy

  • about all of the public speculation,

  • in general, even if the intentions were good.

  • You know the push back to that

  • was it's better to be safe than sorry.

  • And as the noise around this situation

  • got louder, we saw Post Malone's father,

  • Rich Post, eventually taking to social media

  • to shut down the rumors.

  • Retweeting a video of his son playing the guitar

  • and singing, adding, "I'm getting tired of it y'all.

  • What does this video say?

  • Coherently playing the guitar while simultaneously singing?

  • Seems a lot harder than accidental slips

  • and stage theatrics."

  • And then continuing, "I don't want to come across

  • as dismissive to those of you

  • who have expressed concerns about Austin.

  • Your sincerity and kindness regarding him is certainly

  • heartwarming and appreciated."

  • We also ended up seeing Post Malone

  • himself address this during a performance

  • in Memphis, Tennessee.

  • - I'm not on drugs and I feel the best

  • I've ever fucking felt in my life.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • And that's why I can bust my ass for these shows

  • and fucking fall on the floor and do all that fun shit, man.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • But for anybody that's concerned here,

  • I appreciate the love and the support,

  • but I feel fucking fantastic and I'm not doing drugs.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - But he did also acknowledge that there was a dark time

  • in his life where he would turn to drugs

  • but once again assuring fans that he was okay now.

  • - You know, there was a time in my life,

  • a very dark time in my life where, you know,

  • I would try and, you know, find alternate escapes

  • from reality and do drugs.

  • But now I just want everybody to know in this building,

  • that I'm fucking okay and I'm the happiest

  • I've ever fucking been.

  • So thank you so much ladies and gentlemen.

  • (crowd cheering)

  • - And following that, it calmed down the worries

  • of many fans, but also even a number of people saying

  • maybe he just hasn't accepted the problem yet.

  • Once again, that's speculation, and it brings up that debate

  • of is this helpful or is actually something that's hurting?

  • Now, I don't have the answer for that.

  • But what I will say is looking at the concern

  • that there is around artists and the conversation happening

  • around it most of the time,

  • it does somewhat bring a smile to my face,

  • and it makes me feel like the conversation

  • around mental health has greatly improved

  • just over the past decade alone.

  • And obviously, I think that's somewhat connect

  • with the losses we've seen in recent years.

  • But then notoriously, people like Amy Winehouse,

  • someone who, I mean, looking back really didn't get

  • that public empathy that a lot of artists get today.

  • Someone who was very publicly spiraling

  • and instead of just an army of hands reaching out to help,

  • she was kind of villainized, right?

  • So as far as where the right middle ground is,

  • as far as public help and public reaction, I don't know.

  • But that's also kind of the beauty of the show.

  • That's the story.

  • I'm just one person, and I pass the question off to you.

  • I'd love to know your thoughts on this one.

  • And then let's talk about the news

  • and the conversation around misinformation

  • and manipulated media.

  • So last month, Twitter rolled out its policy

  • for addressing synthetic and manipulated media,

  • which said that users could not,

  • "Deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media

  • that are likely to cause harm," with Twitter also saying

  • that it would label this kind of content,

  • and that policy actually went into effect

  • last week on March 5.

  • And ultimately, that brought us to yesterday

  • where Twitter seemed to apply the manipulated media label

  • for the first time to a video

  • that was posted by Trump's social media director

  • Dan Scavino and retweeted by Trump himself.

  • And the video in question was a 13-second clip

  • of Joe Biden speaking at a campaign rally on Saturday

  • that looked like this.

  • - During this primary for my campaign

  • that's about negative attacks

  • and the one about what we're for

  • because we cannot

  • get re-elect, we cannot win this re-election,

  • excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump.

  • - So you watch that and you potentially go, did Joe Biden

  • just endorse Donald Trump?

  • What just happened?

  • Well, it turns out that that clip was actually cut

  • before Biden finished his sentence.

  • And in the original video that we found, we see him say this

  • - We can only re-elect Donald Trump, if in fact,

  • we get engaged in this circular firing squad here.

  • It's gotta be a positive campaign, so join us.

  • - And so, basically, what appears that he was saying

  • was Trump can only be re-elected if we keep infighting.

  • So, obviously, a very different situation

  • and message from the first video

  • that was edited, looking at the situation, right?

  • Twitter's first official implementation of their new policy,

  • it was met with a fair share of problem,

  • because while it has been hit

  • with a manipulated media label,

  • Twitter didn't determine the post

  • violated its guidelines until about 18 hours after.

  • And according to reports by that point,

  • it had already been viewed more than 5 million times

  • and retweeted more than 20,000.

  • Also, it appeared that

  • there were technical problems as well.

  • According to reports, it was a glitch

  • with the manipulated media label itself,

  • with the Twitter spokesperson saying

  • that the manipulated tag

  • wasn't showing in the tweet details and adding

  • that users who clicked into the tweet itself

  • may not be able to see the label,

  • but that it was visible in the timeline,

  • which I imagine is how most people see tweets.

  • Now, one of the other reasons this was

  • a big deal is not only

  • because the content was labeled,

  • but also because this possibly sets a precedent

  • that it shows that Twitter is not scared to crackdown

  • on Trump and his team.

  • And this wasn't just a tweet and a video

  • from Joe Blow, this was coming from people with connections

  • to the administration.

  • Also, Twitter is not alone here,

  • we saw Facebook respond to the video of Biden as well.

  • Facebook did not initially label

  • or do anything to the post

  • but it did prompt Biden's campaign manager

  • to blast the company in a statement last night

  • saying, "Facebook's malfeasance when it

  • comes to trafficking and blatantly false information

  • is a national crisis in this respect.

  • Facebook won't say it

  • but it is apparent to all

  • who have examined their conduct

  • and policies: they care first and foremost

  • about money, and to that end, are willing to serve

  • as one of the world's most effective mediums

  • for the spread of vile lies."

  • But then this morning, we ultimately

  • saw Facebook add a label to the video

  • marking it as partly false information.

  • The Facebook spokesperson saying,

  • "Fact checkers rated this video as partly false.

  • So we are reducing its distribution

  • and showing warning labels with more context

  • for people who see it, try to share it,

  • or already have."

  • And adding, "As we announced last year,

  • the same applies if a politician shares the video,

  • if it was otherwise fact-checked

  • when shared by others on Facebook."

  • But as far what happens from here with Facebook

  • and Twitter, even if they implement

  • this labeling system fast, right, not 18 plus hours,

  • one, I think it's gonna be incredibly hard

  • if not impossible for these companies

  • to implement this policy across the board.

  • Honestly, this clip is probably one the easiest examples

  • and instances that they will face.

  • But it's the small, singular moment and clip

  • where the post on these websites are saying

  • he said this even though the clip is cut

  • in a specific way to change the context.

  • I mean, without being an enabler, there are a lot

  • of different ways that this clip can and will be played,

  • in a way that does not violate the rules.

  • And two, I do believe this is going to happen

  • to Biden over, and over, and over,

  • from today all the way to election day

  • if he gets the nomination, like odds

  • are looking like he's gonna get.

  • Right, because you have Trump, the GOP,

  • a number of Republicans, Dem supporters

  • who oppose Biden trying to label Joe Biden

  • as a old man with dementia.

  • 'Cause the thing is, Joe Biden misspeaks

  • and he will continue to misspeak.

  • Thus, making him a bigger and easier target.

  • Now, the way that Biden supporters have been able

  • to combat that claim, is pointing out

  • that Joe Biden has had a life-long problem with stuttering.

  • Which I will say, I'm completely unfamiliar with

  • the challenges that come with a stutter.

  • And I started looking into it further,

  • because when someone says, you know, they have a stutter,

  • I just think someone that says I, I, I, I, blah, blah, blah.

  • Or looking for the answer,

  • well, how it explains sometimes the odd sentence structure

  • or the word choice.

  • And actually, I'll read a small snippet

  • from this interesting Atlantic article

  • about Joe Biden stutter.

  • I'll link to it down below.

  • The author writes there,

  • "A stutter does not get worse as a person ages,

  • but trying to keep it at bay

  • can take immense physical and mental energy."

  • Noting, now, "Biden talks all day

  • to audiences both small and large."

  • Also noting, "In addition to periodically stuttering

  • or blocking on certain sounds, he appears to intentionally

  • not stutter by switching to an alternative word,

  • a technique called circumlocution,

  • which can yield mangled syntax.

  • I've been following practically everything

  • he's said for months now, and sometimes what is quickly

  • characterized as a memory lapse is indeed a stutter."

  • And I understand, this is not me saying

  • that Biden does not make mistakes.

  • All politicians to different degrees

  • make mistakes when speaking.

  • But we are likely going to see a higher rate

  • of people saying that Joe Biden

  • has dementia when there are moments where you see

  • the headlines where it's like Joe Biden appears

  • to forget Obama's name.

  • - Because they invaded another country

  • and annexed a significant portion of it called crime media

  • He's saying that it was President--

  • My boss, is his fault.

  • Then you have experts looking at that clip,

  • going, "Oh, no, he just blocked on the word Obama,

  • and so, he substituted my boss."

  • Yeah, that's a story, some of my predictions.

  • If there is a final note here,

  • no matter where you're standing,

  • I think we could all benefit

  • from just kind of like holding on a bit

  • before we sharing something, and it's very easy

  • to characterize this as someone lesser than you would do,

  • but none of us are immune from this.

  • And that said, around this, of course,

  • I'd love to know your thoughts.

  • But from that, I wanna share stuff I love today,

  • and today, and awesome brought to you by Squarespace.

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  • The first bit of all, this is something

  • I am incredibly excited about,

  • it's also a little bit of a tease,

  • this Wednesday at noon, West coast,

  • 3:00 PM Eastern over at

  • for the video version or

  • for the audio version of a podcast

  • and conversation going out with comedian, Daniel Sloss.

  • He's someone I've been a fan of for the past few years.

  • He's kind of been one of the pie

  • in the sky polls for the podcast.

  • If you haven't seen his comedy specials on Netflix, Dark,

  • and Jigsaw or his HBO one-acts,

  • I highly recommend it before Wednesday.

  • Yeah, I'm very excited to release it.

  • It was an awesome time and I know you'll enjoy it.

  • Then how it should have ended gave us volume two

  • of their Star Wars compilation

  • with Megan Thee Stallion creating the playlist of her life.

  • Norman Reedus answering the web's most searched questions.

  • We also have the final trailer for Black Widow

  • and SciShow gave us five

  • of the most important inventions in robotics.

  • If you wanna see the full versions

  • of everything I just shared,

  • the secret link of the day, really anything at all,

  • links is always already in the description down below.

  • And then let's talk about the hugely serious issue

  • that a lot of us are still joking about

  • as a way to really kind of deflect

  • how nervous we might be, coronavirus.

  • Over the weekend, we saw a number of massive updates.

  • As of this morning, worldwide,

  • 110,000 have been infected,

  • nearly 4,000 people have died.

  • And in large, a lot of what we're gonna be talking about,

  • are updates from the United States and Italy.

  • Now, in the United States, as we're recording this video,

  • we've seen the number of cases jumped

  • over 600, 26 now dead.

  • Notably, most of those deaths

  • are coming from Washington State alone.

  • In the US, we've seen a number of conferences in the news,

  • for example, SXSW in Austin, and Texas,

  • which has never had to cancel, cancel.

  • And they are just one of several conferences

  • that have either canceled or postponed.

  • Although, another conference in the news was CPAC,

  • right, is that yearly conservative convention.

  • You had speakers this year like president Trump,

  • vice president Mike Penn,

  • secretary of state, Mike Pompeo,

  • came out that one of the attendees

  • tested positive for coronavirus.

  • And following that, we saw Republicans, Ted Cruz,

  • Paul Gosselaar, Doug Collins, and now Matt Gaetz saying

  • that they would be self-quarantining,

  • though of note, at this time, none of them have said

  • that they have symptoms.

  • I mean, that's also part of the issue with this,

  • its symptoms do not appear until up to 14 days later.

  • And here we saw a number of people mocking Gosselaar

  • and Gaetz specifically, this is largely

  • because they had mocked the emergency coronavirus bill

  • that was meant to throw money at this problem,

  • with Gaetz specifically making headlines

  • after wearing a gas mask on the house floor

  • while the bill was being debated.

  • In the United States,

  • we're seeing major health officials saying,

  • "This is past the point of containing the virus."

  • And so, ultimately, the goal now is to just try

  • and protect as many people from catching

  • the virus as possible.

  • The US surgeon, General Jerome Adam saying,

  • - Initially we had a posture of containment

  • so that we could give people time to prepare

  • for where we are right now.

  • Now, we're shifting into a mitigation phase,

  • which means that we're helping communities understand

  • you're gonna see more cases.

  • Unfortunately, you're gonna see more deaths,

  • but that doesn't mean that we should panic.

  • - So continuing on the idea of be alert,

  • but do not panic, Adams then going on to say

  • the communities need to decide whether or not

  • to close schools, have employees work from home,

  • cancel large gatherings.

  • But also Adam's saying that he believes

  • that the virus is contained in certain parts of the country.

  • Also, regarding the previously mentioned throwing money

  • at the problem, on Friday,

  • we saw president Trump signing $8.3 billion

  • coronavirus aid package.

  • Notably, this bill will fund prevention efforts,

  • medical supplies, vaccine research.

  • And after signing that bill, Trump visited

  • the centers for disease control

  • and prevention headquarters in Atlanta

  • where he said, "It will end.

  • People have to remain calm."

  • Also on the question of whether

  • or not Americans should start canceling

  • their travel plans, Trump said,

  • - I think it's fine if they wanna do it.

  • I don't think it's an overreaction,

  • but I wouldn't be generally inclined to do it.

  • I really wouldn't be.

  • - Also, there's been a lot of confusion around

  • who can actually get tested

  • if they think they have the virus, is in part,

  • because on Friday Trump said,

  • - Anybody right now and yesterday,

  • anybody that needs a test gets a tests, they're there.

  • - Though on Thursday, you had Vice President

  • Mike Pence saying that though

  • the government would provide testing for people

  • that believe have been exposed or showing symptom,

  • it does not have enough tests today

  • to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward.

  • Though, on that, the CDC is saying that it expects

  • to have 4 million ready by the end of the week,

  • so that is obviously better.

  • And so, after that, we saw

  • the Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

  • criticizing the Trump administration on MSNBC,

  • saying that the administration was sending mixed messages,

  • which was not a unique note.

  • I mean, just a couple of weeks ago,

  • we saw Washington Governor Jay Inslee say,

  • "I just received a call from VP Mike Pence

  • thanking Washington State for our efforts

  • to combat the coronavirus.

  • I told him our work would be more successful

  • if the Trump administration stuck

  • to the science and told the truth."

  • Also, last week we saw

  • a California Governor, Gavin Newsom calling

  • the US's testing capacity 'simply inadequate',

  • though last night we saw Trump directly respond

  • to Cuomo on Twitter saying,

  • "There are no mixed messages,

  • only political weaponization by people like you."

  • And this morning Trump tweeting,

  • "The fake news media and their partner,

  • the Democrat party, is doing everything

  • within its semi considerable power, it used to be greater,

  • to inflame the coronavirus situation far beyond

  • what the facts would warrant."

  • Surgeon General, "The risk is low

  • to the average American."

  • And while we in the United States

  • kind of brace ourselves waiting for this

  • to get into the thousands, I think it's important

  • that we look to Italy where the number of cases

  • has spiked to more than 7,300.

  • And it's now tracking just under South Korea,

  • which is the largest outbreak in the world outside of China.

  • They're seeing similar numbers of around 7,400 cases,

  • although there only 50 have died, so far.

  • But in Italy, on Saturday, 233 people had already died,

  • and yesterday, that number actually jumped to 366

  • with most of the deaths reportedly happening

  • in the northern region of Lombardy.

  • And because the situation there was getting so bad,

  • on Saturday, an Italian newspaper leaked

  • that a new decree would go into effect the next day.

  • That decree that would extend Italy's quarantine measures

  • by classifying 14 of Italy's Northern provinces

  • as red zones until April 3rd, meaning that

  • no one would be able to get in or out

  • of the region during that time, which is massive.

  • Because I understand we're not talking

  • about thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people,

  • we're talking about something

  • that would prevent 16 million people

  • from leaving the region.

  • That is a quarter of Italy's total population.

  • Among other things, that decree also bans public events.

  • It closes movie theaters, gyms, bars,

  • even things like funerals and weddings are currently banned.

  • And so, with this, you had

  • a lot of people complaining saying

  • that these measures were draconian.

  • So with this being announced, it set off a firestorm.

  • You have people trying to get out of town

  • before the restrictions came into effect at midnight.

  • We all saw news coming out of Italian prisons

  • where things were even worse.

  • We ended up seeing inmates

  • protesting overcrowded conditions.

  • Many of them are afraid

  • the coronavirus could easily spread among them.

  • Reportedly, this was widespread.

  • Protest broke out at more than two dozen prisons.

  • And even outside, we saw the families

  • of the prisoners protesting in the streets.

  • This is because the prisons

  • had stopped allowing visitors to see them.

  • Also, according to reports in these prisons,

  • many of the protests turned into riots.

  • I mean, hell, and this morning

  • we even saw inmates breaking out

  • of a prison in Milan, climbing the roof.

  • And in other prisons, we saw reports

  • the prisoners escaping altogether.

  • Others where six inmates died

  • after they broke into the infirmary.

  • And actually, oh, wow, I mean,

  • this really speaks to how fast everything developed.

  • As I was filming this, we got the notification

  • that Italy is now expanded travel restrictions

  • to the entire country.

  • So now, not just 16 million people, but around 60 million.

  • Now, with all of that said,

  • this still being a developing situation,

  • I kind of wanna end on two notes.

  • One, I know that there's been this run on hand sanitizers

  • and face masks, experts say

  • that your best defense against this is,

  • I hate even saying it because it makes you wanna do it,

  • not touching your face, your eyes, your nose,

  • your ear, mucus organs, making sure

  • that you are hand washing with soap and water.

  • These people smarter than me explain soap molecules

  • have a fatty end that attach to and penetrate

  • the lipid shell of the virus,

  • and the hydrophilic, water-loving,

  • end that water attaches to and rinses away

  • the soap with the virus.

  • Whereas, hand sanitizer may render the virus impotent,

  • but leaves it on your hands.

  • And also, too, we should talk about the lethality

  • of this coronavirus, COVID-19.

  • The World Health Organization currently estimates

  • that the fatality rate is 3.4%,

  • but that varies greatly depending on, A,

  • that it's really not until you're talking about people

  • in their '50s where all of a sudden you see

  • the big spike in fatalities with 70 to 79 hitting 8%,

  • 80 plus, 14.8%.

  • And you might be younger and you might be thinking,

  • "Ah, well, if I get it, not a big deal."

  • There, I would say there are other factors.

  • As it's been reported, people who are immunocompromised

  • and smokers may be more at risk,

  • but also even if you are not at high risk yourself,

  • we still have a public health obligation

  • to take interventions that will prevent spread,

  • that could overwhelm the healthcare system.

  • Minimizing and slowing the spread as much as possible.

  • Healthcare experts call this flattening the curve

  • and it would give the system, in general, more time to prep

  • and be prepared for what was coming next.

  • Ultimately, that's where we are right now.

  • I want you to be informed on this.

  • Be concerned, be alert, but right now, still do not panic.

  • With that said, obviously,

  • we will be staying on top of this.

  • This is still developing, and, of course, in the meantime,

  • I'd love to know your thoughts on it.

  • And that is where I'm going to end today's show.

  • And, hey, if you liked this video, hit us with a like,

  • if you're new here, hit subscribe

  • to make sure you don't miss these weekday videos.

  • Also, if you're looking for more right now,

  • you can check out that latest podcast

  • I did with Sophia and Tyler,

  • or maybe just missed the last Philip DeFranco show

  • you wanna catch up, you can click your tab right there

  • to watch either of those.

  • But with that said, of course, as always,

  • my name's Phillip DeFranco.

  • You've just been filled in.

  • I love yo faces, and I'll see you tomorrow.

  • - I hope you like the video.

  • Subscribe if you like it.

- 'Sup, you beautiful bastards?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

FREAKOUTS Over Post Malone, Biden Dementia Claims, Matt Gaetz Quarantined After Mocking Coronavirus (FREAKOUTS Over Post Malone, Biden Dementia Claims, Matt Gaetz Quarantined After Mocking Coronavirus)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日