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  • -I was just talking about you last week or two weeks ago.

  • -I know. You know what?

  • It was one of the nights because, you know, I wake up

  • at 4:00 in the morning to get ready for my own show.

  • -Yeah. -I was up with the insomnia.

  • And I saw it.

  • -Yeah, Dua Lipa. -I loved the love.

  • -I guess you mispronounced her name or something on

  • your show once.

  • -I do a lot of that. -And you called her --

  • You called her "Dula Peep."

  • [ Laughter ]

  • So now, no, this is the best thing, her fans loved it.

  • And now they call her Dula Peep

  • and, like, have signs they say like, "Dula Peep."

  • And she loves it and she laughs. -Aw.

  • -So, yeah, you started something.

  • -How you doin'? -Oh, come on.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I want to -- and I want to talk about "Wendy in the City."

  • I want to hear all these stories.

  • -Oh, my gosh. [ Vocalizing ]

  • -It is, right? -Uh-huh.

  • -I do want to ask you, though. Are you divorced?

  • -Why, James? [ Drumroll ]

  • How dare you, Roots.

  • [ Laughter ] [ Drumroll stops ]

  • After nine months, yes, I am fully divorced.

  • -Wow.

  • -A door has closed in old life.

  • The new chapter has been so lovely.

  • -Wow. Congratulations. [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -Thank you for asking that.

  • -I just wanted to know.

  • -Thank you because people tiptoe around that.

  • I don't -- like, I don't feel like I'm intimidating.

  • But people are so scared.

  • But you and I have known each other for a long time.

  • -Yeah. -Yeah, I'm not mad.

  • You know, it was 25 years I don't regret.

  • But you know what?

  • Sometimes people move on with their lives.

  • And I have to tell you something.

  • Yeah, I now -- I no longer live in Jersey.

  • It is Wendy in the city.

  • -Yeah, and -- [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Are you dating? Are you looking?

  • What are you -- -Am I?

  • [ Laughter ]

  • Do I look like I have a hard time?

  • -No. [ Laughter ]

  • -You know what? Yeah, I date.

  • But, you know, I love my career. -Sure.

  • -Like, you know how tough this is with this microphone here.

  • -Sure. -You know what I'm saying.

  • There is a certain amount of dedication.

  • And I didn't just land into my career

  • 'cause, you know, of something.

  • I plotted on being with a mike since sixth grade.

  • So I'm actually living my dream.

  • And I thought the rest of it --

  • 'cause my mom and dad are still alive.

  • They've been married for 60 years.

  • I really didn't think that it would be this way.

  • But it seems so natural.

  • And our son is 19. -Yeah.

  • -And he's off in college.

  • And, you know, I wish, you know, the other the best.

  • -Yeah.

  • -But, yeah, I date in between handling "Wendy."

  • And I live with my two girls.

  • -Oh, yeah, we have your girls here.

  • These are your girls. -Oh, my gosh.

  • -What are their names again?

  • -Chit Chat. [ Audience aws ]

  • Chit Chat is my black cat. -Yeah.

  • -And My Way is the tiger-striped.

  • -My Way.

  • -Well, you know what?

  • Because that's how it's going.

  • I chat for a living.

  • And my way is how it goes.

  • New rules. -There you go.

  • Absolutely, why not? [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -And, but you know what?

  • You know what's weird about that picture, Jimmy?

  • So it's just me and the girls in the apartment.

  • And that's my bath mat. -Yeah.

  • Like, you know, when you're brushing your teeth,

  • they come in, they watch me.

  • They're like, "Oh, Chit Chat, look at Mom get beautiful.

  • She's going off to her show."

  • And then I run the shower.

  • That's literally outside my shower in my bachelorette pad.

  • But they were rescued.

  • And at first I wanted to, you know, because I --

  • you know, I'm a little fancy in my own little way.

  • -You are.

  • -And I wanted -- like, I saw Justin Bieber

  • got those special cats.

  • But I looked at the -- you know, they're really beautiful.

  • They look like tigers and stuff.

  • Jimmy, they start at $7,000.

  • They go up to as much as $30,000 per cat.

  • I'm like, "Get the hell out of here."

  • -No, yeah, yeah, no. [ Laughter ]

  • -Okay? -Yeah.

  • -I don't have a type, by the way, when I date.

  • -You don't? -You didn't ask me.

  • [ Laughter ] -You don't have a type?

  • -I love men. -That's it? Period?

  • -Yeah. -Where do you look for men?

  • Where does Wendy Williams go?

  • Are you on Tinder?

  • -No. I'm not doing that.

  • -Why?

  • -Because I like eye-to-eye contact.

  • -Oh. -I do.

  • And I like -- and I feel --

  • like, I've grown through the years.

  • -Sure.

  • Like, I used to never date a short man because I'm 5'11."

  • You know, I weigh in at like 175, 160 pounds.

  • I don't know.

  • I don't step on the scale. I just like what I see.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

-I was just talking about you last week or two weeks ago.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ウェンディ・ウィリアムズ、デュア・リパにニックネームを与えることに反応し、彼女の離婚にお茶をこぼす (Wendy Williams Reacts to Giving Dua Lipa a Nickname and Spills the Tea on Her Divorce)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日