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  • >> The skipper of the uss

  • constitution joins illustrious

  • passengers as she joins her

  • rendezvous with royalty.

  • >> They started out as actresses

  • and left their jobs when they

  • met their princes, husbands.

  • >> Before meeting prince raniere

  • of Monaco, princess Kelly was

  • known as grace Kelly in "Dial M

  • for murder," in which she won on

  • Oscar.

  • >> Grace met her prince after

  • she won her Oscar.

  • She was at the Cannes festival

  • and everything took off from

  • >> Grace Kelly, focus of all

  • eyes when she appears on deck.

  • >> When she arrived by vote from

  • America for the wedding, 1,800

  • photographers met her at the

  • Grace's wedding in 1956 just

  • sets a standard for royal

  • wedding.

  • It was a huge spectacle.

  • Two-day event.

  • Thousands of people.

  • >> Fairy tale wedding for both

  • but just like Meghan, grace's

  • transition from civilian life to

  • royal life wasn't always easy.

  • >> While grace was loved

  • worldwide, she was an actress.

  • So when she was brought in to

  • join the royal family, there was

  • a lot of trepidation from palace

  • insiders.

  • >> Another similarity, fashion

  • like Meghan today, princess

  • grace set trends around the

  • world with her wardrobe.

  • >> Grace kind of came to those

  • trimmed silhouettes, Meghan

  • loves a-line coats and really

  • loves the fitted black dress and

  • stripes shirts.

  • Really anything both women wore,

  • turns the soul.

  • >> It's been a tough 24 hours

  • back there in Buckingham palace.

  • >> This year Harry and Meghan

  • began their next chapter outside

  • of royal life but grace remained

  • in her role as princess.

  • >> In September 1982 grace was

  • coming back from Monaco by car.

  • She had her daughter Stephanie

  • in the car with her.

  • Grace was driving and she's

  • believed to have suffered a

  • stroke.

  • Stephanie survived the crash but

  • sadly grace died a day later in

  • the hospital.

  • >> Princess grace of Monaco,

  • grace Kelly, will be buried in

  • monte Carlo.

  • >> Grace was just 52, leaving

  • behind 3 kids and prince ra

  • nooer would never recover.

  • >> Raniere's family seem to have

  • come apart, so grief stricken he

  • had to be escorted from the

  • funeral.

  • >> Princess grace was the first

  • royal fairy tale come to life.

>> The skipper of the uss


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メーガン・マークルとグレース・ケリー女優から転身した王家の間のすべての類似点 (Meghan Markle And Grace Kelly: All The Similarities Between The Actresses-Turned-Royals)

  • 7 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日