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  • Hello, everyone, Welcome to another video.

  • Now I apologize for the lack of videos this week.

  • I've just returned from a few days in sunny Germany back to business and let's talk about the GT 10 30.

  • I think it's an okay card for small form factor new PC builds that can't accommodate much else without serious upgrades these days, prices in some countries have skyrocketed, but they'll come down.

  • And when they do, the GT 10 30 will once again be a popular go to choice.

  • But it seems we have a few impostors among the lineup because, as you may have read, some manufacturers of shipping GT 10 thirty's with a DDR four V around variants instead of the traditional G d.

  • D r.

  • Five memory found on most models.

  • But why is this a big deal?

  • I hear you ask?

  • After all, there have long been instances of certain graphics cards shipping with different memory.

  • In this case, foe, the DDR four g t.

  • 10 30 is essentially a completely different product.

  • Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe these specific DDR 4 10 thirty's also the first GP use ever to ship with standard DDR four.

  • Not to be confused with Judy DDR, for which can be found on older 80 i radion cards on, was last used on the HD 48 50 in 2000 and eight back to the subject at hand.

  • And the problem I have with these DDR 4 10 thirty's is that they are essentially not GT 10 thirty's looking at the specs in comparison, and the biggest difference is with the memory bandwidth, which is almost three times slower on the DDR four card version.

  • At this point, you may think that's fair enough because the DDR four cards will be labeled a such on the box or feature D four in the Prak title to tell them apart from G d.

  • D.

  • R.

  • Five versions.

  • It just doesn't seem enough, considering it isn't only the memory type that's changed.

  • And it may leave a first time PC builder disappointed if their duty 10 30 isn't performing anything like it does in reviews.

  • Because all the reviews out there so far off the G e.

  • D D r.

  • Five version of the card perhaps calling the DDR 4 10 30 the 10 30 year or something like that would help because I couldn't get hold of one for a review just yet.

  • Everything I'm saying, maybe irrelevant or performance may be very similar, but I find that hard to imagine.

  • And even so, that's a little besides the point when to essentially different GP use.

  • Share the same 79 U S.

  • D a r p.

  • It just makes no sense opting for the DDR four card unless it ends up being, say, 30 to £40 dollars or euros cheaper.

  • I will make a full review if and when I can get hold of the DDR four version.

  • But interestingly, I came across a rather angry report from a verified by on Amazon.

  • Take the following with a pinch of salt because, of course I can't verify anything until I've compared the two models for myself.

  • This user states that they saw a significant gaming performance loss in a few titles with the DDR 4 10 30 If this ends up being the case in my comparison, then it will confirm my wariness regarding this new card.

  • But even so, I would advise you to read description of these cards very carefully before you buy to make sure you don't get a week of variant.

  • If performance turns out to be quite close, I'd have to say the same thing because I just can't see any reason to pay the same money for a lesser product.

  • That that's my thoughts on the DDR four.

  • G t.

  • 10 30.

  • So there we have it, guys.

  • I hope you've enjoyed today's video.

  • The subject of the DDR 4 10 30 has been on my mind for a while now, and as I'm starting to see, people purchase it on sites such as Amazon.

  • I wanted to make this video just to make you aware that it is out there and to be careful reading the descriptions to ensure you know exactly what you're getting.

  • And you don't end up buying a version of a card that you really don't want or doesn't perform to.

  • Your expectation.

  • As always, thank you very much for watching.

  • I've got a few.

  • Our budget PC builds coming very soon for all of you.

  • Summer's always leave a like on this video.

Hello, everyone, Welcome to another video.


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避けるべき技術?| DDR4 GT 1030 (Tech to Avoid? | The DDR4 GT 1030)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日