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  • Hello, Facebook and I will upload this to YouTube later.

  • So Hello, YouTube.

  • Hello, everybody.

  • It's me, Rachel Going live waiting for someone to notice, waiting for someone to join my life's dream.

  • I'm gonna count to three.

  • And when I'm done, I hope someone will have joined.

  • Oh, there we go.

  • I didn't even have to start counting.

  • Hello?

  • My two.

  • My to Rachel's English fans who are on my livestream.

  • Why don't you let me know who you are saying hello?

  • Say where you're from in the comments.

  • Hey, guys, I'm Rachel.

  • I live in Philadelphia from Florida, born and raised in Florida.

  • Moved to Philadelphia almost three years ago because of my boyfriend, who is not my husband because he lived here.

  • Okay, Awesome.

  • Hey, Holly, weren't you first last time?

  • D'oh!

  • Do you live on Facebook studying to get some comments?

  • Hey, guys.

  • Good evening.

  • And Dubai?

  • Awesome.

  • I would love to go to Dubai.

  • It's morning here.

  • No, it's not.

  • It's afternoon.

  • It's one PM now, here in Philadelphia.

  • So I wanted to go live because I wanted to see you guys See how you're doing, See where you're from.

  • Also, of course, to talk about some things first thing we're gonna talk about.

  • I'm gonna talk a little bit about the academy.

  • Second thing I'm going to talk about.

  • I'm gonna talk a little bit about a post that posted on Facebook earlier today about food idioms.

  • That was kind of fun.

  • Okay, so first of all, I had to write this backwards in order for it to show up right on live.

  • That kind of messes up the color, doesn't it?

  • But anyway, I guess I don't need to hold it up, because the link is actually in the description of this video in the title of this video.

  • But anyway, I wanted to talk a little bit about Rachel's English Academy.

  • Today is Thursday, and I launched the academy on Tuesday.

  • So it's two days now and it's been awesome.

  • So great.

  • So when people are joining, it's so fun.

  • There's a Facebook group associated with the Rachel's English Academy, and so far a bunch of people are in there.

  • We're sharing videos.

  • Everyone's saying where they're from.

  • I'm getting to learn a lot about people.

  • It's it's really fun.

  • It's awesome.

  • So if you thought about it, Rachel's English Academy, we'll have a V I P membership drive until November 1st.

  • So if you join between now and November 1st, you will be a V I P, which means a couple of things.

  • One.

  • You get the best price.

  • The brace goes up on November 2nd.

  • This is sort of a on introductory week discount launch, but if you sign up during this week, you get to keep that price as long as you keep your subscription.

  • So if you're thinking about it, it's worth signing up.

  • Now it's worse.

  • Signing up before November 1, Some people have been asking headlong, How long is the course?

  • How long do I have to stay?

  • How can I cancel?

  • When can I cancel?

  • So there's no minimum enrollment.

  • You can cancel it any time.

  • It's up to me to keep making things that you want to see.

  • It's up to me to make you want to stay in, so you're welcome to leave whenever you need to.

  • If your financial situation changes or you don't have time to study anymore, you can leave at any time and to cancel.

  • You'll just send me an email and we'll get you cancelled up.

  • Um, someone says.

  • What is in the academy?

  • What is that in the academy?

  • So the academy is sort of similar to what you already see it somewhere to what you already love about Rachel's English.

  • In that there's lots of conversation analysis Ben Franklin exercises, and then it's different in that there's a lot of new stuff that supports that.

  • So, for example, I have of exercises that study conversation and you get a Ben Franklin video where there's a full analysis of everything you here.

  • So you get to understand how things were being said.

  • And then there's a page that's actually going to be added on November 1st for each one of these videos.

  • That has points out vocabulary uncommon or tricky words that are being used in those conversations.

  • It points out phrase all verbs, and it points out in the idioms that are being used.

  • So the thing that I love about this additional info sheet that goes with the videos is that it takes the rial conversation that's happening.

  • And it uses that as a way to learn vocabulary and freezes because you can study vocabulary and you can study freezes sort of in a book isolated, but these are the ones that are actually being used.

  • So I love that you're getting too studied the vocabulary, slaying the freezes from the actual real conversations that riel Americans were having on.

  • And then, in addition to that, there's a ton of audio to go with the video.

  • So you watch the video, you get how it's all said, and then there's an audio section that breaks it.

  • Hold down.

  • And one of the things that's very cool is you can actually play the audio in slow motion.

  • So Americans speak really fast so you can slow it down and figure out How exactly were they saying that you can focus in on the vowel or flap or something like that?

  • So that's that's what's in the academy.

  • It's Rachel's English amped up.

  • It's Rachel's English, with even more to love, with even more to work with more variety.

  • People have been saying that it's really fun, and I take that as a huge compliment because I had fun making it, and I also wanted to make it enjoyable.

  • If you're gonna spend your time doing anything, it should be fun.

  • It should be something that excites you.

  • Um, so that's that's the story about Rachel's English Academy.

  • And if you're just joining, I do want to stay again one more time that now is the time.

  • If you're just joining the feed, I want to say, now is the time to join the school because until November 1 through November 1 midnight, you can get in for just $10 a month, and you also get a few extra things.

  • One of them is a free extra class with me, which we happening on November 2nd, and that's already been scheduled.

  • I've already planned it, really looking forward to that on.

  • Then you also get a couple of free bonuses, some videos that you can download.

  • But if you can't join before November 2nd, that's okay.

  • After November 2nd, it's still gonna be a great deal, and there will still be live monthly classes that are a free part of the academy.

  • So if you guys have any questions about the academy, post them in the comments, I'm gonna try to keep an eye on that, but I'm also going to talk a little bit now about a post that I posted about two hours ago did you guys see it?

  • Tell me if you saw it.

  • It's from The Simpsons.

  • Do you guys Have you seen the symptoms?

  • Simpson's?

  • Do you like it?

  • Let me know in the comments.

  • So I am starting to post a little bit more frequently on my Facebook page.

  • I don't know if you've noticed that.

  • Um, but I have I'm trying to pose too many times a day now.

  • So if you want to make sure that you see the posts I think that you can in your Facebook settings, you can star it and make it like a top priority.

  • Rachel's English, the page And then it will always make sure that you're seeing the posts.

  • But a couple of hours ago, someone saying Paul is saying he didn't see it.

  • I posted a little blurb from The Simpsons where Milhouse is saying piece of cake, calm to Lisa.

  • And I said, What other food idioms do you know?

  • Well, first of all, what is piece of cake mean?

  • Does anybody know if you know what, put it in the comments below or actually put it in a sentence in the comments below.

  • So piece of cake first of all, How am I pronouncing that?

  • Is anyone noticing?

  • The word of is being pronounced up Just the Schwab piece of cake, he said.

  • Cake, pizza, pizza, pizza, piece of cake.

  • He's a cake.

  • So what does it mean?

  • It means easy.

  • Yes, L Science says it is very easy.

  • That's exactly right.

  • Very easy.

  • Piece of cake.

  • Exactly.

  • So the meaning of the idiom piece of cake is easy.

  • Simple.

  • No problem.

  • Um, so I might say, Hey, guys, have you tried joining the academy?

  • It's a piece of cake.

  • It just takes two seconds to sign up.

  • And then there you are.

  • But I'm gonna always be talking about the academy, aren't I?

  • But piece a cake.

  • Easy.

  • Nice, simple, No stress.

  • So I had asked in the comments there if anyone else had any other food idioms to mention.

  • And, um, some people had some good ones.

  • That bad egg is someone that is just not a great person, Not friendly, maybe mean, maybe manipulative.

  • But if you know someone like that, you can say he's a bad egg.

  • I love that one apple of my eye.

  • So that is a very sweet term that ISS for someone who is very precious to you.

  • For example, my baby Stoney is the apple of my eye.

  • He makes me so happy, and generally it's I think it's a child that is the apple of of someone's eye.

  • Although it could be an adult, I could say David is the apple of my eye.

  • He is, but so is Stoney.

  • Um, so someone said, Use your loaf.

  • I have no idea what that idiot means.

  • I've never, ever heard that before.

  • Breadwinner.

  • This is cool.

  • So there's a couple that relate to making money for your family breadwinner that is one food idioms and then also to bring home the bacon is another food idiom.

  • So to bring home the bacon means you're the one who's making the money.

  • For the family breadwinner means the same thing.

  • You are winning the bread, the basic food for your family.

  • So in my family, there is not just one bread winner.

  • David and I are both bring home the bacon.

  • Oh man, it's so fun to spill the beans.

  • I think I made a video on that already.

  • You know, it's crazy.

  • I've been making videos for eight years and I have a pretty good memory.

  • So in general I know exactly what I've made.

  • But every once in a while I'll think of something.

  • And I'll say, Did I make that video?

  • I think I did.

  • But maybe I just had the idea and never did it.

  • But I am.

  • I'm 99% sure that I did make a video on to spill the beans.

  • I can't remember the context, but I I'm pretty sure I made it.

  • Man, This person, I'm not sure how to pronounce the name.

  • Jury all jury came up with, like, 10 different food idioms.

  • They're so good icing on the cake to go bananas to spill the beans, two peas in a pod.

  • This means two peas in a pod means to people who are very similar best friends.

  • Always together, they're two peas in a pod.

  • But you guys should go check out this.

  • This thread on my page, it says, is speaking English.

  • A piece of cake for you.

  • That's what it starts with.

  • And it's got an image of Milhouse and Lisa from The Simpsons.

  • And, um, you guys, the community you guys were coming up with great, great idioms.

  • Great food, idioms.

  • They're really fun to see.

  • Cool as a cucumber.

  • Does anyone know what this means?

  • Cool as a cucumber.

  • Why're cucumbers cool?

  • I guess because we keep them in the refrigerator.

  • But we keep lots of things in the refrigerator.

  • I don't know how this idiom came to be, but if you're cool as a cucumber, it means you're relaxed.

  • You're not nervous.

  • You're not stressed out.

  • For example.

  • Maybe you're preparing for an important meeting, and someone will say, Is Rachel stress about meeting?

  • And hopefully someone else will say no.

  • She's cool as a cucumber.

  • Just gonna do great.

  • Um, yeah.

  • Okay, so this is just a short mini lesson.

  • My idea is that a couple times a week I'm going to go live and do a mini lesson based on something that I've posted on Facebook.

  • Or maybe something that you've posted to my page, a question or something like that.

  • Um, I just keep reading them on my computer and there's so many good ones.

  • You guys go check it out.

  • It's so fun.

  • But also check out Rachel's English Academy.

  • Uh, this is where there's there's actually a whole idioms course that is being developed.

  • It's not in the academy yet, and that's one thing that's special about the academy is because it's a subscription.

  • I'm adding new stuff each month, so it's always growing and it's always expanding.

  • And I'm always getting ideas from you from your requests about what you want.

  • And so you know, that was one thing with writing.

  • The book is, I had to at some point decided was done and put it out there.

  • Of course, you can't put everything about a language in anyone resource, and the academy will never have every single thing about English either.

  • But the academy gets to grow and change, and that's what I love about it.

  • That's what makes it really truly fun and not stressful is that I get to keep adding to it every month when someone asks a question and they give me a great idea.

  • I get to make that lesson for them for the next month, so check it out.

  • Rachel's English academy dot com There's what they're like four more days or something that you can register to be a V I P member.

  • After that, you can still register.

  • You should still register.

  • I will love to have you in there.

  • But if you register in the next four days by November 1, then you get to be a V I.

  • P.

  • You get some cool things.

  • So that's it, guys.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • It's wonderful to see Ope sensing Break a leg.

  • That's another idiom is just It's great to see so many of you here to see so many of you live to see the little emotions going across the screen.

  • It's excellent.

  • So hopefully I'll see you in the academy.

  • Check it out, decide if you want to be there.

  • All right, guys, See you soon.

Hello, Facebook and I will upload this to YouTube later.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

アカデミー+食のイディオムについて (About the Academy + Food Idioms!)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日