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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • < Laugh >

  • (Voice Over) Look at that guy.

  • (Voice Over) Hello ladies.

  • To good times, man's best friend and yoga pants!

  • Your supposed to toast before you drink.

  • So, what are we doing next?

  • Oh, I want to try a Lucky Charm.

  • What's a Lucky Charm?

  • < Laughing >

  • (Voice Over) I don't remember this?

  • (Voice Over) Better yet, who is taking these photos?

  • How you feeling?

  • I feel awesome! I've got all this energy.

  • If only we could think of something to do to work up sweat.

  • I've got a crazy idea.

  • < Laughing >

  • What is she doing?

  • (Voice Over) Who's house is that?

  • (Voice Over) What are we looking for?

  • Dude! Check it out!

  • That is awesome!

  • Is that real?

  • That looks real.

  • (Voice Over) Oh, this doesn't look good.

  • Go ahead chump!

  • No, no, no. I think it's punk.

  • Go ahead punk, make my ...

  • HEY!

  • < Gunshot >

  • < Screaming >

  • (Voice Over) What just happened?

  • Stop. Just put down the gun man!

  • I can't do it! I can't live with myself!

  • (Voice Over) Don't. Please don't!

  • Everything is going to be okay.

  • No! I killed a man.

  • (Voice Over) No! No!

  • I can't take this!

  • (Voice Over) Please don't!

  • < Gunshot >

  • < Screaming >

  • What just happened?

  • (Voice Over) Oh God, what did I do?

  • I hope you learned a valuable lesson today my friend.

  • < Snap Fingers >

  • Looks like someone got lucky last night.

  • < Sigh >

< Laugh >


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ラッキーチャームド (Lucky Charmed)

  • 187 4
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日