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  • bjbj Opener: We live in a different time. With massive amounts of new knowledge, technology,

  • and a rather unprecedented amount of media coverage, our generation constantly pushes

  • the limits, breaking free of traditional social restraints -insert pictures of Obama, gay

  • marriage, occupy wallstreet, liberation is Egypt, libya But as we take a magnifying glass

  • to our society we come across a rather heavy topic: women. Women have jumped leaps and

  • bounds and there are many strong , empowered females in the workforce today. Having come

  • very far from the traditional domestic housewife role, the modern woman is nothing but a powerhouse

  • for change --insert pictures of hilary, merkel, yulia, rice, laghard, yingluk, ang sung suu

  • kyi But does the average truly female associate themselves with these accomplished women?

  • Questions : Who is your present female icon? Besides these exceptional women; where does

  • the average woman stand? Has the gender gap really disappeared? Does the average female

  • feel like they ve covered significant ground? Many would agree that the role of women has

  • undergone dramatic changes and the modern women have more opportunity now than any other

  • women in any previous era. But we have so much more to go, despite all of the ground we ve broken.

  • Throughout history, one can note a particular subject that always seems to push the evolution

  • backwards; sexuality. add interviews Do you think we ve achieved equality between the

  • genders? If not what are we missing? How do you feel about women who are more open with

  • their sexuality? Do you feel like women judged harsher than men in that respect? Perhaps average women should

  • be able to relate to

  • these powerful women. They face the same problem of trying to get somewhere in our modern society

  • without having to sacrifice a part of themselves a

  • significant part of themselves: their sexuality. Even now, women are subjected to more criticism

  • based solely on their looks. -- Hi So of course re not quite there yet. But in order to figure

  • where we

  • need to go, we must first recognize how far we ve come and consequently the setbacks we ve

  • experienced in

  • our quest for equality. [Timeline] [Content_Types].xml Iw}, $yi} _rels/.rels theme/theme/themeManager.xml

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  • place urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags country-region Opener: thehim Normal Owner

  • Microsoft Office Word Family Opener: Title Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDoc

  • Word.Document.8

bjbj Opener: We live in a different time. With massive amounts of new knowledge, technology,


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B1 中級

HERSTORY:男女共同参画の探求 (HERSTORY: The Quest for Gender Equality)

  • 118 8
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日