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  • Hi, I'm Phil, and I'm going to tell you about the difference between "hard' and 'hardly."


  • "Hard" we can use in lots of different ways, but it usually means "strong," "difficult," or "intense." - Ow! That ball's hard!


  • Calculus is hard!


  • That was really hard work.


  • "Hardly" is an adverb, and it can mean "almost not."


  • This is too small. I can hardly read it.


  • We can use it with "any" to talk about quantity.


  • For example: There's hardly any water in this cup.


  • We can use it with "ever" for frequency.


  • For example: I hardly ever play basketball.


  • To help you remember: It's hard for me to play tennis because I hardly ever train.

    覚え方としては、「It's hard for me to play tennis because I hardly ever train=テニスの練習なんてほとんどしないから上手にプレイできないよ」

  • I can hardly walk afterwards because I've been running hard.

    「I can hardly walk afterwards because I've been running hard=たくさん走ってきたから、もう歩くのもやっとだよ」

  • And I often get hurt because the ball's hard, and there's hardly any time to get out of the way!

    「 I often get hurt because the ball's hard, and there's hardly any time to get out of the way!=ボールが固いからしょっちゅうケガするし、よけるヒマすらないんだ!」です。

Hi, I'm Phil, and I'm going to tell you about the difference between "hard' and 'hardly."


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