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  • So the thing about the duck

  • Is

  • Mr. Florentijn Hofman, a Dutch artist, basically created the duck.

  • and he is known for making very large projects with animals.

  • And he tends to do them with abstract point of view.

  • One of the best ones… I think he did was the

  • The giant monkey in Brazil,

  • where he used Brazilian flip-flops

  • of many different colors

  • which sort of makes the rubber duck, in my opinion, his least impressive art

  • you know he didn’t even change the anything from the rubber duck that I remember seeing at my bathtub as a child.

  • He just made it bigger.

  • and Taiwan got hold of it recently in Kaoshiung City.

  • andit just exploded, man. Like everybody is becoming a part of it. I think it’s a big fad.

  • It sort of reveals a sense of 'followship'.

  • I don’t even know if people know that the duck was created by a Dutch artist name you know Florentijn Hofman or that

  • he does other works of art.

  • That’s what I wonder with thissense of 'followship'.

  • You know is art people in Taiwan, or in the rest of the world for that matter.

  • Just following it because it’s the new cool fad.

  • I understand the duck is cute and I know that having a giant duck in the ocean is sort of like

  • making the ocean our bathtub, and it kind of makes us all children again, you know.

  • But what I don’t understand is the 'duck mania'. I don’t understand why everyone has such a craze for the duck.

  • But that’s just me.

  • I do wonder if there are a lot of people who are just going with it just because that’s what everyone else does.

  • Just part of the social dynamics of society.

  • You know a lot of people want to be a part of something bigger.

  • So whatever you guys think,

  • we want to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.

  • Let us know what’s up!

  • Precious

So the thing about the duck


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イエローラバーダックマニア-旧アメリカの目に映る黄色いアヒルの子現象 (老美眼中的黃色小鴨現象 - Yellow Rubber Duck Mania)

  • 4520 267
    Go Tutor に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日