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  • But experts like Angela Bengston, assistant professor of epidemiology at Brown University, says Don't do it.

  • The CDC recommends it.

  • If you're gonna use a hand sanitizer, it needs to be 60% alcohol based.

  • When people are making hand sanitizers at home, there's no way to verify whether 60% of that is alcohol.

  • Base Star brought hand sanitizers will also often have a mole ian's to counter the harshness of the alcohol on the skin.

  • But if you don't have that in your homemade recipe, you could risk hurting your skin or whether there could be other ingredients in there that might not be safe for people to use on their hands, she says.

But experts like Angela Bengston, assistant professor of epidemiology at Brown University, says Don't do it.


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B1 中級

自分で手指消毒剤を作る:「やめておけばいい」と専門家は言う (Making your own hand sanitizer: ‘Just don’t,’ experts say)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日