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  • Come from Melanie to save yourself 10% off your total order.

  • Now let's get to the goods of the video.

  • So today I'm going to be reviewing the this guy right here.

  • Now, lot of you guys know I'm not the biggest fan of unicorn because I'm honestly tired off Bandai releasing 5000 variants when I would rather have them doing other kids.

  • But that's just my opinion.

  • So I'm kind of exhausted at Unicorn being constantly thrown in your face again.

  • It's just how I feel.

  • But I actually wanted to pick him up because this is the narrative version from the movie that was recently released not too long ago. 00:00:58.080 --> 00:01:1.180 Onda has the little pigtails as like to call them. 00:01:1.180 --> 00:01:12.080 Our ponytails are only the official terminology, okay, but I'm gonna call them pick till slash ponytails, and that's really the reason why I got this kid was because I just thought that was really cool.

  • I know a lot of people don't like him, but I D'oh!

  • So that's why I got this kid, cause I just thought like that was pretty cool.

  • So, um, that is it for the box.

  • Art, as you can see here, looks really intense and awesome.

  • Here's some more pictures of the kid itself.

  • What?

  • The son of the box when re ofcourse, he's gotta bring her bone in here so she can chew and piss you guys off.

  • So I'm going to take this thing.

  • As you can see, she's not off whole bunch anyways.

  • That's it for the box.

  • Now let's get into the kit.

  • Starting off with you, get several different types of hands.

  • Let me zoom in on here.

  • Oddly, doesn't come with six. 00:01:54.290 --> 00:02:1.730 You get it, you get to open poem to closed and a one gun holding hand and that's that. 00:02:1.730 --> 00:02:6.070 Usually I would expect it to come with six, but here are just five sets of hands. 00:02:6.080 --> 00:02:9.830 The shield, the weapon that it comes with. 00:02:9.830 --> 00:02:10.880 This is the only one.

  • Another ammo.

  • Pack em last.

  • See these two beam Sabres, which I absolutely love this kind of baby blue color.

  • It's a really cool.

  • Aside from the traditional green or pink, I'm really liking this blue.

  • I think it looks really good against the gold before even get certainty articulation of the kit, which is great.

  • To be honest, there is one glaring issue I want to point out, and for some, it may be a deal breaker.

  • But it is, honestly, those no marks now, usually no marks.

  • Honestly, don't bother me too much, because I just, you know, put my kids on display and you can't see them from far away but on this guy, because they're not under gated.

  • Ah, and it's all gold on the outside.

  • The no marks are super obvious. 00:02:59.230 --> 00:03:2.310 I mean, you could really see them all over the kit. 00:03:2.510 --> 00:03:5.130 I mean, they're even on the very front here. 00:03:5.130 --> 00:03:12.700 You could see on the thin of even is right there, smack out right in the middle and the arms, the legs of feet.

  • I mean, they're just everywhere.

  • You'll be seeing them as I review the kid, but honestly, that's probably the biggest negative.

  • Aside from the articulation is those freaking know works?

  • Anyways, let's get into reviewing the kids.

  • Now this guy does have somewhat of a balancing issue because of these are kind of heavy, these shields in the bag he does tend Thio fall over to the back a lot.

  • However, these little ponytails, as I like to call them, do you support the weight?

  • So if you just kind of pinned them against the floor, it holds him up just fine.

  • So that's really not a big problem.

  • Now let's look at the articulation of the head.

  • It is able to scrub all around.

  • Look up and down now for the shoulders.

  • There is a slight range of motion up and down, a little bit of side to side. 00:04:0.330 --> 00:04:5.140 Then, in terms of the torso, there's absolutely no AB crunch in here. 00:04:5.140 --> 00:04:9.010 I mean, like, there's somewhat of a wiggle, but yeah, that's nothing. 00:04:9.020 --> 00:04:19.360 So no dynamic poses of, you know, the super action shots yet you're not gonna happen with this guy now, in terms of these skirts, they are one solid piece.

  • You can cut it down the middle and of course, have you know each side having a different position, he sighs.

  • Skirts can move up and down There's no swivel, Um cannot move it left.

  • And right now, in terms of the back skirt that is fixed in place.

  • So there's no movement there now in terms of the arms.

  • He does bend that farce a little more than 90 degrees.

  • I do like that.

  • The hands are fixed.

  • He is able to prop this open like so and remove a bean saber from there. 00:04:53.340 --> 00:05:4.230 And the beam sure beams to the shield gets attached right in here with these two little prongs and you attach it to just like that and it's pretty good. 00:05:4.230 --> 00:05:6.180 It's on, Um, very unsecure. 00:05:6.180 --> 00:05:7.750 You can see that it's not falling off it. 00:05:7.750 --> 00:05:23.210 Also, I like that mechanism a lot now in terms of the lower portion that he is able to kick that far and bending the knee is not the vest again, like maybe that's for the lesson.

  • Well, not just about 90 degrees.

  • There's absolutely no bend and you were here.

  • There's no mechanism.

  • It's just one long piece, wth e knee on the knees.

  • The ankle is not the best, so you do have movement front and back, and there's a little bit of side to side Now, again, this is a high grade kid.

  • So you know, you already come into it expecting that the best articulation but the new high grades actually are very well articulated.

  • There is no mechanism here, so no hinge, nothing.

  • So you cannot, you know, do my favorite toe bend here. 00:05:59.900 --> 00:06:0.890 None of that happens. 00:06:0.900 --> 00:06:3.000 There's no hinge back here either. 00:06:3.000 --> 00:06:6.660 So none of this, basically this whole foot is just one solid piece. 00:06:6.740 --> 00:06:7.500 Which kind of sex? 00:06:7.500 --> 00:06:12.110 Because if you want out, you know, do like a poles where he's kind of bending forward.

  • You cannot, you know, pushy.

  • So So that's kind of annoying in terms of articulation and posing and stuff.

  • Now let's take a look at the back looking crazy.

  • Now, these are actually pretty well articulated.

  • However, you kind of have to go in this range of motion because if you've been backwards, it just doesn't look right.

  • They're all kind of sort of sloping in one direction.

  • They don't tend to pop off on me very often, but sometimes they do, but again.

  • So this kind of limits you and how you want oppose him again, because it could really only go in this kind of sloping direction, cause if you do any other pose, it looks really kinky and weird, and it just doesn't look right. 00:06:55.400 --> 00:07:4.810 So I don't know what I don't know how I feel about these tales of pony tails, but I actually like the design of them and how they look. 00:07:5.010 --> 00:07:7.160 I just thought they would be better articulated. 00:07:7.810 --> 00:07:13.120 Now let me pry off his back contraption.

  • There we go.

  • She get a look at the kid without the backpack.

  • Looks just like that.

  • Now let's look at the backpack here with the shields attached.

  • How you can see that I have the two beams sabers stuck on there.

  • Now these shields are able to move around like so.

  • So they do have some little bit of range.

  • Not much.

  • However, they cannot really go forward and backwards.

  • So really, the only range of motion you're going to get it just right and left.

  • That's about it.

  • So show you guys a little of size comparisons.

  • You get the gist of how big or small this kid is. 00:07:52.110 --> 00:08:3.580 So here he is saying next to the high grade arc 78 2 and I brought out the Massa great Phoenix Gundam a little flimsy up. 00:08:4.640 --> 00:08:10.650 I'm always very careful Even touched this guy because this guy just flops over all the time on me.

  • Here you go.

  • My scared even touch him.

  • Um, yeah.

  • So not the tallest Gundam, but, you know, it's it's okay in terms of size.

  • Now, I really love the gold coloring off this high grade in terms of the goal that they used on the Phoenix because this is more kind of like a pale gold.

  • And I'm pretty like this deep yellow gold.

  • Someone is demon here.

  • So you can kind of see the difference between the two colors.

  • I don't know which one you guys prefer.

  • They're both really pretty.

  • But I just like the warmth that comes from this type of yellow plated gold that they use on this uniform right here.

  • I'm not saying the Phoenix is about I mean, they're both great kids, but I mean great in quotation marks.

  • They're good at standing there. 00:08:59.940 --> 00:09:0.760 That's about it. 00:09:0.770 --> 00:09:2.860 You get no poses out of this thing, really. 00:09:2.990 --> 00:09:4.670 At least maybe I just like opposing. 00:09:4.670 --> 00:09:11.250 But for me, they just stand just like that and my display cases, no poses because they kind of just can't really pull off any poses.

  • In my opinion, so do I think you guys should get this kid.

  • Do I recommend it?

  • That's kind of hard to say, because, honestly, this kid was kind of pricey for what you're getting, and it doesn't pose what?

  • It's basically just a brick.

  • It's just gonna stand just like this and look pretty.

  • So if that's something that doesn't really bother you, then go for it.

  • But honestly, you can get much better kids for this price than what I paid for for this one.

  • And aside from that, because obviously I didn't do any residual bought this kid, I for some reason for some crazy thought that I had I thought that this kid would transform.

  • I don't know why I thought that, but I was getting really excited, too, because I just liked the way the blue slash greenish in her frame looks with the gold. 00:09:59.740 --> 00:10:9.800 Then I was like, Oh my God, you look so great standing next to the Phoenix and oh, off balance and no, let me warn you right now, this kid does not transform.

  • So for those of you who or like me and think this get transforms.

  • It does not let me warn you right there.

  • You don't get a transforming kid.

  • It just looks just like this.

  • You know the regular unicorn pose?

  • No, you know, psycho mode, Nothing.

  • This is what you get.

  • What you see is what you get.

  • So again, I'm gonna have to say this is probably a pass for me.

  • I did enjoy building it.

  • I do like these kind of gold plated kits.

  • It's just the fact that it doesn't pose well or has a lack of articulation.

  • That freaking nut marks are everywhere.

  • And what's the point of getting a gold plated kit?

  • And then you're gonna have to say no, no marks, which is gonna ruin even more and then have to paint it.

  • What was the point of paying extra for gold?

  • Put a kid when you paint it right? 00:10:56.290 --> 00:11:2.030 I mean, I'd rather just get the basic one during the war and then airbrush it and you can get the same finish. 00:11:2.260 --> 00:11:11.230 So I guess this is more of a kid for those who lack airbrush ability or who don't have somewhere they can airbrush.

  • I guess this would be obviously the alternative if you're not able to airbrush the regular kit.

  • So I like again, I'm gonna have to say this is a pass for me.

  • But, hey, if this is something that you really want, this is more your favorite kids.

  • Then go for it.

  • Don't let my opinion tell you, not Thio.

  • I do think the kid looks really pretty, and I do like these little tails.

  • Some people don't like them, but I actually I actually really enjoy these little pointy tails is what I call them.

  • And that's my two cents on this kid.

  • All right, so that's it for the review.

  • I don't know what Tell me what you guys think that on comments below.

  • Do you like it?

  • Do you not like it?

  • Did you think it wasn't on transform like I did?

  • Because that's big C on my part.

  • I should have looked into it more.

  • I don't know why.

  • I don't know why I think all your quirks transform because I guess that's a lot of thing now all you know, for models transform. 00:11:59.110 --> 00:12:1.180 So that's a big oopsy on my part. 00:12:1.410 --> 00:12:6.850 But honestly, I I think for what the 30 to $40 price ring. 00:12:7.150 --> 00:12:8.160 It's not a bad kid. 00:12:8.160 --> 00:12:11.390 I mean, obviously, we thought you could get, like, two high grades at that point.

  • So it just depends on what your budget is and what you think is expensive for a kit.

  • For me, this is kind of on the pricey end, but I do like that gold plating.

  • So I think, you know it may be worth it again.

  • It's just kind of a personal preference, but as and I recommend is, I would say, Pass and go for a better kid, you know, a real great or something.

  • Maybe you would amass great cause you could point by massive great for what this kid goes for, anyways.

  • That's it for the review.

  • Hope you guys liked it.

  • Oh, and before I forget, I have not forgotten about to give away.

  • I will probably be picking the winner my next video.

  • So probably next week I'll have the winner anounced.

  • Anyways, I'll catch you guys around for the next one.

My channel.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日