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(stirring music)
(upbeat music)
- You've heard the analogy where,
what's the number one fear in North America?
It's public speaking, right?
Not snake, not death,
death is number two.
(crowd laughs)
Now you didn't know this,
as a leader if you need to sell and close on the platform,
you've got all these emotions going on,
what happens?
(audience member talking)
Bad performance.
(audience member talking)
Yes, yes, no that's a yes,
you lose the audience too,
you won't close anything, that's for sure.
(audience member talking)
- [Man] Self destruction.
- Self destruction.
Just like almost like a button
that's gonna explode. (crowd laughs)
Self destruction, yes maybe, maybe.
(audience member talking)
(audience member talking)
Time's everything up there,
but do you know why you feel this way?
No, but where does it come from?
- [Woman] Lack of practice.
- Lack of practice, lack of practice.
- [Man] Lack of knowledge.
- You know that's like,
think about when little kids, right,
when they are few years old,
you've all noticed,
little kids, they speak very loud.
'Cause kids, they just,
and then you got to tell,
how many have kids?
Right, you got to tell your kids to what?
- Quiet down. - Quiet down.
You're too loud, right?
We're in public, right?
Shh, right?
How many of you have done that as a parent, right?
Shh, right?
And your parents did that to you,
when you're growing up.
Many many many many times.
So what happens, you associate,
oh if I speak loud,
which is a form of public speaking, right?
If you get too much attention, it's a what?
- [Audience Members] It's a bad thing.
- It's a bad thing.
So then naturally as you grow up,
then you start picking up this stuff, right?
All this stuff when you come up on stage,
you're like, oh yeah, it's gonna be bad,
I'm gonna look foolish, I'm self conscious,
people won't like me,
and in school even,
how many have done school projects
where you have to present to groups, right?
And then all your classmates and all that
are all fucking mean sons of bitches, right?
(crowd laughs)
They all give you a hard time, right?
Like, oh man!
You know, they're joking around, all this stuff,
and then it makes you even more self conscience, right?
And afterwards, as an adult,
you go into the workforce,
you graduate, and now you're working,
growing your company, doing your business.
All that is still there.
All that shit, it's there, all right?
And then you wonder,
how come I'm not as effective, right?
And everybody's trying to give you techniques,
I'm going to give you a ton of techniques this weekend.
A ton of techniques.
But the way I like to always do it
is give you the...
(audience muttering) The what?
- The mindset. - Mindset first.
Then I'm going to give you the techniques,
because the techniques are?
Very over?
- Whelming. - Whelming.
Are very overwhelming, you'll see.
If you're doing, you're doing call,
you're doing call one on one on the phone,
you're talking to one person, yes?
- [Audience] Yes!
- You fail, you fail in private.
(audience laughs)
You get rejected, right?
On the phone, no big deal.
When you're closing a platform?
Damn, damn.
I've experienced stuff
like where I do my speech, I do my close,
I say, okay, for those of you who want to,
who want to take action right now,
please go to the back of the room.
Nobody fucking moved. (audience laughs)
Yes, go to the back, yes, yes.
Nobody moved.
Is the mic gone, is the mic gone?
Yes, go to the back, right, shit.
And then you have one person who stands up,
going to the fucking bathroom.
(audience laughs)
Right, it's like the other way.
Like you fail in public and other people,
whoever, if you're closing in groups.
Guess what?
They're all watching.
Right, they're all watching.
Okay, are you going to do it?
Is he going to do it? Are you going to do it?
Should I do it? Should I set up?
No, maybe I'll wait,
I'll let you do it first.
(stuttering) I don't know, right?
They're all watching each other,
that's the group dynamic in the group, right?
So it's very very interesting,
and I gotta fix this.
Jenny, can you help me?
It keeps falling apart.
Thank you.
A round of applause for Jenny, by the way!
(audience cheering)
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You need to be okay with this,
you see how most speakers,
they'll be all self conscious,
like with this thing right now,
see what it's teaching you, you get it?
This is, are you comfortable with,
hey, you know what, something that's not working?
What do you do, right?
Are you fixing it?
Are you going to ignore it?
That's okay.
It doesn't affect you, I'm still talking.
It doesn't affect the interaction
and it doesn't affect the experience.
To do this, you need to be,
you need to have a lot of self confidence.
'Cause most people,
they would be anxious as fuck, right?
Oh my god, am I going to lose my next part,
what I'm gonna say?
No, usually, I don't like this kind of,
I like the mic with this, 'cause I move a lot.
This is for people that speak like this.
(audience laughs)
I like to jump up and down right, okay.