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  • you will now listen to my life.

  • My voice will help you and guide you still deeper into Europa.

  • Come every time you hear my voice with every word and every number will enter a still deeper there.

  • Open, relaxed and receptive.

  • I say one And as you focus your attention entirely on my voice, you will slowly begin to relax.

  • Two your hands and your fingers are getting warmer and heavier. 00:01:1.040 --> 00:01:14.950 Three warmth is spreading through your arms to your shoulders and your neck for your feet and your legs get heavier.

  • Five.

  • The warmth is spreading to the whole of your body on six.

  • I want you to go deep.

  • I say six on the whole of your relaxed body is slowly beginning to sing.

  • Seven.

  • You go deep, the deep aids On every breath you take, you go deeper.

  • Nine. 00:01:56.340 --> 00:03:2.280 You off smelting On the mental count of 10 you will be in Europe Be the I say Oh Huh?

  • The leap!

you will now listen to my life.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

マックス・フォン・シドーへのトリビュート - ブローアップ - ARTE (Hommage à Max von Sydow- Blow Up - ARTE)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日