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  • Hannah exits cautiously.

  • Today, the king is bold, eager.

  • His sudden change in attitude triggers her into a submissive coil.

  • She presents her body to him for inspection.

  • He's picking up all the right signs that she's receptive.

  • While Hannah's ritual is a slinky display male, King Cobra's are far less subtle. 00:01:8.340 --> 00:01:11.960 Head butting His queen is the cue that he's ready to mate. 00:01:55.570 --> 00:02:1.880 Snakes bind themselves together in a tight embrace under their leafy canopy. 00:02:2.330 --> 00:02:4.390 They may lie like this for hours. 00:02:4.450 --> 00:02:5.730 As he fertilizes her. 00:02:6.840 --> 00:02:9.730 They will mate several times over the coming days.

Hannah exits cautiously.


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B2 中上級

二人のキングコブラのロマンスを見る (Watch Two King Cobras Romance Each Other)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日