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  • It's got to be good.

  • You don't miss this.

  • Wait.

  • No way.

  • We'll do it in the power steering lines, so we're gonna give him, like, a little bit of help.

  • 30 minutes.

  • 30.

  • Don't drink a beer by 3 30 He's delivering tires.

  • Well, so be nice with your brother.

  • Took us a year to build.

  • Are you doing in a day?

  • Make you look bad. 00:01:9.870 --> 00:01:13.870 They also assured me that they will be done and drinking beer by three.

  • So we're gonna drink beer and heckle 30.

  • When will they be done?

  • And drinking beer?

  • About What's your what's your estimate on time?

  • Right now. 00:01:55.190 --> 00:02:7.010 I don't think I think that uh, 43 I'm gonna save 55 just in time before Don't waken drink beer and watching. 00:02:7.410 --> 00:02:8.280 Yeah, I'm about to start.

  • Yeah, well, let me pull it forward a little bit.

  • Come back.

  • Okay.

  • Minutes.

  • They have the act.

  • 30 minutes And what do you think?

  • You underestimate them.

  • Well, it is like six of them, and they built, like, 100.

  • So I mean, with the parts on the table, it would be easy to underestimate her, but I think they're gonna think we're actually gonna be really good wear an hour and 1/2.

  • And they pretty much have this thing almost happened.

  • Right?

  • Start installing new parts back in like a NASCAR pit crew.

  • He'll buy beer and the promise of carny asada tacos.

  • We're done.

  • Everything stripped off frame rails clean.

  • Put shock tower up in there right now with crossover between two shock hours in and burn in the well. 00:04:56.740 --> 00:05:2.640 Finish painting everything pretty stuffed on looking good. 00:05:4.790 --> 00:05:8.490 They will paint on giving an hour's drive.

  • Here.

  • Wait, wait. 00:07:1.350 --> 00:07:2.700 What is that? 00:07:4.610 --> 00:07:11.820 German way to seven.

  • Got left.

  • Our suspension is underneath.

  • It might make it close, apparently Booth frame and dropped down a little bit of work on the way.

  • Yeah, left out there some sort of hard line set up. 00:07:59.420 --> 00:08:5.650 We're not something you're ready to tackle, right? 00:08:9.900 --> 00:08:15.600 So they showed up, bragged about doing this in five hours, but didn't bring enough gas for the generator.

  • I guess that's okay.

  • Wakefield diesel gas again.

  • Back to work.

  • He literally had, like, one weld left.

  • Okay, so way we're taking steering box out.

  • You kind of fell down and stop spitting off.

  • Luckily, we walked around.

  • Went overto how?

  • Performance?

  • Jump over there.

  • Another one.

  • Really?

  • Not a common fitting half inch vertical player.

  • Dash six. 00:08:58.730 --> 00:09:0.860 You'd be the only guy crisis averted. 00:09:3.640 --> 00:09:11.200 Wails on it.

  • You know, they'll do it in less than a power steering line, so we're gonna give him, like, a little bit of help.

  • Give him 30 minutes.

  • 30.

  • Drinking beer by 3 30 He's delivering tires.

  • Well, so be nice with your brother.

  • It took us a year to build ours.

  • They're doing it in a day.

  • They could You look?

  • Yeah, I have Jackson.

  • Yes, they have 100.

  • One of those.

  • That is brilliant.

  • You can't be that service delivered. 00:09:50.050 --> 00:10:3.970 Delivery thes e three barely missed it, but I got tired of wheels. 00:10:4.630 --> 00:10:11.160 B f U k m three's beat locks, radio rock roll Finish that very shortly.

  • Well before dark.

  • So, Greg, in the guise of desolate have these cab unlimited hub centric sleeves and We can't wait kind of condom in letting us having him instead of putting on there.

  • He said that I thought you were running him.

  • If I don't know what I brought you some kind of Let me have finished all these real quick.

  • Pretty sweet.

  • Thanks.

  • You just slide on the Ford Factory hub.

  • Got these three sets.

  • Groups.

  • Make sure you got a clock, right.

  • Set him star.

  • You will.

  • Back on. 00:10:57.410 --> 00:11:8.550 The cool thing about the hoops interests leaves is although we upgraded to the 58 studs hub centric sleeves, a lager reum wheel two on the hub. 00:11:8.560 --> 00:11:12.060 Basically and all your weight transfer instead of only looks.

  • It's just take some of that force off the looks Does take a lot of hard hits in the front.

  • It's a little more protective hub itself.

  • Done well, back on five o'clock, they literally just this six and 1/2 hours over reservoirs.

  • She's ready to rip for tomorrow.

  • Shorter?

  • Yeah.

  • What?

  • Would you do it again?

  • Yeah, I wasn't that bad, actually.

  • Yeah, yeah, it was a good day.

  • Everybody freaking worked hard on everybody, killing it the whole time.

  • So wait, I'm super stoked.

  • We had a couple little a couple of issues came over.

  • Overcame.

  • Both of them had a little issue with Reservoir host configuration, which were Dow broke power steering line.

  • We fix that.

  • Great.

  • Couldn't be happier.

  • Guys killed way, sons not down yet.

  • Starts at 10.

  • 30. 00:13:56.320 --> 00:14:0.390 Start fresh tomorrow.

  • Look.

It's got to be good.


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B1 中級

6時間PRERUNNER BRONCO ビルド・イン・ザ・デザート (6 Hour PRERUNNER BRONCO Build in the Desert)

  • 0 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日