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  • he is the billionaire ruler of the U A Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.

  • She is his sixth wife and Jordanian royalty Princess Haya.

  • They are rich, connected and horses winning multiple times at Royal Ascot.

  • But this spring the shake went alone.

  • Here's why Princess Hyo was in family court today asking for a non molestation order and one to prevent her Children from being forced into marriage.

  • She's hired the same lawyer as Prince Charles in his divorce from Diana.

  • She fled the Emirates last May, ending up in this mansion near Kensington Palace with her two Children, setting in motion a potentially explosive custody battle at the high court's.

  • The leaked information is coming from both sides, so we have the U.

  • N you saying that she was having an affair with her security officer, and then we have her side saying that she actually learned disturbing facts that caused you to feel unsafe and Flynn you a need to establish yourself in the United Kingdom.

  • This custody case is re excavating another battle royal and shake Mohammed's life.

  • One of his older daughters, Princess Latifah, by another wife, tried to escape Dubai last year before being caught and returned.

  • She was complaining of mistreatment and oppression on her case is now the subject of the U.

  • N human rights investigation, and if you are watching this video, it's not such a good thing.

  • Either I'm dead or I'm in a very, very, very bad situation.

  • Latifah was returned against her will to the U A.

  • Yeah, they put me in prison and they tortured me.

  • She's been seen in stage photos only once since then.

  • Human Rights Watch is concerned for her safety.

  • Ruling family of United Arab Emirates is a quite repressive elite in the sense of the United Arab Emirates is a police state.

  • It's one of the most impressive places to be in the Gulf, while at the same time appearing to be an incredibly modern state.

  • Princess Haya had always maintained that Latifah was loved and cared for within the family in Dubai.

he is the billionaire ruler of the U A Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum.


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B1 中級

ドバイの支配者の妻が英法廷で「強制結婚保護命令」を求める (Dubai ruler’s wife seeks 'forced marriage protection order' in English court)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日