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Well, I have a great idea for you.
You can learn English through movies.
So in this lesson today, I'm gonna help you with certain tips that would help you to improve your English through movies.
My friends, you're with me now, Erica.
And welcome back.
Well, as I said that when you want to learn English, watching movies is a great idea.
So in today's lesson, I'm gonna help you with certain tips that would help you to learn English through movies. 00:00:57.610 --> 00:01:4.850 Now there are various reasons that I always suggest my students to watch movies in order to learn English. 00:01:5.340 --> 00:01:9.450 Well, because you end up learning the rule English. 00:01:9.530 --> 00:01:14.150 Oh, yes, it's rule English and not that old boring textbook English.
Also, you are able to learn different pronunciations.
Yes, because you are watching movies.
You're listening to what the actors are saying and you get the pronunciation right so movies can be quite helpful if you want to improve your English.
Now let's have a look at five tips that would help you to improve your English through movies.
The very first step is choose an interesting movie that's quite important. 00:01:46.990 --> 00:02:5.780 Movies can be long about 22 and 1/2 3 hour long movies Right now, if you choose a very boring movie that does not interested you, definitely you are not gonna learn anything from the movie, right? 00:02:6.030 --> 00:02:17.030 So, for example, you like watching action packed movies or thriller movies, and your friend suggested you to watch a romantic movie.
For example, P s.
I love you, Yes, but I love that movie.
But if you are very keen on watching action movies, you really enjoy thriller and action movies, then, yes, romantic movies can be really boring for you.
You will not end up learning anything from the movie.
So, too, in order to learn new words and phrases, always choose the movie that would interest you.
Okay, so keep this tip in mind that would help you to improve your English. 00:02:52.740 --> 00:03:1.960 Moving on to the second tip that I have for you is select a movie that matches your current English level. 00:03:2.910 --> 00:03:5.910 Well, possibly you are a beginner. 00:03:6.200 --> 00:03:11.190 Okay, You've just started learning the language and you really want to improve.
Well, then, the best thing to do with what?
Animated movies like animated movies for kids Because thes movies usually have easy English, like easy English words, easy English phrases that are truly easy to understand.
Now if you are a beginner and you end up watching movies like Romeo and Juliet Oh, that's gonna be terrible.
You will be very confused because that's Shakespeare English, which is quite difficult even for Ed wants English learners. 00:03:56.640 --> 00:04:7.460 So start watching movies like the animated movies for kids, because this way you'll be able to understand the English much better. 00:04:7.760 --> 00:04:13.580 Okay, so select a movie that matches your current English level.
But I'll also help you with certain movie names that you can watch to improve English.
I'll do that at the end of the lesson, moving on to the next tip, which is choose of film with subtitles.
Now, when you watch our lessons, we have subtitles, Right, So it's very easy for youto understand to what we are saying.
So subtitles really help.
So imagine you're watching a movie without subtitles and you do not understand a word.
Well, you'll not really bother to again go back and watch or listen to the word again.
It's quite an effort. 00:04:57.640 --> 00:05:8.810 So I always suggest that water movie with subtitles Even if you have missed the word like you didn't get the pronunciation right, Guess what? 00:05:8.810 --> 00:05:10.380 You still have the word.
Now if you do not know the meaning off the word, you can quickly look it up on your dictionary.
OK, so dictionary would help you to understand the meaning off it.
And of course, you will be able to use it the next time you want to use it in a conversation.
So choose a full with subtitles because that really helps Moving on to the next step that I have for you is repeat shot phrases.
You know, there are times when we watch movies on dhe.
We listen to a phrase and you just like it like just the way it was said.
Just the way the actor said in such amazing manner.
Never know what you're going to get way Can't do something themselves. 00:05:59.150 --> 00:06:0.730 They wanna tell you you can't do it. 00:06:2.540 --> 00:06:4.210 Life moves pretty fast. 00:06:4.740 --> 00:06:7.960 You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. 00:06:8.320 --> 00:06:10.820 You like it and you repeat it.
Okay, I do that.
It's not just to learn English, but it's just because I love the phrase.
I love the way they say it.
So, for example, short phrases like heavily out Totally.
We got to do it, you know, just with the enthusiasm they say it.
I tried to repeat it in the similar manner.
Now this really helps because when you start repeating these shots phrases, they always stay in your mind like you will remember it on.
You will try to use it in your conversation.
So the next time you're watching movies and you like the way the actor said something, go ahead.
It's okay.
Don't be embarrassed.
Even if there are your friends around you or family around, you just say it. 00:06:59.170 --> 00:07:1.340 Repeat it on. 00:07:1.340 --> 00:07:1.530 Then. 00:07:1.530 --> 00:07:7.500 The last step that I have for you is it's okay to miss words. 00:07:7.800 --> 00:07:13.560 Yes, well, when you were watching movies, as I said, it's a fun thing to do.
It's not just to learn words and phrases, but you enjoy watching movies, so don't worry, too much like if you have missed a word.
If you have Mr Phrase, it's okay.
Don't bother.
You can watch the movie again, right?
So don't think two months do not stress yourself.
Even if you miss out on any words, just let it go.
As I said, the movies usually 22 and 1/2 hours long.
There are many more words that you can use and learn, right?
So do not worry. 00:07:57.530 --> 00:08:7.490 And these are the five tips that you can follow in order to improve your English through movies so quickly, Just revise them. 00:08:7.800 --> 00:08:10.340 Choose an interesting movie, okay?
Something that really interests you.
Something that you would enjoy.
Select a movie that matches your current English level.
Okay, If you're a beginner, start with animated movies.
Choose a full would subtitles Well, just the way you watch our videos with subtitles.
That really helps you to improve your English.
Therefore, movies with subtitles would be an excellent thing.
Repeat shot phrases.
A few like a phrase that the actor just said.
Go ahead and repeat it.
This way you will learn English in a better ways.
And then the last tip is it's okay to miss words Like I said, Just let it go.
Don't worry too much.
It's okay.
You can watch many more movies. 00:08:59.340 --> 00:09:5.460 So follow these tips and have fun watching movies, and I'll be back with a new lesson soon, too. 00:09:5.460 --> 00:09:6.830 Then you take care.