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  • You're an incredibly promising young prospect.

  • I hope your foot heals up as quick as possible.

  • And I really, really enjoyed your fight tonight.

  • Appreciate it.

  • Thank you.

  • Like about a lot.

  • I Just how hard is funky feel with that song?

  • Coffee's.

  • Weren't you scared to throw it up at the club so far?

  • Where you Minnie?

  • I'm meeting you.

  • Jesus. 00:01:0.040 --> 00:01:3.160 Okay, well, yeah. 00:01:3.180 --> 00:01:3.920 Wow.

  • I scored like 3 to 400 day Justin purged.

  • Okay, we're back in competition training a few Novi rounds on a few G rounds.

  • Long rounds.

  • Timmy around there.

  • Just hard.

  • Live going live goes.

  • No drilling, no technique.

  • Just going hard.

  • Okay. 00:03:1.040 --> 00:03:1.250 Okay.

  • Oh, work.

  • Which one?

  • Get in about a month out?

  • Wednesday.

  • We got sparring.

  • Two rounds, fresh round, a fresh guy around Wednesday and Saturday.

  • Spar.

  • We're going to thank us in the 27th of June, so we'll be out there about four days before fight week.

  • You?

  • That When we go out way on Airbnb, we'll have our own house. 00:05:0.890 --> 00:05:4.380 Everything is going perfect on my ankle, My foot. 00:05:4.610 --> 00:05:8.190 That surgery feels good compared to last last camp. 00:05:8.190 --> 00:05:12.990 When I close by in October, train my hip surgery.

  • I've felt this good going into a fight, literally.

  • I ever die.

  • It's perfect for you, Dan Gardner.

  • We're doing a lot of breathing exercises from the Bryan became the AB the state Yeah, movement recovery with Brandon, I feel I've never felt this good going to do fight.

  • I'm super excited.

  • So many of us choose our path out of fear.

  • Disguised as practicality, way really want.

  • Seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, So we never dared to ask the universe for it.

  • I'm saying I'm the proof that you can ask the universe board way 66 week out and then sure, silent in a soon as he starts can get a little bit tired, obviously, like everyone.

  • But now, once he starts dialing in, finding this range dangerous both hands, both legs spin so fast that people can't see it, so he spins randomly.

  • There's no load up, so it's really dangerous. 00:06:49.710 --> 00:07:0.000 He's gonna knock this kid out with street, Right straight left, maybe a body kit way. 00:07:0.000 --> 00:07:4.880 We're going to Brandon's for recovery day. 00:07:5.240 --> 00:07:9.140 You go there, chillax.

  • Danny's car today through a kink in my ankle landed right between an elbow.

  • I can't really fucking do that.

  • It's all good, baby.

  • Yeah, fine s.

  • So it's obviously really, really cool to be able to work with Sean are looking at what we can provide here is is a additional recovery tool.

  • So I I think movement is such a powerful recovery tool in the integration of breath.

  • So he's doing other breath work.

  • This breath work is more from a positioning standpoint.

  • So you look at probably the first layer of compensation is gonna start with breathing.

  • So if we can teach him to understand his breathing patterns to get into better positions and then to be able to eventually produce force in those positions, I think for a fighter that's extremely beneficial. 00:08:58.310 --> 00:09:3.750 I think most guys like the better the our feet, the more they compensate, they get away with compensations. 00:09:3.990 --> 00:09:13.910 So if we can teach a foundation of really good positions, really good ability to move there and pressurize the body, so he's not constantly dumping into his little back.

  • He's not jamming its pelvis forward.

  • He's gonna be able to express his athleticism even more.

  • And for an elite athlete that's huge like it.

  • If I can help a guy express their athleticism and then use that athleticism in their sport, I think that's that's all right.

  • Good Saturday way.

  • I feel like I'm gonna be the best way to get inside that company.

  • 11. 00:09:59.140 --> 00:10:0.050 Work with Brandon. 00:10:0.510 --> 00:10:1.650 Get warmed up. 00:10:1.650 --> 00:10:2.590 Get everything going. 00:10:2.600 --> 00:10:4.760 Everything moving, Breathing into everything. 00:10:4.820 --> 00:10:5.400 Just breathing. 00:10:5.400 --> 00:10:6.180 Right, Right. 00:10:6.190 --> 00:10:6.740 Posture. 00:10:8.330 --> 00:10:9.450 Right now, I'm just kind of wait. 00:10:9.540 --> 00:10:10.750 I feel like a fight.

  • Right.

  • 20 2500 round.

  • Get out.

  • Pick it up next to next Saturday.

  • I got to go. 00:11:0.140 --> 00:11:1.200 Good job. 00:11:2.400 --> 00:11:2.890 Try to win.

  • No, no, absolutely.

  • Oh, yeah, Yeah.

  • Go first.

  • I don't know.

  • What's the Lord gonna be?

  • I'll go last.

  • I'm feeling E.

  • J.

  • Tom.

  • Katie. 00:11:59.220 --> 00:12:0.160 Danny. 00:12:0.910 --> 00:12:1.490 Lisa! 00:12:2.160 --> 00:12:3.270 Lisa J. 00:12:5.640 --> 00:12:5.900 Okay. 00:12:5.900 --> 00:12:6.450 After me. 00:12:8.040 --> 00:12:10.020 What the You always start.

  • You know, you they don't You from there.

  • I know that her know Jay's up.

  • Jay's up.

  • Just make sure like when it's red like that.

  • I mean, just focus thistle.

  • Well, I like that right there.

  • No, he didn't make it.

  • Did the farthest thing from making it decent decent here.

  • The rim for terms.

  • Big Tom's up. 00:12:58.810 --> 00:13:1.580 I get it for your next. 00:13:1.590 --> 00:13:2.850 You're tougher than that. 00:13:4.080 --> 00:13:5.020 She said no. 00:13:5.460 --> 00:13:6.710 Almost years were a moccasin.

  • Okay, She's a buck not look like J.

  • Who?

  • She gets a pizza.

  • She gets a p dad and Brooke the backwards spot.

  • Know wherever you want to do a lay up sucker today through your legs Dunk, brother.

  • Oh, didn't I didn't see you. 00:14:7.870 --> 00:14:11.750 All right, get a steak cowboy or Tony cowboy, huh?

  • I'm gonna go, cowboy.

  • Knock out in the second round, Cowboy Knockout.

  • Second round.

  • Are you J J Cowboy or Tony Cowboy?

  • Why?

  • Why now?

  • One how?

  • How?

  • Probably decisions.

  • It's gonna be a war, though.

  • I know for sure Cowboy or Tony Shawn bracketing cowboy alive.

  • But I do.

  • Yeah.

  • Cowboy way.

  • Got good, huh? 00:15:2.610 --> 00:15:42.100 Is over because you can't Please slow down.

You're an incredibly promising young prospect.


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B1 中級

スガショー EP #8 (Suga Show EP #8)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日