MerleHaggardsonsaid, I thinkJohnnyCashwantstotalktoyou.
And I lookedaroundandtherehewas, anditwaslike, thepartingoftheRedSea, youknow?
Yeah, andthen I pitchedhim a song, Youknow, Youdid?
Itwasgoingwell, hesaid, sing a littlebitofittome, and I didn't thinkyou'd saythat, butitwasbecauseitwasjustanidea, but I did. 00:01:56.740 --> 00:02:0.040 I said, That's whatmakes a maninblackstillsingingtheblues. 00:02:0.220 --> 00:02:1.530 I lovedit. 00:02:1.530 --> 00:02:4.040 Hewanteditwhenthey I gotbacktoNashville. 00:02:4.040 --> 00:02:5.670 RodehomewithNeilYoungonhisbus. 00:02:6.650 --> 00:02:7.960 Mydad, I don't know. 00:02:7.970 --> 00:02:9.050 But I gotbacktoNashville. 00:02:9.050 --> 00:02:9.500 Thenextday. 00:02:9.500 --> 00:02:14.920 I got a callfromMartyStuartandJohnnywantsyoualmosttookthatsong, andit's justonidea.