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  • Hello and welcome to the program.

  • We've got an F A Cup trip to North Hampton to talk about later.

  • Plus, we'll tell you about the room that Darby on the moment that goes back.

  • Nearly two and 1/2 years, we've got Michael Johnson and Shane Nicholson in the studio, but we gotta start by looking back to the weekend on the victory for Darby.

  • Overhaul that scene.

  • The Rams go six games and beaten boys.

  • It is their best run at the season so far.

  • It couldn't have come at a better time.

  • Jonah know he's been a terrific Turner form, which coincided with the with the arrival of a certain Wayne Rooney on. 00:00:53.830 --> 00:01:5.150 And I think whilst the Wayne's not lit the place on fire off it, what he has brought his expertise and that professionalism, which has allowed everybody to up their game and over 5 10%. 00:01:5.150 --> 00:01:18.850 And we've seen that in the results beaten since Wayne Rooney arrival, maybe tease out one or two of the other reasons, perhaps for this run at the moment, it is three wins in a row at home as well show and we talk about momentum when we talk about trying to build on, Go somewhere.

  • Are we seeing those signs now that Darby are building toward something?

  • Yeah, there's been progression of the last five or six games with the spell was going through what we wasn't creating chances.

  • But you know we can't hide behind.

  • The fact is, since Wayne's been on the scene that things seem to have picked up, Jonah was spot on.

  • You know, he hasn't lit the place up, has not been doing what you know.

  • We would like to have seen him do probably 10 years ago.

  • Just the very fact that is out of the picture on the training picture with the young players, you know, it gets the extra 10% album.

  • You know that he shows glimpses of what it could do.

  • You know, the diagnose balls that he plays, I think in the Crystal Palace game him and Tom played between them. 00:01:56.840 --> 00:02:4.140 I think 25 Dagnall balls, which when you play in the game, it takes out 234 players sense for me since his move further up. 00:02:4.140 --> 00:02:5.460 It'll do you think we've missed a little bit? 00:02:5.720 --> 00:02:7.180 Look, Saturday wasn't a classic. 00:02:7.190 --> 00:02:9.760 We know that but Darby one. 00:02:9.770 --> 00:02:10.960 And that's the important thing.

  • Andi think Well, two things of consequence do come out of it.

  • Besides the result, I want to talk about one.

  • Matt Clark.

  • Both ends of the pitch actually gets the only goal.

  • Mrs.

  • Darby First proper headed goal of the season, isn't it?

  • I'm sort of an old fashioned centre, half Scotland and defenders.

  • Absolutely.

  • I mean, I was brought up in an era where I defended you, expected to contribute five or six goals per season to the total.

  • And it's a fantastic today, that delivery, and first and foremost, he's got it.

  • He's got to be right.

  • To allow the center back, however, is an opportunity to go ahead a bull.

  • But then, more importantly for me is what you said is what he does, which is putting your body on the line, making those last minute blocks clearances. 00:02:59.140 --> 00:03:0.800 You had S O. 00:03:0.800 --> 00:03:10.050 If we can continue in that rich vein of form while what you show ever the other night there, then all of a sudden doubt we're afraid in both boxes.

  • He came back from injury ahead of schedule.

  • Shane each started the last four in the league.

  • Don't be lost in that Rose is Reese orally.

  • And actually, when you look back across the season, the results when he's in the side have Bean pretty good.

  • Are we seeing his value now?

  • We're seeing the best of him.

  • He gives us that balance.

  • He's not blessed with great pace, which I thought we make struggle with.

  • I think the inclusion now of Andre alongside him, who does have the pace.

  • Young Max, lower left back.

  • Who's the awful?

  • Our paces?

  • Well, that helps out.

  • But his distribution is very good.

  • And of course, now if you could go up the other end of the field and also, you know, put a gold one of gold Italian, you know, even better.

  • But it's been a while that we've scored us at peace.

  • It was always gonna be a simple goal that we scored in that game because it's like you said it wasn't a classic, but it's just a straightforward bump into the goal.

  • You know, any Rosabal for goalkeeper?

  • Uh, you know, put the boy in back of the net. 00:03:59.890 --> 00:04:0.660 So go, Go. 00:04:0.730 --> 00:04:2.080 We sort it out in the out of season. 00:04:2.080 --> 00:04:2.670 Huddersfield! 00:04:2.670 --> 00:04:3.350 Andi, really? 00:04:3.350 --> 00:04:7.720 Look the part, and I think everybody thought this has been, you know, this is a top notch shining. 00:04:7.720 --> 00:04:12.900 Remember, people tell you, you know, this guys is the replacement for Cairo tomorrow straightaway.

  • But then, you know, I think didn't struggle after that.

  • But he maybe didn't get back to this sort of level.

  • I would say that he probably has.

  • Now.

  • I don't want heat too much praise on.

  • I think in this country we always, you know, a young player burst on the scene and he has two games where it is the next biggest thing Might.

  • He plays one game, orders food, and then why would say that if you go for a run of games?

  • If it is a trend about what kind of personality character, the player that you're going to become a still think he's still finding its feet with that regards?

  • Obviously, the injury he had, we know that the first game of the season. 00:04:52.330 --> 00:05:3.690 But what we can say is that still a young money has got huge potential and if he continues in its playing the fool, you know, not only is it good for us, I think he's gonna have a wonderful career as well. 00:05:3.690 --> 00:05:7.170 He's had to put up with the Centre Hall of Changing yet Max. 00:05:7.170 --> 00:05:10.870 Oh, the left back and Scott Malone changing his will show is that relationship building as well.

  • That is a problem you mentioned actually, Andrew Wisdom earlier.

  • And this was a new centre half pairing of the weekend.

  • Do you think we're gonna see more of it?

  • Matt Clark and Andrea Wisdom?

  • I hope so.

  • It looked like the play together for for quite a while.

  • You know, we just slipped in.

  • They both knew each of these games very well.

  • Andrei seem to me actually reminded me of, you know, a little bit quicker, but his distribution was fantastic.

  • Yeah, he came out to get me ready.

  • 12 balls You let the center for would know that he was in the game.

  • You remember putting money back so well and it kept its shape really while he was organizing.

  • So it wouldn't surprise me if it was Listen, he's done nothing wrong. 00:05:51.440 --> 00:06:0.260 It's an interesting with Andre because obviously, when he first came to the club on loan under state McClaren, he played it right back and Maddie's how Barbie fans of no name it and thought of him. 00:06:0.260 --> 00:06:6.550 But I think you play that centre half when he was in Austria and helped solves both this Heikal think he played there a bit for Norwich as well. 00:06:6.550 --> 00:06:12.280 And if you talk to people that know and they'll say he's a sense 1/2 I don't think he's ever really been seen as a sense half.

  • It will be before, No, but I think it shows the essence of what good manager is, is how you see somebody fitting into your team, and we could have studies all right back and just put him in these boxes, all right back and he would have been played.

  • We wouldn't have seen that kind of performance.

  • That performance led to a great win.

  • But what we've seen is Philip and the coaching stuff have seen something within him that we all probably saw and said, You know what?

  • This guy can only complain right back, but I seize game is more suited to the center.

  • But you know, he's, you know, is a big lad.

  • He's got great feet and he can play something.

  • Well, you know, in that short space of time when he first came on loan.

  • The game's changed since then. 00:06:56.160 --> 00:07:2.300 You look at the four bucks role now is to bomb open down, open down, up and down and you have to be creative as well. 00:07:2.500 --> 00:07:6.050 I think when he came in for for Jade in those couple of games I think is exceptional. 00:07:6.050 --> 00:07:7.770 But that isn't his game. 00:07:7.770 --> 00:07:8.590 Get open down the field. 00:07:8.590 --> 00:07:9.350 I just don't think that is. 00:07:9.350 --> 00:07:10.490 I think him sits in there.

  • You know, directing people, pulling people, pulling strings is his role certainly worked On Saturday, we'll see how Andrea wisdom is deployed as we go forward.

  • Let's bring you up to date with the state of play in the championship.

  • But we came for the top two leads and West Brom's both lost and have both been struggling for a while.

  • Actually.

  • Good weekend, Preston, Blackburn, Swansea and noting and Boris Beat, there's a handful of midweek matches to Preston.

  • When a Barnsley last night it was all sprout the riverside. 00:07:44.810 --> 00:08:0.060 Tonight, Fulham and Nazi and Forest will look to put even more pressure on the top two and there is certainly pressure on West Bram and leads now as it stands Fulmer within five points of top spot for its condo's within two of Leeds tonight. 00:08:0.930 --> 00:08:8.510 Out of the top six after questions with yesterday, there's a bit of a gap starting to open up between the bottom three and the rest. 00:08:8.520 --> 00:08:10.320 Bombs leave four points from safety.

  • Five if you can see the goal difference and they have played the game or Wigan and Lewton look like they're in trouble too dark before the record 13 points clear off the relegation.

  • Just a quick word from the boys on all that because it is getting a bit nervy for the top to Jonah, considering everyone thought they were gone and they were clear.

  • Yeah, I think you always get that turn of the year where you know there's so many games in a short period of time.

  • And if you don't pick up points and always do behind you, you can catch the top to within 45 days because it's free games in five day periods and this is the time.

  • This is what I call the business end of the season.

  • It's it's now you've finished off our lap now where are you and it's those teams that can keep their nerve. 00:08:59.300 --> 00:09:1.550 I think January's a really difficult time. 00:09:1.550 --> 00:09:3.890 It can be destabilizing with the transfer window. 00:09:4.030 --> 00:09:19.770 But I think if you could come out a general and you got the team settled you in for a terrific run towards the end of the season since the 11th of December, the top to have played 15 times on day one, twice between them, that that's some style about how much their struggles it is.

  • Yeah, but Jonno says I'm in January is it's a massive Tom was talking about the Christmas time that wherever the period, the amount of gangs but football now was a squat game.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • What team really can keep their main stay fit, you know, and, uh, just stay in the game.

  • You know, if you're in the top two top three and you're picking points up here and there is not about steamrolling the league and winning every week you're gonna do that's impossible.

  • Throughout in championship, it wouldn't be done, but it's about keeping your place fit, keeping them fresh.

  • You know, if you can if you got the money freshen up in January, I went from one tasty stacked another because that you might have seen this pop up on social media over the weekend. 00:09:55.620 --> 00:10:5.350 It's now 61 games since Darby lost when scoring first, that we have been back through to check all this, that you have to go back nearly two and 1/2 years. 00:10:5.350 --> 00:10:6.110 It was a defeat. 00:10:6.320 --> 00:10:11.760 A 41 away at Bristol City in September 2017 Gary Route was Darby's manager.

  • They went in front from the penalty spot that lost this game for one.

  • Since that every time we have schooled first, they've either one or drawn.

  • It sounds incredible, but it actually just this just illustrate what we hear from managers and awful lot.

  • What we hear from Philip Kaku.

  • That first goal is so important.

  • I think it's it's sport, but in particular, obviously, football.

  • If you're running a race and you get out first, it's so difficult for the guy.

  • Thio catchy from behind.

  • I want you out there, you know you full of confidence.

  • You you're in the driver's seat so it doesn't.

  • It does surprise me the length, but it doesn't surprise me about that. 00:10:51.060 --> 00:11:5.160 If you score first Maur often than not, you're going to win or or draw the game, and I suppose that would help you stretching you when you're looking at how you set up going forward into a game, how often would you hear it from from a manager? 00:11:5.160 --> 00:11:5.580 Shame. 00:11:5.730 --> 00:11:10.080 Start well, get the first got going from Well, that's what I was just thinking.

  • It's one of those things that you think you just here and people are saying it just for saying, say, But listen for a was quite clearly, it works.

  • We have a team that if we get hold of a leader, we've got something to hold onto.

  • That's what we're good at, you know, with the experience of having a team without Blender youth as well, it seems, but working for us.

  • We'll see if we can keep that run going.

  • Better news to bring you as well at Darby have given new contracts to a couple of young stars who've really emerged this season.

  • Jason Knight on Morgan Whitaker been stars at the academy for years.

  • Jason, I did that a couple of years ago, is now broken.

  • It's the first team, of course, that they both signed deals to keep them at Darby until 2023.

  • Just reward for both of them.

  • Jonno, who have Bean just tonight in particular, the story this season for May. 00:11:58.680 --> 00:12:3.560 I Love Nightie and I've always flew the flag for him. 00:12:3.600 --> 00:12:7.490 Just like the way is the game is I've seen today. 00:12:7.500 --> 00:12:13.890 You know, Dude, Bellingham, 16 years old, subjective, a £30 million bit for for man United.

  • But this guy for me is not that far behind.

  • You know, he's a box to box player, and it doesn't mind putting the foreigner.

  • I don't see many young players like that, so I think you know he's got terrific future on Morgan Whitaker, who has scored goals for fun for the Academy Side.

  • 20 three's the 18 previously as well.

  • A little bit, you know, further below the violent, then Jason.

  • Maybe, but he's got back to potential as well.

  • He has, but he's he's playing in public, more difficult role, I suppose.

  • What night is He's known as the Gold Score, I suppose, But Jason's don't incur bullets, got the goals it has got, But Morgan will come on.

  • You know he's not had the minutes that Jason's that, but he's been in and around the team that will do in the world of good paying the likes of Wayne Rooney in the training day.

  • In, day out, we can only help a player like him. 00:12:59.120 --> 00:13:3.700 It's important to reward them, obviously, but it is important the cops pull of its title down as well. 00:13:3.710 --> 00:13:4.380 Well, of course it is. 00:13:4.380 --> 00:13:4.480 Yeah. 00:13:4.480 --> 00:13:6.950 I mean, we're a club now that wants to promote youth. 00:13:7.100 --> 00:13:9.540 You know, we're doing that now on the plane on the chairmanship, too. 00:13:9.540 --> 00:13:10.350 Very good level.

  • You know, the holding, their own.

  • You know, the likes of Jason Me wouldn't go through them all.

  • They're all doing extremely well.

  • So last that where the owner of the club wants our fifth percent of the academy playing out in the first scene, getting minor before.

  • Absolutely congratulations to the boys that very well deserved.

  • I'm sure there's lots of special things to come from both more political and Jason Knight, maybe even this week had made Darby get a break from the championship.

  • The Rams are off to North Hampton on Friday in the fourth round of the F A Cup.

  • Newcastle will also be hoping to avoid an upset against legal Oxford United on Saturday.

  • Holders Manchester City face Fulham on Sunday either what would or transmittable host Manchester United. 00:13:50.470 --> 00:14:0.000 Third round replay will finally happen on Thursday and there's more upset potential at Shrewsbury, where Premier League leaders Liverpool are in town. 00:14:3.440 --> 00:14:7.330 Our focus will, of course, speed the game of the six field stadium on Friday night. 00:14:7.330 --> 00:14:12.780 Darby against North Hampton, which I think we all feel is a pretty interesting, pretty good draw for Darby.

  • Joan.

  • It's reward for beating Palace in round three but if a contrast to go from Premier League opposition to lead to opposition is going to interest is gonna be interesting.

  • Now we face, we faced off on Tim.

  • It's a difficult one.

  • They're going well in their legal thinking for a place s o, you know, going to their field, they're back backyard.

  • It's not an easy one, but it's one that we should relish because we have got a terrific chance are going through to the next round Faced lower league opposition at this stage of the companies will last season.

  • The beat accurate and they just about got past Accurate is standing in the end.

  • Talk to me about well, it's like when you wore that, the heavily fancy team playing a lower league side, that's Darby will be on Friday.

  • The proposition is totally different to how we approach the Crystal Palace game.

  • There's no pressure, is there?

  • You know, he wasn't favorites. 00:14:59.180 --> 00:15:5.060 I saw That actually is a shock that we want that in all honesty, the way we're playing in the way we've played, you know, in the capital. 00:15:5.790 --> 00:15:8.900 But you know, the Northampton game, we go their favorites. 00:15:9.060 --> 00:15:11.150 You know, the form that we're in, we have to win the game.

  • But like Gino says, I know Keith curlers while he's got his team playing good football, they're in bagging form.

  • I've gotta players playing scored an awful lot of goals as well, so it's gonna be tough game.

  • But this is where the youth come into it now.

  • And that blend of of experiences, well, they have to bring these young pleasure.

  • We need the energy and around the pitch.

  • But in games are actually need the old heads, you know, and this is where I think Wayne and Tom, homeless in the players like that, will come into the game.

  • Maybe talk about the team that Philip Cocky might pick in a moment or two on North Hampton's.

  • You've said that having a good season that they're in the hunt for for promotion from me, too.

  • They've already won three games, of course, to get to this stage in the F A Cup.

  • A CZ.

  • Well, the school 10 goals in the three victories, including winning it burned in the last round, which, for them, is an upset as well.

  • Johnno, how seriously they're gonna take this one, given where they are in the table on. 00:15:58.920 --> 00:16:3.330 Given that, you know it will his promotion, you know, the main target from them. 00:16:3.420 --> 00:16:5.280 You think I fit the would take It says so. 00:16:5.280 --> 00:16:9.070 Because it would all due respect the lower league clubs. 00:16:9.070 --> 00:16:14.050 This is the cup final, you know, And it's a chance also to raise some revenue.

  • So you want to make sure you perform what you want to make sure that you know, the players now are feeling confident.

  • I don't think you see your squad is big enough where you can go.

  • You know what?

  • I'm gonna leave to a free out.

  • I think you go there with the intention to make sure you put the best show that Northampton can, so I wouldn't be surprised if they play their strongest, strongest team and try and create a fake up upset.

  • Don't go for it.

  • Keep Phil will be telling them that.

  • Listen, Darby's not planting trees this season.

  • That's you know.

  • That's fact.

  • It really the fact we're promoting the youthful young players, them Farrells waken.

  • See the progress we can, we can.

  • We can see what's going off.

  • But for Northampton, keep telling them.

  • Now let's say let's have a go.

  • I agree.

  • I think they'll be looking at the Thai thinking.

  • This is a great draw for us. 00:16:59.820 --> 00:17:1.160 You know, we've got nothing to lose. 00:17:1.160 --> 00:17:4.120 And, as you said, we'd know pulling up trees in our league. 00:17:4.130 --> 00:17:7.640 So you know it's an opportunity for you to possibly getting upset. 00:17:7.750 --> 00:17:11.420 They are polluted trees in their league, not far off the automatic promotion places.

  • Well, Keith Curle also be thinking, If we kill upset Darby, it's the sort of the result that that can help us climb the league table.

  • I think they're in a real pivotal position at the moment.

  • You get a good performance, something not even resort a good performance against the championship out in a team, then I think your confidence then goes, well, this is what you've done to the You know this team is gonna make sure you cement promotion, whether it's by the playoffs or straight up.

  • But this could really kick start, as I said previously, that second part it season, where now it's just a flat out running to the finish line In terms of Darby, Ada's Philip Kaku approaches because he's used the Cup in previous rounds, both of the F A Cup F L campus well chain to use this school. 00:17:58.650 --> 00:18:1.350 T give people opportunities to try things out. 00:18:1.800 --> 00:18:5.930 I think trying to predict the team for Darby on Friday is not an impossible. 00:18:6.240 --> 00:18:7.870 What's your gut telling you about? 00:18:7.870 --> 00:18:9.390 About how Darby might approach it? 00:18:9.430 --> 00:18:10.660 Well, he has to win the game.

  • Were favorites.

  • He has to win.

  • The game, has to put a team out that he feels that will win the game.

  • That's what you're gonna tell us.

  • But for me, it's about plays still qualify for this season, but there are players out there that still need relationships.

  • Bill, you know, for me, I would go with the same 11 that started on the Saturday You know, ST.

  • Keep him in there, you know?

  • Then they've got a new, awful lot on them before the next games that get in there, get through to the next round.

  • This could be massive, for this club was, Well, it's goodbye, Bassett for the owner.

  • Massive the fans.

  • And we're looking forward to them to another big, big draw in the next round.

  • So we need to get food around.

  • That's all we need to do is not about performance levels, anything else or it was just about getting your name into the hat for next round.

  • I was going to be my question because in previous years, Darby have Bean so in the hunt for the Premier League have been top six in the championship, sometimes stopped here in the championship of this sort of state of the season. 00:18:58.260 --> 00:19:0.840 The Cups have Bean sort of secondary to the thinking. 00:19:1.040 --> 00:19:2.770 I get the impression from supporters. 00:19:2.770 --> 00:19:10.950 There is much more focused on their fake up the season for a supposed where the mindset of of both Philip ease and the support.

  • So does Philip still still think as a coaching staff that we can make a late run into the playoffs that might determine and how you approach this this game or does Philip just want t You know, said this is less secure when a good present to secure jump ship status.

  • The F A Cup now is to focus for a really good cook room.

  • So I think it's a really difficult question to answer without really understanding where Philip in the coach's mindsets.

  • For me, it would be another game.

  • It's a game that you can win.

  • It's a game that would give you more confidence and more team ethic.

  • So why not play the same the same 11 and as, Well, listen a running The court will soften the blow for what position We were in the league.

  • Without that, you know, and you'll get a little bit more time with the funds as well.

  • Listen well, well, doing well. 00:19:59.210 --> 00:20:2.080 We're on the runway, but it's slow is slow progress. 00:20:2.130 --> 00:20:5.560 But running the court a good word in the court will soften the block. 00:20:5.620 --> 00:20:8.210 You know we'll have plenty of a build up to Friday on the website. 00:20:8.210 --> 00:20:11.080 These fc dot co dot UK for all of that.

  • Thanks to the boys.

  • That's it for this edition off the Darby County Show from going on, the rest of the team will see you next time.

  • Bye bye.

Hello and welcome to the program.


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ダービー・カントリー・ショー|アカデミーサイン会、クラーク・ディスプレイ、FAカップ (THE DERBY COUNTY SHOW | Academy Signings, Clarke Display, FA Cup)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日