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  • Hey, how's it going, guys?

  • They're gonna be taking look at HD build divers, rear eyes, condom, Celt some.

  • It's a pretty awesome build.

  • I really enjoyed this.

  • One still is very unique.

  • Obviously, it's got that big giant red arm on there.

  • It's going to be the most eye catching, unique point about this, but otherwise I mean, it is part by part.

  • It's really not that unique of a bill that's a pretty standard of high grade build fighters.

  • Build divers are just kind of recent high grade bill this far.

  • It's just the construction of that.

  • But just the look of it is very unique, which I really appreciate.

  • Obviously, once again, this is based off of the gonna mark three, which we don't have an actual get of that one.

  • Yes, so hopefully that'll be coming out sometime in the future.

  • We are going to have begun, um, Torshin, which was the previous form of this model before it became the Gundam.

  • Seldom as we see it here.

  • So that's going to come out as just a normal release, not a pube, and I unfortunately that'll be good coming out a little bit later.

  • While this kid does have its pros and cons.

  • It definitely is very unique and build pretty straightforward.

  • But the result very unique.

  • The weapons.

  • It doesn't really have that many, but what we do have a pretty unique.

  • So that's definitely what I like about this and the color scheme as well.

  • Also, it's pretty unique color scheme for this, which is nice.

  • It's always refreshing to have something different, aside from just the normal Gundam colors, as we see very often, so as always, guys a big thing.

  • Get us a Gundam store for their support and check out link us gonna store down in the video description down there as well as the coupon codes.

  • Doctor, really is 10.

  • You can use to save 10% off of this or any other model kit there on the site, so check that out.

  • Now, let's get into talking about just the few accessories we got included here with this first up.

  • As for hand options, what you see on here is what you get, that's all.

  • You just have a big hand, which we'll talk more about here in the moment and then just the regular holding hand on the other side.

  • That said amongst our hand small handful of leftover parts.

  • We do have this leftover hand which is not to be used with this, which we can assume is gonna be used with either a some future mark three or with the upcoming release of the turkey, I'm gonna promise.

  • But I don't think so.

  • This looks like it's simply meant for the mark three.

  • So that's just left over.

  • And also we do have one left over Thruster Bell as well.

  • Among us are small, little bits of left or parts just useful because these are always useful little customized parts for you lived with thruster bells.

  • But as far as its weapons first thing here is the hyper desk plants, which is against he is gonna have a seam line all the way down the side of that and then down the side of the back half of that.

  • So it's basically this four parts to have two halves that just kind of slide back and forth.

  • So it's meant to close up for wins and its store to stay up on the backpack and then you open it up.

  • You can grab the hand onto there.

  • Hold this for when you're actually having an use.

  • And it's quite long.

  • As you can see compared to the height of the Gundam, it's going to be well taller than the actual Gundam itself.

  • And while it is very simple, I like just once again the think that it is the kind of unique we've seen gets especially like with the camaras, another Iron Blood Orphans.

  • Kids come out over the last couple years that have used Giant Lance's like this, but they're still pretty cool for unique weapons.

  • And we have this little connector piece here, which you'll just plug into lands like that.

  • And you can use that to plug it onto the back.

  • Back over here, plugs into backpack, and it's stored up like that.

  • And I like the way the stores like that.

  • You wouldn't think kind of normally maybe it's stored vertical hell on the backpack.

  • But the fact that it's stored up over the shoulder and like I just across the back like that is a pretty cool, unique look.

  • And we've got the shield binder, which I guess is this part of it, and then the folding Destin launcher, which is this part of this cannon inside of here which will fold out.

  • You've got this cannon, which barrel folds out like that and the handle that part flips up on the handle, flips up out of there for holding on to that for this is gonna be plugging onto the backpack and going up underneath arm, then having like that again really cool, unique weapon for this and then just plugs into the backpack with this little mechanical arm we see up over here and down here we have our what looks to be our beam saber handles.

  • But in this case, we're not using them at all with this kid, so it is stored up in there, and they're meant to be getting escorted beam emitters.

  • And there's this kid doesn't come with any beam effect parts.

  • So you couldn't really do anything with that That said, just to try.

  • If you take one of your standard 1 44 scale beam saber effect warrants, it does fit into their perfectly.

  • So if you don't want to take those out, the problem is that they're really difficult to take in and out with this cannon here.

  • So if you wanna have this like, actually holding beam saber something.

  • You take that out beforehand, and then you just get your spare.

  • Be Mr Perfect part if you got one lying around and it does fit into their just right, so that works into once again, this one as well.

  • Just plugs in here onto the backpack like that.

  • And then so it kind of moves, I decide, and then it can extend out and up beneath the arm like that.

  • It works really well.

  • Very simple designed for this, but it's got all the right points of articulation to just keep it simple.

  • That said, you do have a couple of this hollow spaces here and on above the desk lands here.

  • Hello.

  • Space is there and of course, hollow spaces inside the hand.

  • And they're so you're gonna have some hollow spaces on this kid's.

  • Unfortunately, that's again just this combination of weapons, just the way they're stored up there and what they are in general is this such a cool, unique blend weapons.

  • And we do have one last little accessory here, and that is this little backpack it after piece.

  • And it says the backpack adapter that will be able to plug into any sort of normal recent high grade get that uses this to plug back back adapter.

  • It's basically give you the ability to blow those back back weapons from the cell time here into the side of this adapter piece onto the back of a different mobile suit as long as it uses this to plug system.

  • All right, so let's take a look at some of the articulation of this.

  • Never stuff just for the foil stickers you've got 1234 up there for, like, the front of the eyes.

  • You got one for, like, the actual regular I sticker, which is up in the back there and this one that goes on the yellow part of the reef in, and then the two pink ones that go on the front mask apart on the front of the face.

  • You do have ah, Maura sticker there on the back of the head back there.

  • And as for the head movement just on the double ball joined Polly cap up there so you can get it kind of up to about there.

  • Just not too bad.

  • It's kind of cool when you can actually see the Gundam eyes and they're not really to be within of the mask parts on the front of the face.

  • I'm gonna wish that it was just kind of the standard face and also the veep in as it is, it's cool.

  • It's unique.

  • But I would just kind of prefer just a normal beef, and that's that.

  • I don't know.

  • I think you know, the uniqueness fits well with the thing over here, but I'm definitely looking forward to the hunter.

  • She, um, coming out.

  • So And as for the stomach section here, you got a little bit of Ford and back movement here in the stomach.

  • And then you get some rotation.

  • They're around here on the backpack without the stuff blow down to It's just very simple.

  • Just like that.

  • These little thruster bells will fall out pretty easily.

  • So as I mentioned the box on in the Lifestream build, I would recommend this global cooling had including those in there is plugged in it by a little peg here.

  • Anytime you're touching the key, you're gonna be loosening them up and they're gonna be falling out over time now for the regular arm over here, the shoulder articulation move front and back pretty well.

  • Like that has the polar cap joint in there that will swing forward movie shoulder armor up and then ultimately bring the arm up Thio only about 90 degrees there.

  • That's gonna be the upward extension of the arm there on the Army's little unique.

  • And that doesn't rotate there at the top.

  • It actually rotates down here below the elbow, so they'll bend there as far as the elbow joint.

  • That will just give you just about 90 degrees.

  • That's about it's a little bit disappointing there.

  • No, but the nice thing is that we do have no seem like here on the front.

  • Here is that seam line is just molded as a pen, a line there.

  • So that's not a unsightly gap.

  • That's just how it's meant to be there with that, looking like it's supposed to be a panel line.

  • And then the red part is just a solid piece that goes in there.

  • So there's no seen through that on the back of the arm.

  • This scene is covered up by this piece that covers up the back of that.

  • The same thing for the upper arm as well.

  • That seam line is just meant as a panel line, so they just kind of got you covered with that.

  • That's pretty much the case for most of the kid, except for the back of the thigh, the front of the thigh.

  • Once again, they're hiding the steam as a pen, a line, but on the back it's not.

  • So you just have just a flat surface there on the back of a leg that's meant to be removed.

  • There is not meant to look like a panel line, but you might as well just turn into looking at your pant line if you want it.

  • You made the risk, then is just on a whole joint.

  • And then let's go over here to the Big Arms so this one is gonna be a little more unique.

  • The public out there, the shoulder is going to the same move for them back movement.

  • It's gonna be the same with that.

  • This section here at the top will move a little bit up and down on its own like that.

  • And just again, this thing that is missing color after little place, so well, this does is, it is a kind of problem with other areas of this, especially out here on the arm.

  • Definitely paint again.

  • Some of these tubes and details around here will definitely help, too.

  • Break the sub's is missing some colors.

  • Definitely.

  • Maybe that's got some rotation there at the top and then a bend here.

  • Sorry about the elbow, but that's actually kind of where it's meant to extend.

  • But if you just meant to that, just be as like it's elbow bend, it's gonna ban more than 90 degrees.

  • This that's pretty good, actually.

  • But this is also where the arm will extend doubts.

  • You can fold that out to its full extension here.

  • And I'm worried about how well this is gonna stay in the shoulder, one that's extended if it's not gonna cause any way issues.

  • But the moment it seems okay, Once we get something actually put into the hand holding onto the lance or something like that, I'm guessing we're probably gonna have a little bit of weight issue.

  • We'll find out in a moment done here for the rest of this hand, though you've got, uh, it's just attached into here of you a ball joint there.

  • But then this whole section will rotate in and out like that.

  • As for, the finger is basically just the two side thumbs are connected and those can move together like that.

  • And that's the only movement that we're gonna have it in this hand.

  • Unfortunately, which is pretty disappointing.

  • It's an H G.

  • C wouldn't expect it to be, like, really super articulated.

  • But a little bit more thing definitely would have been pretty nice.

  • Now, that said, if we take the hand apart, you can see this is basically molded like a set of front skirts where you have the two ball joints there, which will keep it apart.

  • But it is molded together in the center so we can do just like a set of front spirits.

  • If you want them to be individually articulated, you just snip it apart there in the center, easy enough, pop them back into place there like that, and then replace the cover here on the inside.

  • And then there we go.

  • At least we've got individual articulation of the left and right side thumbs here for this so you could do something a little bit different with that anyway.

  • All right, moving on the front skirts will move up and down with you could clip these apart as well for individual movement if you wanted.

  • So I kind of like that.

  • Thank you.

  • Got a little cut out section there is pretty pretty cool besides courts over here a little bit interesting because of the shape of them now, because it's got this like part that goes in the back there.

  • It kind of gets in the way a little bit, depending on how you have the leg posted.

  • You have the light post any certain way then that can't close up, like quite properly all the way.

  • So it's kind of like sticking out on the site.

  • No way to get it.

  • Like, properly aligned here was like the front skirt like that.

  • It's just to have the leg, like, straight down, which is this kind of rare.

  • You're not really, ever gonna wanna pose it like that.

  • So the side skirt's a bit strange.

  • As for the backstory here, very wide open space, tow added some details or a nice big decal or something on.

  • There came something on there that be equal.

  • You have some hard point here that Ernie for using with the gun after she, um this kid doesn't really use those at all.

  • But the cool thing is that up underneath the bank score, you have at least the separate great piece there to give.

  • That's more details.

  • So it's not just a big, hollow, empty space in the back of that backs course.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • The whole hip joint up inside there will rock back and forth like that and then up at the top of the hit.

  • We got some rotation of the leg there.

  • These can come out to the side of pretty far, depending on how you angle the hip joint.

  • There, you can get the leg all the way up to the side like that, which is pretty nice forward.

  • It's only gonna come to about there, but if you bend us of the knees out of the way, and you can definitely get that up a little bit higher like that and then ask for a new band and we do have a double joint there, but it's only gonna give you a little bit more than 90 degrees because you have this big piece here on the back of late, which is kind of getting in the way.

  • You're on the front of the leg that we have this cool little gimmick of that fold out and you've got another being gun emitters, sort of little thing there.

  • Another weapon that's up there hidden inside of the front of the lake, which is pretty interesting.

  • There's a little purple bit there at the front of the ankle armour.

  • Sort of that doesn't go down.

  • Just moved up a little bit like that around on the back there, like this part will fold up on.

  • You, have a thrust develop inside there.

  • This part will also fold up a little bit like that.

  • You just kind of some kind of, uh, tubing detail up in there.

  • Ankle will move side to side just a little bit.

  • Not really A whole lot forward pretty well, all the way up to there and down all the way to their.

  • That seems to be about the extension of how far it's gonna go backwards, which is not that much underneath the feet, though you don't have any hello gaps there.

  • Fortunately, it's full details.

  • That's nice, but as we take a look at a few different posing options with this guy, I think you guys are going to see that.

  • Yeah, the kid looks really cool at a glance.

  • Weapons A really unique, obviously, that once again, the color is the design.

  • The big giant right arm.

  • It's just got a really cool, fresh take on a kid.

  • And so it's really interesting in that if you're kind of getting bored with building the same kind of thing over and over again, actual building process of this again is not really all that different.

  • But end result, I think, gives you a really cool now.

  • That said, there are, of course, a couple of flaws as we went through.

  • There's plenty of missing color app, so it definitely could use some painting.

  • And there's a hollow spaces in there if you're the kind of person that doesn't really like those, not really the worst things, as those are pretty easy to fill in and the steam lines overall pretty good.

  • It's it's overall pretty lacking and seen lines is most of them are covered up as just being penalized.

  • So bend, I was kind of looking out for us a little bit on that one, so it depends a little bit on what you're looking for as a modeler.

  • But as a kid, I'd say, overall, it's definitely still much more positive than negative.

  • Those few negative things are kind of standard things that you would pretty normally expect foran a cheek.

  • It really to be honest.

  • So well, there are a couple of notable negatives.

  • They weren't really anything that caught me by surprise.

  • It wasn't anything that I wasn't expecting for a nature ticket.

  • So, as always for me, it just comes down to how it looks when it's all post up in everything and it looks really great.

  • It looks awesome.

  • Like I said, I really like the design of this.

  • It's so cool and yeah, So I'm really happy with the skin if you guys are also into the design that I'm sure you'll be plenty hot with a kid as well.

  • But if you have any other further questions or comments, of course, feel free to leave those down below.

  • As always, the guys Thank you so much for watching thank you again to us again.

  • Um, store for their support.

  • So that's it for this video, guys.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • Have a good one.

Hey, how's it going, guys?


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HGBD:R ガンダムストレンジ(レビュー (HGBD:R Gundam Seltsam (Review))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日