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  • Corey Feldman is planning to expose the Hollywood pedophile ring.

  • He wants to do a movie, and he's putting together a campaign.

  • He's trying to crowd fund $10 million over two months so he can finance his project.

  • Now, he said, he wants to dismantle a pedophile ring that he was introduced to as a child in the eighties.

  • He wants to expose and dismantle that pedophile ring.

  • Here's what he had to say.

  • I proposed to do this by making a film that will be the most honest and true depiction of child abuse ever portrayed by telling my own story in a very real way, and I will self distribute it to guarantee that against a theatrical release.

  • So we gotta wait until you do a whole movie for you to tell us about this goddamn pedophile ring.

  • All I know is integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal gain.

  • It sounds to me like he's trying to get personal gain off this by saying he's gonna put it in a movie and self distributed and make it go to theaters.

Corey Feldman is planning to expose the Hollywood pedophile ring.


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A2 初級

コーリー・フェルドマン、ハリウッドのロリコン組織を暴く計画を発表|Rumor Report (Corey Feldman announces plan to expose Hollywood pedophile ring | Rumor Report)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日