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  • there you have our numbers that have given to you already.

  • We're now up to 18 with 15 active cases.

  • Are three resolved, of course, and ah, you had some of the media release is on.

  • Ah, some of the earlier cases.

  • There's three others that you didn't have.

  • Um, I'll give you some little short version of what there's one is a female in late sixties with a travel history to Egypt and became We came back on the 20th and was seeing that McKenzie health and 29th persons well, self isolating and York region is following up.

  • No, it's a female in their seventies.

  • Also, travel is for Egypt also returned on terror on the 20th and his roommate of another one.

  • So that was at North York.

  • And turn a public health, of course, is falling upon that case.

  • Another is a meal sixties, and that was a history of travel to Iran as a close contact of another on terror case, and that person returned Hunter on the 23rd of February, and that was a north your case.

  • And again I would be trying a public health is doing the full up in that regard, and I think what you're seeing in that times that when we expanded out toe are wider number of countries.

  • Someone asked me, Was I expecting increase?

  • I was predicting we'd see about 20 to 30.

  • So to see these numbers is for me is, oddly enough, is reassuring.

  • That tells me that the system is working, people are coming forward, people are being seen and people are being assessed in that way.

  • And that's that's the crux of our whole way.

  • It's how we do it and we follows up in a timely fashion.

  • We look at any exposure.

  • Histories were in a strong containment mode and we continue to do so and you see some trends and directions I'll talk about in a moment that tells you what may or may not be going on and that aspect there.

  • But the key thing is that as we're looking at those aspects there with the number of travelers that are coming from these areas, these air still small numbers, relatively speaking but important numbers and ones that we applaud those who are coming forward with a sense of reassurance that they will be seen in a timely way that repeat, they will be treated respectfully and the work with them on their concerns about their illness, the finalists for their families and exposures.

  • And we find them all very much responsible in that way.

  • I think if you look at our data, you find interesting that for now, almost we can have.

  • We've had no cases from who buyer from China.

  • They're still people coming from China.

  • Still, people come from who by and the government there continue to see their numbers drop as they seem to have been able to, with quite draconian steps, carry out containment.

  • But it's still early, but they saw the direction is is, I think it's reassuring.

  • I'm gonna see what they're going to do with that.

  • Our latest one, of course, is Iran and talking to the public, Alvin's your candidate.

  • The country itself was not aware of any issue until after the 19th of 19th of February, Um, and so we're trying to have our person from publications.

  • A cannon has gone to the Iran and the chicken out with their systems and data must like what happened with Japan and with China, and you'll see that now we've had a cluster of cases from there, and so that, like, for example, are testing has gone up.

  • We're seeing about 30 35 a day, 70 to 80 tests today being submitted, not all with person under investigation.

  • There's other ones, too, that conditions wanna have assessed.

  • And we have 12 that air waiting for tests, all the rest of Rule 975 or negative.

  • We've had over 1000 tests done through our system there, and that continues to perform well.

  • I think in the aspect there is that when you look at it, we've had over 18 cases.

  • Four had our initial ones traveled to China.

  • Four have had a travel history to Egypt, and that's interesting because the country itself doesn't report many cases, and we're with another country says.

  • We also have a cluster, and it's a 23 with at the same time in the same place.

  • It looks like there's an event that all these people right at the same time by happenstance.

  • Unfortunately for some of the Canadians here, and so instead of ah Countrywide issue, you have an event issue.

  • This is important to have the epidemiology to understand that and to determine that in the Iran situation, we're not too sure where the details are in the country, whether it's the usual epicenter of comb and wider.

  • We're trying to get some more details from the epidemiological review in the country with our expert who's gone there the time to help in the assistance.

  • We have to have no travel history, but they're related to close family contacts.

  • And that's the thing is we're seeing is that our cases with close family contacts are really close founding contacts there, not just casual family events, people walking by.

  • I think that's important for the public.

  • Understand, they think they're walking by someone who goes by on the street just like that.

  • That's not the case we were talking about fairly close within a meter to the person for an extended period of time.

  • Unless, of course, you're coughing, sneezing all over them, which I'm not sure anyone would appreciate and that kind of aspect there.

  • And that's why we have all these precautions.

  • So we're continue to see that even with all our ones were doing the mandates on the flights, we continue to go after those 32 seats back, two seats forward and all the ones so far have been negative.

  • And that's reassuring in one way.

  • So we're learning more and more about how this virus transmits, and so that's important.

  • Regardless of that, we've asked some questions with our agency and public buildings.

  • You can, um, and we've had meetings or the weekend and we've asked to increase the risk factor for Iran, and they have agreed to do that.

  • So it'll be moving from a Level three.

  • It's up to level three now, if you look at their Web page and we're going up to be similar to who by so asking people who are coming from Iran because we're not too certain?

  • And I don't think the country's air certain of the breadth and width of the spread within the country at this time, so asking those people come back from there, they would self isolate.

  • They would have be required when the key Oscar updated at the airport to fill out the questionnaire, which has their contact information and local public health, would locate them and worked with him over a 14 day period to either ascertain if they have symptoms yes or no during that time.

  • If they do it, symptoms to get them tested.

  • It's like we've done with the who by residents during this time as well.

  • So you can see there's a transition and a modification of the travel advisories, and we have to keep her my eyes on that because you see the numbers in northern Italy, you see the numbers in South Korea, South Korea, tens anymore, clustered around a large group activity, and we're trying to get their assessment.

  • Their analysis, What does that mean for us?

  • And how does that effect?

  • We still haven't had any cases with us related to those other areas.

  • Nevertheless, we're vigilant and watching for that.

  • So that in mind, um, I'm not going to call the global numbers, you know, those.

  • And I'm saying before the global numbers, the total becomes less important as it does the change, the rapidity of change in different countries.

  • And what does that indicate going on?

  • And how does that poses a risk for can?

  • Because we have many people traveling.

  • We know that, for example, from Iran we have in Toronto, we have two weeks ago, 500 people and then 300 people, so not inconsequential.

  • So we get those numbers in and they're dropping those numbers because the number Cos around are not flying in to Iran and there's no direct flights from Iran into cabin.

  • So therefore, we have to ask him to declare that that means when you get all those notifications, public health has to fall up with all those people.

  • That's more workload for public health and yet full and following up, say, 40 or 50 questionnaires.

  • When you actually have a person who was missed for a day or two and you have to do two or 300 calls, you can balance out the workload.

  • But that's the dynamic of Ontario public health.

  • We have that ready to go.

  • That's why you saw York region step up their medical officer doing their media briefings on that Durham will step up and the other ones around there So we have that resource available.

  • We're only using three health units at the moment.

  • Not that I want everybody to do it, but they're prepared and ready, and we have regular teleconference with them to handle all these situations in this containment in the management.

  • That and look at all the risk situations, that's what it's about.

  • So when we look at that, we said What's our next step in Ontario?

  • And we have undertaken to look at our pandemic plan and in our in our management system of that we have a model in a program that lays out different aspects of surveillance, analytics, logistics, communications and these are all man by staff as it gets into the potential of a wider issue before gets in the wider issue you do, you're playing ahead of time.

  • That's why the deputy and the minister announced that we're putting forward a new command type structure.

  • It's part of our pandemic plan.

  • On the next phase is that we put that together.

  • It's chaired by the deputy minister of health.

  • It reports the minister of health.

  • I am at the table with the deputy minister.

  • There are other deputy ministers of appropriate areas at the table.

  • There's ethics officers at the table.

  • There's various other key people from the ministry at the table lawyer, legal counsel, the table because if and when you need to make decisions, you need a command center.

  • That one is having all the stuff feed into it at the right time in the right way has the power and authority to make decisions for the authority of local medical officers, my authorities achievement officer of health, the legal authorities, the minister of health or times of emergency operations center of the province if and when necessary.

  • That's not because there's a need right now.

  • But you always want to have these things in place before there's the need and that you're planning for that and prepared for that.

  • And so the dappy.

  • We've had our first meeting already, and as you see there's number aspects, there's a command table I talked about.

  • We've had our using on Terra Health.

  • Five regional offices with reason leads with public health at that table.

  • It's like a microcosm of the large command one, because if we do a large scale thing with something going on, those responses are often worked at through regional models because ah, large event never hits the province home ingeniously at the same time.

  • And so there recalled to do that and report back in and we have their operations center still with with Army Ock, and we have a scientific table public on the terror.

  • We have our ethics table with the University of Toronto bioethics.

  • We have our sector for specific issues and we have a collab table with all their collaborative A entities such as Theo made e O.

  • H.

  • A owner, all those other ones that have invested interest to be kept informed of what's going on.

  • And we worked with them in a collaborative way and that function.

  • And so we're announcing that we're stepping up to that level there for that preparedness because then you start expanding those things that were in one area you having larger and larger groups all reporting up, if and when necessary, to give you a quality, effective, efficient and timely response to events as they occur as they hit on the health care system.

  • How you gonna handle things right now?

  • How many patients are in the hospital Cove in 19?

  • None.

  • How many, But in the Hospital Cove in 19 in Ontario.

  • One how many deaths that we had with Colvin, 19.

  • None.

  • And so those are important things.

  • It's not that we're not interacting with the global picture we are, and yet our citizens and our system continues to respond in a way that we would say to the on Terrians.

  • It's a low risk.

  • Still with Ontario.

  • Why, because of the ongoing vigilance and amount of resources and staff are putting into monitoring, surveying and following up.

  • So I'm happy to take questions the moment and to deal with the different components I've touched base with today.

  • Something our public health officials reaching everybody who's coming here from Iran in the past couple of weeks.

  • Well, they wouldn't know if they had yet because they haven't put the kiosk update.

  • So the federal govern has to put that way.

  • So we've we've asked people on our media things if you've come and you have concerns that you would then notify public, especially of yourself, monitor and identify signs or symptoms, we're want to step that forward and ask the people from Iran.

  • If you're coming back in the last 14 days, you would go into self isolation.

  • You would notify public health and to assess that if you want to get testing, how would you do it?

  • How could you go about doing it?

  • Because there may be some issues with language, and we have translators available to assist and make it as accessible, amenable.

  • It's possible to help them in their assessment.

  • Personal assessment because some they weren't somewhere where they're exposed.

  • When they're in the country now, they're where they want to know, and they're concerned about their health issues.

  • So we haven't we don't know if they are yet in the future, when the kiosk is up and running and the question is administered, then proactively would know where the individuals are, where their contact information is.

  • And those questionnaires then distribute to the respect of health departments.

  • Health units.

  • You may where those people, at least on the chart, indicate that resides in that we've got several people here who were in Egypt, And I think you said there may have been an event there.

  • Do you know, like if there's something that these people have in common, they all attend, I don't know.

  • Maybe it was a wedding, was it?

  • That's our working we have.

  • We've been asked by health can to say because they're conquer their investigation with another country has another group saying they were also at something.

  • They all came back on the same time you noticed.

  • And, uh so We're trying to get that detail put together and maybe very informative in regards that because right now we have more cases than Egypt has.

  • Okay, but what's the other country that's got a cluster over?

  • Um, someone mentioned.

  • But I'm not I'm not going to be.

  • It was just casually mentioned, so I don't want to quote it.

  • If I don't have got it correctly, you think that there was something like Has anyone naval been able to ask these people like we're doing that?

  • Now we're asking All are between York and Toronto.

  • Public out.

  • Can you go back and ask those people?

  • And it's part of the investigative epidemiology single event in Egypt or the flight itself.

  • It sounds like it was event in Egypt.

  • So just to be clear, you're asking individuals who have had recent travel from which countries to put themselves into safe.

  • It also is isolation.

  • So Iran and then certain parts of China, who by who by problem, that was there.

  • We've had the historical ran's moved up to the same level as who by at this time, until we get a sense from the country of their understanding of how the breadth and width of the impact on their country is then get their dad and the systems of to run.

  • So we just don't know what the movement on those kiosks.

  • When do we expect that information to be put in there?

  • Um, I think the chief medical officer maybe making some announcement later today on that it does take time to update those systems in there and get the question is administered.

  • So it's not dumb.

  • It doesn't happen in an instant.

  • So can we expect we don't, uh I have too much concern about Casey's in South Korea and pizza.

  • Why are you surprised that way?

  • Don't have a case of revenge, sister country.

  • I am surprised, Um, and maybe encouraging a couple of ways.

  • Um, if you look at the South Korean situation, the government feels it's it deals with a couple of large gathering events in there, and they feel that they have worked out that cause a large over half their cases come from ah, certain group gathering and they're looking at.

  • That s so it may be contained in that way.

  • So that's thus far.

  • They seem to be doing okay on that one we have not had any cases yet reported.

  • It is on our alert list.

  • It's on Level two and North Italy is the same with amount of travel back and forth.

  • I would be expecting cases.

  • The nest.

  • The Italian government has been quite successful to limit it to northern Italy.

  • So far, Um, we are still watching and waiting and the people feel have come back and have signs of symptoms and our concern that might have been exposed.

  • Um, it's the same as all those seven countries you've been to Singapore or Hong Kong.

  • And you think you might have been exposed and you feel signs and symptoms after get back.

  • Please call public health and, uh, and go on, get assessed.

  • We would not discourage that.

  • Look, your advice on hand shakes.

  • I know this was a question during SARS, and we've seen big conferences.

  • I'm starting to get canceled.

  • Are you advising people change their behavior at all around handshakes, particularly those maybe in jobs who have to do it frequently?

  • Way have just that people during flu season, we tend to not encourage that things I don't know if I'm gonna shake my hand.

  • You don't know what I did just before and so long as I have hand sanitizer afterwards.

  • Whatever.

  • I mean, I trust you.

  • You trust me.

  • It depends on your familiar in the group working there.

  • We tend to say not usually unless you're pretty sure or you're gonna be washing your hands afterwards and not go and touch your face and And that kind of aspect there.

  • So it's a It's a behavior thing that people do the elbow touching different routines.

  • Uh, especially because if you're not sure, especially your traveling and urine, busy airports and big line ups and stuff, you're gonna have to take your own precautions because you can't be sure the people in the crowd around behind you, what were there from what exposure they've had.

  • So those the things about being diligent on your own personal hygiene and behavior during that time carrying small volumes and get through customs, security of the hand sanitizer, that kind of stuff.

  • So we're gonna have the hand wipes the cloth ones so and then wash your hands.

  • Of course, in the Washington, you have a chance.

  • So I would generally say, do discourage that in some settings unless you know the setting quite well and your own methods of personal hygiene.

  • Monitor that.

  • As you said, Wash your hands frequently.

  • All those things we've seen in public transit systems taking some extra steps.

  • Is that something you would recommend more transit systems Look at or is this something we should be doing?

  • Three.

  • Flu season In general, every flu season, we haven't restored the travel system.

  • We told people that one of your sick stay home coffin your sleeve, all those kind of things of etiquette.

  • We've become known around on terror people doing this on Terrance and known for that.

  • Um and we haven't limited because, especially with Corona, unlike flu, it's even more closer association.

  • So you'd have to be with someone or with it for, ah, a certain period of time.

  • Freddie Close, which in some subway said is you could be, and you're gonna have to Ah, because no one likes someone's down next year, and we started hacking and coughing.

  • You conceivably just moves away and and and on Terrians air pretty pretty strong on that and they, cuz, confront someone with who's undertaking that behavior.

  • So they taking the message pretty seriously.

  • So cough attic.

  • It's very important.

  • So we haven't done full restriction.

  • We'd rather have people take proper responsibility.

  • Daughter.

  • How e you were next in here So hopeless people, Because the question there you could put it out, make a woman terribly, but for sure.

  • Some people we hide the information on how the Harbor House unit to track down people I know through over interview with another person.

  • She said she knew somebody come from to pay even a family member being It's a lot of confirmed case, but she didn't contact with our helps unit.

  • This person stealing in the process convince that person to contact us helps you.

  • How do you deal with that situation?

  • Well, there are always some individuals who may try and do that.

  • Um, we found so far, most or not that way, using affairs with who?

  • Buying that if you're showing your passport and it shows that your place of residence, the customs officer of police sides that where's the questionnaire and you push on the chaos if you don't If you're caught and you did not deny you denied it, then you will be in difficulty with the customs officer seems okay.

  • Your flight was from there.

  • There.

  • Did you travel anywhere else?

  • They can, usually on that massive day they can see on your passport.

  • You went from this country.

  • That kind of says it looks like if you are to go, you're in someplace.

  • So where'd you travel from there.

  • So as that's what you trained up the car, the officers, they know what to look for.

  • And they say, while you were supposed to declare that and so, uh, if people want to be deceptive in that, I guess they can try to be that way.

  • But at the same time, they may do it at their own compromises to get quite ill.

  • And the family members as well.

  • So then they're not being responsible to themselves, but they're not really responsible for the family members.

  • And that's the more concern, especially if you have some elderly people in your household who you give it to.

  • They made only just get sick.

  • They may die because it's that older group that's at risk, and you need to take that seriously.

  • It's not a matter of being deceptive.

  • There's no penalty.

  • The fact you get seen and assess because then you know better.

  • How does Kobe 19 computer to the common flu?

  • I mean, when you take a quick look at statistics, we're talking 3500 deaths in Canada each year.

  • We're talking that 18 cases in Ontario.

  • The numbers don't don't seem to compare here, and people are worried he had put in perspective.

  • You know, last week we had 560 cases of influence a 218 of influenza B in summation, young people and some got hospitalized and some people died with influenza.

  • So influenza is still making more in back of and Ariel by far.

  • Then call Vin 19.

  • Does that mean we can be casual?

  • No.

  • We're being vigilant because we don't have in a vaccine like influenza.

  • So a lot of our vulnerable population are not protected.

  • So we're trying to and circle that group, if you may, by doing all of the contact tracing and containment so that group does not get exposed.

  • Now there are some people who came back who we said in our data are over the age of 50 and they seem to be doing fine.

  • Fortunately on that case there, so I think you're maybe raise a very good point.

  • We look at other causes of mortality, more busy, more people with problems with whether it's drugs and different things like that, these air making more of impact daily in Ontario than covert 19.

  • Yet we're not going to be casual because we feel we still have to be in that strong containment mode and to keep monitoring that it's que forest can.

  • But it's a good point, you phrased.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Dr.

  • Davila said she expects the testing to change soon to include anybody presents with respiratory symptoms.

  • Is that coming past yet, or is that not coming to pass is enough?

  • We're working on that where we're doing some pilot stuff and that we're going to look at data they say Certain hospital where people were either seen or admitted with respiratory and we do some parallel testing with the cove in 19 states, Are we missing any or not and doing that there, but certainly people with with respiratory symptoms.

  • If they've had travel history, uh or they've been contact with groups and people like that, they felt they might have been exposed.

  • They need to discuss that with the health care provider or with whoever is doing the screen or public health.

  • So we're not saying, um, those are not important that that's part of the history.

  • But, you know, we've had some people say I talk too.

  • So on the phone, I think I might have made have had Colvin 19.

  • Well, that's obviously not exposure.

  • Is that people just over the apprehensive We're seeing that a little bit, and we really like to go back and tell the public, Did you really have to be?

  • Look at the data.

  • Look at the facts.

  • Be informed, being knowledgeable on that one there and before you take make jump to conclusions on situations.

  • If you have questions, talk to public health Department.

  • Talk to your physician, talk to your different health care professionals on that and look at the Web pages and do your and lakes.

  • But goto real good sources don't go to any source of tall.

  • You wanna make sure they're reliable.

  • Doctor.

  • There are a number of cases that you're looking for before you recommend steps like limiting travel on trains, mass transit, canceling public events, or would it have to do more with if they're if we come to apartment, there's community transmission.

  • Well, there's a difference there.

  • Number of cases mean if we get with travel and we got 2030 40 50 60 80 people and we still there, all travel late and we still do on the containment.

  • I would I'm not that worried about that.

  • If we find that all of a sudden this case is coming up that have no travel history, no contact with case history and it is in a large event, then you would do something around that bases there.

  • Then you have to start to see the evidence of community widespread.

  • And so you're epidemiological link is not there.

  • So you can't tell who transmit to who and where it's going.

  • Then you have to start to wall it off by limiting large activities.

  • I learned that they seem to be where the site is occurring, much like some countries have done and which what China did.

  • So that would be when that step would occur.

  • Sorry, doctor.

  • Tonight I ask you about about ages.

  • I'm not sure how to pronounce it.

  • The G I s.

  • It's one of the disinfectants that's being used by a mass public transit system or metro links.

  • Other trans systems we've spoken to say that it's proven to just be moderately effective of protecting against viruses.

  • Do you know anything about this?

  • I haven't looked into that per se.

  • There's lots of products out there that people are using because it is droplet spread.

  • Some of them do stay on this the environment for a short time.

  • But these viruses do not last that well outside.

  • One of the vantage is of a Canadian environment is that it's cold.

  • They don't last while on cold environment.

  • So it's one of our one the pros of having a bad winter cold winter in that sense.

  • But in that specific question, I haven't looked into the agents and to assess their value and quality.

  • In that perspective, it's five minutes to worry about their coverage on the weekend about that English for a second language school, up 98 wanted England 10 and young area.

  • Um, I know there were some concerns expressed by people that even if they don't go into laying with school and they work in that building, they have money.

  • They have means they may have touched the hand rail.

  • They may have touched an elevator button, maybe stuck their finger in their eye or whatever.

  • So how much on their news shots this weekend of that building being scrapped?

  • So how much two people who've been through that building have to worry about s.

  • So far, we haven't seen that kind of spread occurring where you think would be logical.

  • I know there's Some of the other countries have gone with spraying the streets and everything.

  • I think it really gets down to long that contact tracing person to person in that happenstance of a one virus on the one piece of furniture and something you need a bit of, ah dose to make an impact on you and how it's going introduced, I would send likely, but the fact that clean the place, I would not discourage that either.

  • That's just being diligent and taking your steps there.

  • And the same is trying to public health to the full investigation of anyone they thought was of any risk and taught.

  • Contacted them personally.

  • And so it was part of Dr Davila's team's investigation and made sure that it was contained within a level of risk and satisfaction.

  • You talk to us about the test kits that we're using here in the province, some of it compared from the CDC to the WTO's test kits.

  • There's a bit of inaccuracy with CDC is Can you just tell us a bit about what we're using here?

  • Well, I'm not sure I'm having investigated how accurate the CDC ones.

  • I soon they're much be.

  • It must be a good quality.

  • We spend a lot of times we have Dr Vanessa.

  • Alan was here in the early days with because we have the genomic sequencing with our national microbiological laboratory working in partnership with our other centers such as BC DC and with Quebec with the Ryan S.

  • P.

  • Q.

  • And we did a lot of cross referencing back and forth.

  • That's what he took very much care of going from our determined to Lille to a three a legal system and going very much with high sensitivity and high specificity.

  • So we feel very confident are testing now.

  • Have you done cross reference to CDC?

  • I have to bring something Dr Ellen back to answer that question, But I mean, I think we haven't had any criticism voice to us about CDC is testing, so I wouldn't want to be able to make any comment on that.

  • I feel very confident Canadian one.

  • We worked hard to get that up to Standard and uh, and did all the cross reference unquote insurance, and we continue to do so so we will still share ours anyway.

  • It's not because we need animal to say National Microbiology Laboratory to say right they want to get copies of ours would cover theirs and they keep comparing to make sure we're not missing anything.

  • So I can only speak to the integrity of the Canadian system faces.

  • Could you designate specific hospital to handle the patient and handle the cases?

  • If we get more and more cases right now, it's all public health because they're all patients.

  • There's no impatience at home.

  • And so, um, I mean, yeah, Healtheon's could help each other.

  • They had to.

  • If the workload gets overwhelming for one health unit, we have that capacity to that and we're prepared to assist in that way.

  • So it's mostly a public health endeavor right now.

  • Part of the command control system is that if and when we need that, then we would make decisions on that and would say, You know, with that's part of the When the system starts get stressed.

  • You asked for certain the health care system to modify, either with moving patients out to other centers to make room for beds.

  • More isolation type stuff.

  • Maybe cut back on elective surgery, different things you if and when you need it.

  • Part of the reason why you don't do it too soon.

  • You can put all in place, but health issues go on, there's still people out there.

  • Need surgery, There's still people need care.

  • And if you put restrictions on too soon, you think something's do more harm than good, and you want to make sure you do it in the right time of the right way to the right extent.

  • That's why you have a command table that looks all that because decisions are not made lightly, Um, because other things that he said like influenza, they're not stopping and the care of our own Terrians in general is of critical importance about a mask and gloves that were reports in the U.

  • S.

  • Of like not enough inventory.

  • Can you assure us that here where we should be Okay, all the protection gear that critical when were spent a long time Look at that Because the issue dealing with is a global shortage because of the overall demand.

  • Sometimes we're concerned that the misuse and wasted of it by some nights, public sectors and things.

  • So we're trying to look at a number of aspects of education stewardship, working with our various working groups, with the institutions, working with our unions and difficult saying, um, how can we do this best?

  • Because if you go through it too quickly when you need it, you won't have it.

  • But then you should have it when you need it.

  • And so I bounced out, and we're all sort of the federal level with Logistics Committee that's looking at a national procurement and the same things that they have a national stockpile.

  • It doesn't mean every part in cannon needs the same month all the same time, and you may have to move it around one where the issues are ending.

  • You'd be willing to share if we don't have ah, we need We have some extra and Province X is going through a big issue and they need some more and 95.

  • We'll be asked to share, same as we'd expect from them, and that's a that's a national response.

  • So all this is taking place with different companies and are ramping up their productions.

  • Some are doing that.

  • So it's It's a dynamic process that we have are spending a lot of time on, of course, because we have enough, we want to make sure we will have enough, and we're going to continue working at that.

there you have our numbers that have given to you already.


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A2 初級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

コロナウイルス発生。オンタリオ州でCOVID-19の3例が新たに発生し、州全体では18例となった。 (Coronavirus outbreak: 3 new cases of COVID-19 in Ontario, province total now at 18 | FULL)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日