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  • all right.

  • How's it going, guys?

  • So here today we have the HD.

  • You see?

  • Quell.

  • Now, this is going to be a very similar kid to the H.

  • You see, Hazel, to which we recently took a look at most of the kit, is the same.

  • Big difference is just being the head and the backpack.

  • And this one does have the addition of a new hand as well.

  • That's nice.

  • Always nice to have more hand options.

  • Still lacking some nice hand options, like closed fists or something like that.

  • That would be nice for when you're not actually holding any weapons in the hands like this particular example where the hands look like they're supposed to have something going on there with them, but they just don't.

  • So it looks a bit strange.

  • Anyway, this kid came out all the back in 2007 but it's still a pretty nice high grade.

  • It's got a lot of steam lines on there, but overall, I think it's still pretty good and very cheap, which is always nice.

  • So before we get into a guy's, as always, just a big thank you to s I got in store for their support.

  • If you want to check out the link to their site down below in the video description that's there, you can save 10% off everything.

  • They're on their site using the coupon code.

  • Zachary Leah's 10.

  • That's down in the video description as well.

  • Check that out.

  • Thank you so much for that.

  • Now let's get into it and I'll show you everything that you get here included with the kit.

  • First thing, we've got a set of stickers which has some numbers on there and some cool titans testing logos.

  • But these are all just regular sticker decals.

  • Why Ploy placed a couple of them here on the kit.

  • And, of course, as usual, these sticker decals don't really look very good against dark plastics.

  • You're going to see a big outline around the stickers there.

  • If you want to try to cut those a little bit closer to the printed detail there, you could maybe try to get them looking a little bit better.

  • But as you can see, just on the kids, they're looking convincing, maybe from a distance, but up close.

  • Not that we've got to beam saber effect for its here and clear pink.

  • You really only need one milk that just got the one being silver handle up there on the backpacks.

  • We will have an extra one of those.

  • You got the curves shield here?

  • Same as what's used for the different hazel kits as well.

  • In this one, once again, you can also plug it onto the other side of the arm or the back of the arms.

  • You have some options there with that.

  • We've got to the gym rifle hears this one also has a sticker.

  • Therefore, the camera lens on that brother wise, just a very simple design for this just to have sandwich together and then you have 1/3 part there for the end of the barrel tip.

  • And that is it's so simple design.

  • But it looks good.

  • And then we've got our hand options.

  • Now you've got four different options for the hands.

  • We only have three backings for the Hence, you will have to switch them if you want to use one the other.

  • So over here for the right side, you've got our rifle holding hands or the beam saber holding hands.

  • So you've got a choice between the two of those, and for the left side you got the open hand or the rifle support hand, and then new to this get we have the option of a trigger finger hand for the left as well, so you can hold the rifle here on the left side as pictured on the front of the box.

  • Here's a comparison with the hazel two, and one important point that I forgot to mention about the differences between the two of them is that the quell also has a different part for the front of the chest.

  • It has these extra little yellow events up there at the top, and those are a yellow sticker I should mention or two yellow stickers.

  • It's obviously parts between these will be stoppable.

  • So if you wanted to use the different torso or switch them and put the gym quell, head on the hazel to or swap them.

  • Either way, it's all of the backpacks.

  • You can do that easily enough, but one thing that I wanted to go back to is what it showed in the manual.

  • As you guys may have seen in the Unboxing in the manual here, it shows you how to make two different versions of the Hazel Reserve unit.

  • Now, basically, you need for that is the original HD you see gonna mark two Titans kit.

  • I don't have that.

  • But I do have the revive kit.

  • So basically, what you need to do is take the head of the hazel too, and pop that onto our quell here, like son of one of the versions also uses a Vulcan parts.

  • I'm gonna check and see if the Vulcan pod of the revive kit we'll work on our hazel to head here.

  • But no, it seems, unfortunately, that is not going to fit on there.

  • So you won't be able to do that with the Vulcan pot of the revive.

  • You'll need that from the original.

  • A juicy Gundam mark to now.

  • As for the backpack, the revive gonna mark to his backpack is not gonna fit on here.

  • I know that.

  • Just the fact that connection is totally different.

  • That said wouldn't be really too hard to just, like, cut off this detail on there.

  • And in this glue this onto the back of their If you wanted, that wouldn't be the hardest thing to do.

  • No, As for the gonna mark to revives beam rifle that should work.

  • If we just take the hand from that kid and issues just the whole hand and everything with this that should be able to plug in there just fine yet, So that's not a problem with that Now, As for the shield, let's see, because the shield connection does also look like it should work.

  • This is just the shield connector from the revive kit.

  • I think that should fit into there, and it does.

  • So that works.

  • So the beam rifle and the shield from the revive get work with this old age ticket.

  • But for the Vulcan pot and the backpack, you will need the original mark to kit for that if you wanted to make the hazel reserve unit.

  • But all right, so real quick.

  • I just wanted to point out where the other stickers are on this case.

  • As I mentioned, we have yellow stickers for the little vents on the top of the torso.

  • Little yellow sticker here for the be on the front of the crotch and sticker there for the camera on the front of the head around here on the back of the head.

  • Another green sticker there for the camera on the back of the head and then down here on the feet, are in the front of the legs.

  • Got green stickers there as well as for the articulation.

  • It's gonna be all the same as the hazel to which I've already covered in that video, so it won't really bother going over that again.

  • It's all pretty standard, pretty good articulation for this kid again, despite its age.

  • But I'll just quickly run through where the sea mines are on this Get once again, we've gotta see mine through the top of the shoulder, through the top of this upper arm, part through the front and back of the forearm as well, down here on the back of the leg, on the back of the calf part that's a pen align.

  • But on this lower half, that's just a seam line that's not really meant to be there.

  • So you'll have to get rid of the sea mine down there as well.

  • And then, of course, up here on the head, you have a seam line down the middle of front and back half of the head and then on our beam rifles.

  • Will you have a seam line down the middle of that?

  • Obviously, right now, besides that, having a bunch of sea mines on there?

  • One of the other disappointing factors about this kid is just the fact that it doesn't have a place to plug in action based doctors.

  • You have to use the fork action based adaptor just kind of the prongs that go up there around the hips section, and that does sort of get in the way of the articulation of the hips.

  • Actually, so one easy way around that, however, is just drilling a hole up to the center of the pelvis part and then just sticking your normal action based three millimeter Paige connector up into that.

  • That's easy enough to fix.

  • And, as you see here, I mean, actually, the articulation of it is still pretty good.

  • Like I said, despite its age, it's got a pretty nice set of joints there that give it a good amount of articulation for a very simple high grade kids from 2007.

  • As far as the detail of the kids have got a good amount of detail on there as well.

  • It's obviously not as detailed as something like a real grade or ah, modern master grade kit, but for a cheap and simple high grade, it's got a good amount of service detail on there, so it looks really nice.

  • I think if you did want to go in and add a little more detail, there is plenty of spaces where you could go ahead and do that as well.

  • As far as what's included in the kid's very simple just the beam saber being rifle and shield.

  • And it's pretty simple, but I mean, that's exactly I guess what you would expect it to come with.

  • Master grade Kid does come with one additional weapon.

  • I know one different gun, so I guess it would have been nice if that was also included with this kit.

  • But again, for how cheap it is, you can't really complain too much.

  • And, well, it may not have too many variants that you can really make with this in Canon, basically just the different Hazel Reserve units that we talked about earlier.

  • There is still a lot of parts compatibility with this.

  • If you want to get creative with it, making soon different kid bashes with some different a rosy kids from this time period.

  • You do have a few leftover parts in the box, mostly just from the hazel custom, but they're not really usable for pretty much anything.

  • They're just the random pieces that you couldn't really used to do a whole lot with.

  • But overall, it's a solid high grade that I think looks better than the master grade in this case.

  • Now, this didn't come out later after the master grade.

  • The master grade is also quite old, so I mean, that just kind of makes sense, I suppose, and we will take a look at the masturbate in the very new future.

  • I do promise that to you guys and in that video would be able to compare it and also then we'll be able to compare them both with the new version that we're getting basically with the premium bend I master grade Hazel Mark to that has the option of building and mash grade quell.

  • So we'll take a look at some comparisons later on down the line.

  • But if you want the cheapest, best version of the quarrel, I'd say this is probably gonna be it.

  • So if your family's mobile suit is a fan of collecting advances a ticket so I would definitely say you've got to pick up at least one of these.

  • If not a couple of them make some cool, dire Emma or set up where you've got, like, a couple of quells escorting or riding along with Hazel unit or something like that could be pretty cool.

  • So highly recommended, kid, If you're a fan, don't let age of the kid dissuade you too much from buying it.

  • So that's my opinion.

  • Let me know.

  • You guys think down in the common section B low.

  • If you have questions, of course, feel free.

  • Leave those there as well.

  • Try to answer those for you Is anything that I didn't cover in the review.

  • And again a big thank you to s it gonna store for their support.

  • Thank you guys.

  • So much for watching.

all right.


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HGUCクエル(レビュー (HGUC Quel (Review))

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日