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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. And today's episode is another special

  • one because I will be talking to one of my superstar clients her name is Zishan

  • Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon!

  • For more info and free training head to JOINTNI.COM Zishan is a soon-to-be CPA she

  • was originally an immigrant to Canada and she has been able to overcome her

  • self-doubt her low confidence and has been able to successfully land her dream

  • job at a well-known accounting firm and today she's gonna share with you exactly

  • how she did it so Zishan thank you so much for

  • joining me here today thank you for having me Linda so Zishan let's start

  • with your story you know I think a lot of people are going to resonate with

  • your story because you're very similar to a lot of other clients that I work

  • with so can you tell me how did you first start your career how did you come

  • to Canada all that stuff and what led you to working with me through Stand Out

  • Get Hired yeah so I came from China to Canada six years ago for education so I

  • finished my undergrad in 2017 from an accounting program and I started working

  • at an accounting firm right after graduation the accounting firm I was

  • working at a particular office I was working at was very small so after

  • working there for almost a year I was laid off and I was very frustrated at

  • the time so 2017 you graduated right away you got a job so 2018 you were

  • looking for a new job how did you feel during the job search process and and

  • looking for another position yeah like the fact of being laid off

  • really scared me and really hurt my self-esteem because when I was in

  • university I was actually a top performer like I got good grades and I

  • was taking multiple volunteer positions at school and I was also taking multiple

  • executive positions at the universities so I was very frustrated because I

  • didn't know where to start I used to use my universities career site to find

  • career opportunities to look for jobs but it was not an effective tool anymore

  • because I felt like most of the jobs posted on the career site were actually

  • fresh graduate or for people who has much more

  • experience like more than three years of experience and I was neither of them so

  • I was feeling very nervous and lost yeah so the jobs that you applied to they

  • said they need at least three years experience but you only had one year of

  • experience and also you had enough experience that you weren't considered

  • really entry-level anymore is that right yeah that's correct and also another

  • thing so in addition for those frustrations because I only have one

  • year of experience so I didn't have too much of savings so I had to move to a

  • cheaper apartment which is affordable to me and because the apartment was cheap

  • there were actually bedbugs and cockroaches in its the like in the first

  • seven sessions we're working together I was actually sitting on a tall bar

  • chair and I was putting my computer on my drawer so I can separate myself

  • from the floor oh yeah oh there were little bodies hidden in the carpet so I

  • was actually in a mess like in a bad situation and even worse I was in the

  • process of preparing my CPA exams and there were three of them and you know

  • that they were not easy right they were very stressful exams yeah

  • so like I was studying with the bedbugs and cockroaches you know like in the

  • meantime and preparing for the exams so I was very frustrated didn't know where

  • to start at the time until I came across your channel and I knew you will be a

  • person that can help me so I reached out to you oh wow I did not know I had no

  • idea when we're working together that you were living with cockroaches and and

  • bedbugs that's crazy okay so let's talk about that let's talk

  • about just before you started working with me I know that you had already been

  • looking for jobs on your own or at least you tried I mean how was that process of

  • looking for jobs did you get many interviews did you get many callbacks

  • like how many jobs did you apply to actually I didn't apply for any jobs

  • because I didn't know where to start I knew it was not effective to apply

  • straight online so I was a relying on referrals from my friends so actually

  • one of my friends referred me to a very big accounting firm and I didn't get the

  • job because I didn't perform well in the

  • interview yeah okay that's right okay so you didn't actually apply for jobs but

  • you did get some referrals and you didn't get the offer right so what made

  • you decide so I know you found me on YouTube but what made you decide that

  • you wanted to work with me through my stand out get hired program because I

  • watched many of your videos I found out that your strategies were very specific

  • so I knew like to be able to reach my goal I really need to get some really

  • specific guidance so I think you can help me with that so I reach out to

  • you okay awesome and what would you say was the biggest things that you learned

  • about yourself while we were working together in the Stand Out Get Hired

  • program you know how did you feel as we were doing it so we started in September

  • and I accepted my current job offer in October so the process actually is a

  • very short I got the job within a month so I sent out 15 applications and I

  • got 5 interviews and 3 job offers and for those 3 job offers they came

  • very fast like within a week so I knew that I was their top candidate so I was

  • feeling very confident about that thing yeah so you got three job offers within

  • basically like a month that we were working together tell us about this new

  • job like you're working at a pretty good accounting firm before but you know you

  • got let go out of that because of budgeting cuts and now you're working at

  • another really good accounting firm so how do you feel in your new job so I

  • really love my current job I have already made some friends and I got

  • assigned challenging work so compared to my previous job right now my salary

  • almost got doubled so I'm very satisfied with where I am right now amazing so you

  • you got almost double the salary that's great so one thing I wanted to bring up

  • with you is that I know that you're originally from China from a

  • different country that English isn't your first language how how do you view

  • yourself you know as someone when you know that English isn't your first

  • language because I get a lot people that that write comments and say

  • you know my english isn't good that's why I'm not getting a job offer but

  • clearly that's not true for everyone who doesn't have English as their first

  • language you know you had three job offers so what would you say to those

  • people I don't think this is something you should worry about because I don't

  • think English is the top one reason that push you back from getting a job I think

  • the most important thing you need to learn to get a job is how to sell

  • yourself and for me English is not my first language and actually find is

  • really interesting to learn English because you are learning a completely

  • different culture so you are not only learning English itself you're learning

  • a culture so it's very interesting like to learn different humor a different

  • grammar and different language and I also think you can pick up those English

  • skills at work so finding a job is not about English it's about selling yourself yes

  • I agree I agree wholeheartedly what would you say we're some of the biggest

  • things you learned about yourself as we went through the Stand Out Get Hired

  • program like what were the big A-HA moments for you I think one thing very

  • important for me is that you taught me how to approach the hidden job market

  • because for me as I said I found many job postings or other for a fresh

  • graduate or for people with much more experience so I knew I really need to

  • learn a way to be proactive to approach to those hidden opportunities and you

  • taught me that so I think it's very important the other thing I learned from

  • the process is that the person who can scare you is you and the person who

  • inspires you is you as well because you must remember I said to you that I

  • might be your first unsuccessful client yes you helped me push away the person

  • that scares me and bring the person who can inspire me and who can motivate me

  • so this is also very important for me I'm so glad to hear that yes I do

  • remember you first you know one of the first things you said to me was I think

  • I'm going to be your first unsuccessful client and I said

  • now let's not put negative thoughts like that out there let's let's be positive

  • and I'm glad that you know you got through that because you're no longer

  • that negative person I can see that and I think everyone else can see that as

  • well so Zishan for people who are like you who recently graduated who are

  • trying to find a new job and who are struggling to find their dream job offer

  • what would you say to them if they were thinking about working with me through

  • my Stand Out Get Hired program what advice would you give or what tips would

  • you give them I would say like for people who are currently struggling with

  • their resume skills with their interview skills or job searching skills Linda has

  • really got the talent and she can help you to find your potential great and you

  • know if they were feeling nervous about making the investment because it is a

  • fair investment that you have to make to do this program what would you say to

  • them about that I think sometimes this is the investment you have to make

  • like so when I was thinking where I was like few months ago

  • I really didn't know where to start so I really had to make that investment to

  • like Linda to give me a starting point and and start from there I think

  • it really worth the investment because for me my salary almost got doubled so I

  • really paid off those investment I think you can really get a return from this

  • investment in the long term because the strategy that is taught by Linda you can

  • use that in the rest of your life great I'm so happy to hear that so when it

  • comes to selling yourself and learning how to sell yourself in interviews and

  • in your resume what would you say was the biggest thing you learned from

  • working with me through Stand Out Get Hired so one thing I learned from this

  • private coaching program is that you need to be open to opportunities and

  • don't be afraid to approach people this is also a skill that you can use in

  • the rest of your life and career yeah and I feel I can benefit from that you

  • know long term amazing great so if you are someone who is similar to Zishan

  • who is looking for a new opportunity and you haven't been successful and you

  • realize that you want one-on-one professional guidance from me

  • specifically then feel free to head on over to my website

  • read through the page fill out the

  • application form and if it seems that we're a potential match to work together

  • then one of my team members will be reaching out to you directly if you

  • liked this video then please give it a thumbs up subscribe share it with your

  • friends thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video

  • Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon! For more info

  • and free training head to JOINTNI.COM

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

就職するには(経験が浅い場合)どうすればいいのか (How to Get a Job (with Limited Experience))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日