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Hi there.
There's a few things about the channel we need to talk about now.
I have been away for a couple of weeks.
I took some holiday, which is a good thing.
It's something I kind of forgot how to do in the process of starting a business, and I'm slowly relearning, which has been a little fun.
So I am, in theory, well rested back to more important business, which is this channel and a couple of different things I want to talk about.
Firstly, I am drowning under ideas, and it's starting to drive me a little bit crazy.
So I'm gonna be working towards updating but consistency and frequency for a little bit.
There's a bunch of videos I just need to make to get out there.
Some are much more ambitious than others, some kind of simple just talking to you about something.
Others will be a little bit more work on my part.
Now be everything from instructional videos, how twos to some product reviews, to just stuff that I think is interesting and worth making a little video about.
There's something I do you have to talk about is product reviews.
They're a little bit of a difficult thing and something I need to make a decision about going forwards that maybe needs your help or certainly your input.
Now, if I want a decent, simple as a video, let's say I want to do a comparison of the five most common hand grinders Now I need to go and buy their grinders on DDE.
A simple video like that ends up costing easily two or £300 for me in just acquiring this stuff, even if I'm paying kind of wholesale prices for it, I don't make two or £300 of video, You know, no one's shocked by that.
This is not a big channel.
Now I can choose to simply review products that people will send me, but I'll constantly be facing the battle off.
Can I really be negative when someone has sent me something for free?
To be truthful is very important, but actually, if you're too truthful, well, I would imagine the stuff you get sent dries up pretty quickly.
So I guess that Die hasn't choices, either.
I can kind of do pretty infrequent or rare product reviews to be kind of a shame or I can find a way to fund set product reviews.
Now, Obviously, this stuff, like live streaming and super chat on the tree was a way for people to sort of contributed to channel.
It went super effective.
Right now, the best idea I have is this.
I would start a patriot and all money from the patient would go towards purchasing equipment at wholesale price to review.
So the best prices I could get at the end of the review those products would be given away to Patriot backers, Right?
So it's kind of like a little bit of a raffle at the same time, so I wouldn't keep anything that I reviewed that was paid for from the Patriot.
It would all be given back to the audience people who support the channel.
You think this is a good idea worth doing?
Well, let me know.
In the comments down below, I would really appreciate your feedback on this one.
Ideas, anything like that.
You know, maybe the answer is, just do less product reviews on that's fair.
That's a pretty reasonable answer, but it seems something worth exploring.
I don't really expect to profit from this channel.
I really enjoy making videos.
I'm enjoying the process of learning how to do it off, communicating in a new way after years and years writing.
And I'm not gonna stop making videos.
But, you know, this is a question that kind of at some point I have to face an answer.
So I kind of had that one over to you.
So in the next few weeks, expect to see more videos a little bit more often.
They'll range it all sorts of different stuff on.
I hope you'll really enjoy them.
Please give me a few back.
Please continue to contribute comment.
Give me thoughts, Ideas.
I really appreciate all of that.
We'll get someone live streams going very soon as well.
All right, that's it.
That's the update.