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it was going on guys to say We're taking a look at the frame arms, girl based lard And it's not new.
It's been out for a while, and it's still, I think, probably one of the most popular frame arms girls gets out there.
And that's probably evident just by the fact, too, that they've already made it a variant of it with these Elphick car.
And there's another version of that's coming out being the near future as well.
So it's a popular kits, and I can see why.
It's a really cool frame.
I was designed, so we'll go through all of that here as you go along.
Of course, building it is, you know, pretty much it's very usual if you've built any frame arms, girls, kids especially.
And just because of the fact that I've actually built the actual base large kids as well.
The framers kid, This is based off of in the Cutlets version of that anyway, so I'm already kind of familiar with some of the base large parts of this, but it does have some really cool new aspects to it, and just the color scheme of it's really cool.
It's just really fun kids.
So as always, guys, a big thank you to s I got in store for their support.
If you didn't know, they do also have a good load of Kota bookies stuff, frame, arms, girls.
And they got me device stuff all over on their side as well.
So check pulling down below.
If you're interested in checking out any of this stuff, their contract that out on their site and used him that coupon code there is a really is 10 to save, 10% off everything as well says you can see here in your base forms already got some weapons with rifles mounted up there on the shoulders and the kind of cannon arm and the kind of scissor pincer armed there as well.
But she does have, of course, a whole bunch of the accessories that are not already mounted on there.
So let's go through all the accessories here for Shelly.
All right, First up here we have a set of waterside decals as usual for the eyes.
But with this, we have all the I d calls either in blue or in red.
All the pre printed faces are all in blues.
If you do want to use the red eyes, you would have to cover those up, repaint the faces or something using these red eyes hears you have those.
We also have these three little markings.
They're kind of tiger, rabbit and bear, and then the frame Arms girls logo's in a couple of warning logos there and before the face options here, we've just kind of got this slightly looking off to the right side.
Look there.
Another one is also just kind of a stilic face, but is looking straight ahead.
And they've got two versions of this kind of angry action face, one of them looking a little bit off to the left and then one of them looking straight ahead.
You do also have just a plain blank face here.
So if you want to stick one of those waterside decals set of eyes here onto the blank face, you could just do that.
And, of course, we've got the included stand as usual.
But aside from just this regular connector there, you do also have this extra adapter for that which plugs up into that little full upon that great part there.
So this gives you a different option for how you want to plug this onto a stand.
We also have these optional connector parts, and that is for up here on the shoulder.
If you remove these parts here and then stick this on in its place the nests for if you wanted to plug any sort of other frame arms arm onto yours, you already got these kind of like arms here on this part of the backpack or this part of what kind of this, like weapons rack thing, backpack sort of thing.
If you want to play another set of arms onto that, you could use this paper that Or of course, I could use this peg for just kinda plugging on any other sort of extra accessory.
Otherwise, that would mean that just gives you a male adapter.
Otherwise, you do have just have the female peg hole there for putting on something extra on the side.
If you didn't want to have these included accessories flipped onto their human optional set of rabbit years for this for the top of the head.
So these are just the ones that will stand up straight.
These other optional ones will lay back flat like that.
So if you want to have them to straight up or you want to have them back, you can choose between those two different options.
You also have a set of just the legs with just leggings and high heels there so you can swap those out for the just kind of frame arms version.
The base lord version of the lives can stop.
It is out for these here.
I'll show you those in use here in a bit.
And you also have this little puff bunny tail thing for us.
As you can tell us, just kind of got the kind of, like, bunny made look sort of going on with that.
And so here, if you don't have this whole big thing attached onto here, you comply this onto the back instead for the sea at little poof ball there of a bunny tail in the back.
So again, I'll show you that in use a little bit later on and forehand options as usual.
We just got the closed fists on there as well as a set of open expressive hands open and resting hands.
Two different sets of holding hands against see the hole in them is a little bit different.
This one is more of a square.
Hole is meant to hold of those rifles that are mounted upon our shoulders with purple ones, and these are just holding hands for holding on to this kind of anything else.
And then a set of trigger finger hands, which can also be used for the rifles or whatever.
Let's talk about some of the articulation now.
In general, the figure has all the kind of standard articulation that you would expect from normal frame arms girl.
So I mean, there's nothing really too much special to point out about that certain things.
Like down here on the lower leg, this little flat, we'll move.
But otherwise everything's all pretty standard.
I just want to point out some of the articulation here of the kind of weapons unit for this.
These bits done here on the side are connected on this ball.
Join here, so those would be able to move around a little bit.
Not really a whole lot, but you can see those that also does give you two more hard points there for plugging on some more accessories or something extra our armor or other weapons or something you might want to close on to their This whole thing has a hinge here so that can all move forward and back like that.
If you might need it to do that for some reason, and then each side is also on a joint so that each side will be able to move forward and back on there as well.
And then another joint appear will allow you to rotate that up and down up there as well.
So a lot of articulation here built into just the mounting of these parts here, onto the backpack.
And, of course, this whole arm unit can be rotated up here at the top.
We can also move that coming in and out, like so for this whole section here on the outside, you can rotate that up and down over here, so all the way up should come up to something like that and the rifles can be dis attached here from that's you've got four of them in total, two on each side.
And as far as I know, it's pretty much the same thing as with the base large, so I mean, they're very simple.
Just a couple of yellow pieces on the top Couple purple pieces just sandwich together, but they're pretty cool looking.
That said, one of mine is bowed here, the plastic part.
I can't get it to stick together.
So no matter what I d'oh, it's just popping a part like that.
So I'll eventually have to glue it.
I'll glue it later on.
But that is just not wanting to stay together.
So I don't know if that's common issue of the other people have had this kid have experience with the rifle we just given my you might have to glue one or two of them.
Maybe if yours is also doing that same kind of thing and just to make it a little easier to show you guys, the arm will just take this off of the body here still on this side.
You have this arm here like this, and you can see the part that is this kind of meant to sort of look like a hand holding onto this kind of scissor weapon here.
And I'm finding this.
It's kind of very loose.
It comes out very easily anyway.
The arm can rotate there at the top, and you can also get a good bend in that about 90 degrees.
Kind of basically that's about it.
But these can Also, As you can see, these can also move.
Here you have a joint at the base and then a joint in the middle as well that will not pump off of there.
These parts are a bit thin and finicky, so you can get those to make that sort of shape like that.
Anyway, it's kind of cool weapon.
I don't know.
It's not really something that I'm too into, I think probably will eventually do later is just swap this out for something different on this arm, some other sort of different weapon cannon or something, something like what we've got over here on the other arms.
You have the school like magazine sticking on the bottom, and then this just kind of Kenan tip there at the end.
This can also rotate there, but not really anything you really particularly needed to d'oh.
That's pretty much it for the articulation of it.
But let's try out some different posing, right?
So once you get this into some different cool poses, or even if you just keep it in a standing pose is pretty easy to see.
This is one of the more popular frame are most girls kits and, like I mentioned, just just really has a really cool style.
And just like the weapons accessories owner, just all that armor parts think the designer of the base large.
The original Kay is a really cool design and sew that adapted here into the fray.
Mom's line, you know, it still holds up really well.
The color is a really cool, as I mentioned before, and just the dynamics of it looks really cool having the extra set of arms on there and then the rifles up on the shoulder as well.
Which I mean, even if it didn't really have those, it would still look cool.
Just having the second set of arms is a cool thing, sort of like what you have with the grief and as well, which is another frame arms girl kit, which will take a look at in the pretty near future.
I've also got that one ready to review for you guys.
Well, you do have a couple of pieces that might need a little bit of glue or a little bit of paint on them just to stay firm.
Just a couple of the loose pieces here and there.
That's pretty standard.
It's nothing, really, to out of the ordinary.
It's not a big deal to fix.
Ultimately, there's not really anything too much that, I would say as being the negatives for this kid does have a handful of seam lines on there, especially on the rifles, as I noted before.
And there's a couple other ones around on just the main body as well as again, as per usual.
But it is worth pointing out.
I suppose that there are some see lines on there as well, but I mean, that's just standard.
So I don't really feel like that's really something I could point out as a negative.
It's something that all of the kids have, so I mean, it's just something that you have to no, it's gonna be a part of the kit when you get a frame, arms design, frame arms or for a mama's girl kid.
And despite the fact this is one of the ones that came out pretty early in the line.
I don't feel like it really has those kind of growing pains issues where a lot of times in any sort of new line of model kits that accompanies doing the first couple releases can you know, they have a little bit of that.
Takes a little, um, look, maybe a couple releases to really perfect what they're doing with the line.
But this one, I don't really feel really has any of that going on.
It does feel really solid, and I really like it a lot.
See, as I always end up saying in these reviews, if you never tried one of these kids before I think especially if you're if you never try to need these and you know you're just used to building like robots And God knows I feel like this one is a really cool in that does really nicely incorporate the robot aspects of the prime arms that design that this is based off of.
So it does still really feel like you're half building Ah, robot kit and then half just building the girl portion of the king as well.
So it's a pretty, uh, could be a pretty good like kind of transition kit for getting you into, or at least trying out the framers girl line if you never have before to try building.
Ah must've made Mecca most amazing style kids.
So I definitely recommend checking out.
So you know whether you've never built any of them before or if you already have built a few of them and just have never picked up this particular kit.
I definitely like this one a lot, and I do have the self a car, which we will take a look at in the future as well.
And then they're yelling.
So there's the new version of that.
I forget what it's called it the moment that is also coming out.
That's like the back to this original color scheme.
But then it's Scott, like some of the belt itself, a car stuff.
And it's also godson come new swords and things going on.
It's pretty cool, interesting designs, So looking forward to that one coming out later on as well.
But you guys, do you have any other further questions or comments about this kid?
Of course.
Feel free to leave those down below again, a big thank you to us again in store.
For their support, check out the link to their site in the video description as well.