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  • It's the Four Fortunes preview show much defined by in Munich versus Mine.

  • Man United versus Everton.

  • Hello, Joe's a good look today.

  • Refused to shake your hand last week.

  • MK Yuzhin.

  • Whatever.

  • I don't mean nothing.

  • It's just after reading the papers have no idea what that hand has been.

  • Very No, they are a bit fishing.

  • What?

  • I've just bean for me.

  • Pretty much meal at the chippy.

  • Newcastle versus Stalk L.

  • A raffle, Mr.

  • Can I get you anything to drink?

  • What are you doing?

  • Why would you do such I think a disabled man?

  • Because we've gotten 2% record since you've been in hospital.

  • So I thought I'd give you another owner before you come back and ruin it Never pull versus Burnley Station.

  • Lavin has been practicing defending all week.

  • You're consistent.

  • I'll give you that.

  • Chelsea versus our snow.

  • This is the new me.

  • I will happily answer any questions you have.

  • I will never get annoyed or storm off person.

  • Can you be Chelsea?

  • Yes, Absolutely.

  • Off course, Parson, How difficult will it be coping with the Thursday Sunday Europa League schedule for the first time?

  • But I refused to talk about for Europa League.

  • I don't even recognize it doesn't.

  • For poor competition, you are banned from the Emirates.

  • Suffering Brutal, huh?

  • Sistol Palace versus Southampton Boy, how did you manage to black?

  • I mean bag this job because I'm a folk.

  • Sorry if walk, Um but aren't you?

  • And I will, though.

  • No, not this again.

  • Let me explain.

  • A fog is foot bull Visit Al Genius foot for poison Al Genius.

  • I am Boyd, a crazy long twit.

  • TWU four points it out for requested out.

  • I'm not having a boy down.

  • The Eagles are staying up because off for the And if you don't agree, you're talking absolute bollocks form always as Al Jinya Small life we're going.

  • Do you think will happen in this weekend's games on Make sure you're using one football for all of the buildup score stats on DME or this weekend.

It's the Four Fortunes preview show much defined by in Munich versus Mine.


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B1 中級

⚽️442oons PREVIEW #5⚽️ チェルシー対アーセナル、マンUtd対エバートン、Woy the CWAZY FWOG! (⚽️442oons PREVIEW #5⚽️ Chelsea vs Arsenal, Man Utd vs Everton, Woy the CWAZY FWOG!)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日