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Okay, It's time to begin.
And to be honest, first things first.
Thank you so much for joining me at whatever time of day it is for you.
Wherever you are in the world, we have people who are up very early in the morning.
We have people who are up much, much later at night.
I am just super grateful to everyone for taking part.
I'll be honest.
I'm I'm like, a little nervous.
But this this is this is kind of a bizarre, wonderful, weird, amazing thing that we're all going to do together on.
I'm kind of shocked that no one's really tried to do this before, but here we are.
So okay, a few things to talk about.
Um, hopefully everyone who's watching his taking part.
You have weighed out your coffee beans, right?
You're prepped.
You ready to go?
I still have beans here.
I'm gonna grind in a little bit and you've made up your third wave water you've made your sachet have dissolved in distilled or de ionized water on.
That should be in the kettle.
Hopefully you've also got something like this, which is some sort of thing on which you can take notes, right?
It's just helpful.
Like an aide memoire.
It's not a test.
We're gonna say that quite a lot today.
It's not a test.
This is fun.
Today is fun.
There's no there's no right or wrong here, which could have some fun.
So if you haven't done that, please, please, please do that.
Now get prepped up.
I'm gonna do a couple of quick set of housekeeping bits right at the start.
So if you haven't wager beans out, go, go quickly wasting beans out.
So a couple things.
One, This was a kind of giant logistical effort.
We didn't know quite what we were getting into.
If you're curious, we have sent out 3500 packs to people all around the world, which is way more than we thought.
And we are like a little company.
And so toe logistically produce three and 1/2 1000 times five samples of coffee has been really difficult to try and get that two people has been really tricky.
We tried to send it, so there was enough time to get there, but it wouldn't be too far of roast.
If you're watching this on your set hasn't arrived.
I'm so sorry.
Please let us know.
Reply to your initial confirmation email.
We want to make it right.
We want to make sure you have a good time.
It looks like lots have made it so So thank you so much.
Secondly, the chance gonna be pretty busy today, right?
And I'm gonna miss loads of questions.
Now I have gem helping me.
You'll see her in the chat.
Here's the deal.
I'll try and answer questions as I go with their relevance to what I'm doing.
If you 100% when your question answered, you can use the Super Chap feature.
That does typically mean a donation to the Creator.
However, if anyone uses Super Chat today, that money will be donated to world coffee research.
Who kind of investing in the future of coffee and a new organization excited by and pro.
So So any money they go through Super Chat will goto World Coffee research, Not to me.
Okay, now, here's how it's gonna go.
In a minute, we're gonna start grinding some coffee, and that's gonna be good on.
I have a grinder next to me over here when I'm grinding.
I'm not gonna talk too much because it's gonna be noisy.
So occasionally I'll stop talking.
Once we've ground our coffee, Then we're gonna start our kettles, right?
And I know all our kettles weren't boiled simultaneously.
I've set myself to be a little bit slower than most people, but as soon as your water boils, you can start pouring it on to your coffee and set yourself a timer.
I'll have a time of running.
It doesn't matter too much when we all start.
We'll all start tasting together when they've had a chance to sort of brew properly and have been cleaned off and are ready to go.
So do post questions into the chat will try and capture what we can.
Will taste a bunch of coffee kind of guide you through the tasting process a little bit more today.
I will then tell you what the coffees are.
You're very welcome to guess and have some fun with that.
But I will be kind of revealing those you know after we've done a good round of tasting.
And then after that, I'll tell you kind of what I taste right.
Like like share some very basic taste descriptors just to kind of give you a benchmark.
That's kind of the idea here.
Now, if you work in coffee, that's amazing.
You know how this is gonna work.
If you've been to a bunch of coffee tastings before, there's gonna be no surprises here.
If you've never done a coffee tasting.
Well, I'm thinking about you first and foremost, so it's time for me to grind some coffee.
Now, if you're grinning at home, it's perfectly okay to put in the coffee beans into the grinder.
Grind through, on on you go, right and then the next coffee in the next coffee.
What we do in the coffee industry is we tend to do what we call a kind of a purge where we grind.
Just a few beans in between each bowl toe have a kind of layer of separation, right?
So if there was a defect in one of the bowls that it wouldn't run into the next ball in the next ball in the next world, that's the sort of idea that's not a huge concern for us today, one because he's a great coffees and two, because this isn't an assessment of the raw coffee.
The primary goal here is to use comparative tasting to take this against that.
This against that.
This against that, To develop our language and our sense of taste.
So hopefully you're all prepped and you're already I'm gonna go over to my grinder now and start grinding some coffees.
I'm not gonna be able to talk to you, because the microphones here, I'm not over there.
I'll be back with you.
Oh, in about a minute.
Okay, Let's go.
Sage comment quickly for one second.
This is the weirdest thing in the world.
T do something.
I do a lot of time in this really performative way for you on the stream, but I'll let you get back to grinding.
I just had to acknowledge that this is kind of a weird day and kind of fun, But let's go.
Let's go.
Last one.
Oh, okay.
So I now have my five coffees.
They are ready to go.
I lost being there.
That's okay.
So if you have finished your grinding, my grounding probably went quicker than yours.
I know some of you probably still grinding your coffee's Don't feel stressed.
Don't rush.
It's okay.
Um in a second.
I'm gonna go and disappear off stage and set my cattle to go.
I've got quite a big, quite a slow kettle, though.
So it's not gonna happen really, really fast.
Give you all a chance to catch up.
Now, I could have said, um, you know, grind ahead of time.
And the reason I didn't is because this is one of the greatest parts of coffee.
The smell of fresh ground coffee.
We want to dive into that pretty quickly, right?
We're going to assess that.
We're gonna just just take note of it.
You don't have to write a thing down if you don't want to write.
So before I do that, I tell my kettle on and then they would come back.
We'll just talk through the first part of a tasting, which is sort of smelling the dry grounds.
It's just gonna fund so one second now.
Hopefully, my kettle boiling away in the background isn't too loud on your sheets that she's that we've posted PDS, too.
There is a section for aroma, and really there are some scores there.
You can go high or low if you want to.
It's just a nice place to sort of make some notes right now.
I know in saying this, I'm getting us to a place where things get a little bit intense, right?
We start to pull out those complicated tasting words, those fancy, somewhat pretentious, somewhat frustrating descriptors that were also found off.
You can write down anything you like, right?
You can write good, bad like it.
Hate it.
It's perfectly good.
You can write something completely abstract.
William Davis will be the champion around.
Wonderful Human once told me about a coffee tasting where someone used the descriptor late stage Marlon Brando on dhe, and I totally get what they were talking about.
You can use any language you want to communicate or remind yourself of what it reminded you off, right?
That's the idea.
So, uh, have a little smell?
I'm listening and primarily think about the difference between them.
In what way do they smell?
In what way did they smell different?
And they do smell really different.
And that's the good and the bad of coffee.
You'll be like that smells different, but, um, I don't know how Now, in terms of water temperature, I don't know what you're gonna use the cattle just off the boil.
Mine has just clicked off.
So what I'm gonna do is grab it.
I'm gonna pull my water on, and at the same time, we're gonna start a timer that's gonna live up here in the screen.
So once tell a lie, there's a bug with the time I said no time today but, uh, waken start times with phones, it's pretty good way to go.
We're gonna be brewing for about four minutes as you pour just from a saturate all of the grounds.
Now, if you want to be really precise, you can do this on a weighing scale.
I'm not because I used these capping balls A ll The time.
And the glory about cupping is that while brew ratio has a big impact, this is also really the most forgiving way to brew coffee.
What you should see forming on top is a kind of ah crust.
It's what we call it in the industry.
Some will be different between the coffee is some will have that kind of phony a crust than others.
No, I would recommend having some rinse water so he needs the rest of this that I'll be using to rent spoons and that kind of stuff as I go.
Hopefully you've all watched the cupping video that I made.
And so no, this is new or surprising, sir.
Way go Hope you know that.
Now, this is a second really great fun opportunity to assess the aroma of the coffee, right?
If you get down to the kind of crust in the bowl and smell that they were gonna be some super interesting aromas coming off here is gonna smell different to the dry grounds.
That's okay again.
If you want to take notes, take notes.
If you don't want to take notes, that's okay, too.
Think about contrast.
How is a different to be?
How is a different to C and D right now?
One quick tip that makes you seem a little odd, but it's always worked really well for me.
When you're smelling a bunch of coffees, you can start to feel like your nose is sort of getting less and less effective, right?
Everything starts to smell the same, it becomes harder to detect.
The difference is essentially.
What's happening is that a bunch of aroma is of saturating your nose and nose is work best as detecting kind of contrast.
That's why dogs sniff really fast because the constant looking for contrast in the aromas in the air these are copies don't contrast that much in the great scheme of things.
What I often do is just have a little smell off my clothes because my clothes are washed in it.
There's some sort of deodorant, but, like laundry powder, laundry, soap detergent, that's the word I want that smells nothing like coffee.
So occasionally I'll just sort of small my shirt, which smells nothing like coffee.
And it sort of turned back up the volume when I go back to smell coffee again, right?
So if you feel like your nose is getting a bit saturated and coffee smell, that's a weird, useful little tip.
You'll occasionally see other coffee professionals do this, and you think they're a bit odd.
That's what they're doing is just a nice sort of point of contrast.
I guess now this is still not yet the really, really important stuff that's gonna be the tasting, but there's one more stage that we're gonna talk about, which is called the Break.
What we're gonna do is take this crusts and were stirred them.
They'll notice not all of the crusts are the same.
I suspect it's the same for you to some of them may have started to sing a little bit.
Some of them really haven't at all.
If you are seeing that happened with yours, don't freak out.
That's that's okay.
That's not unusual.
Thes coffees are both relatively like roasted as you'll see from the beans on.
Also a little bit off roast to two factors that will cause a crust to sink down a little bit more.
But when you get to four minutes about four minutes from pouring the water on, that's a pretty good time to break, which is about now for me.
So what you gonna do?
Take your spoon?
You just gently gonna stir the top of the crust on dhe.
Smell any rumors that come off that point now pick just one glass and use that as the winds class.
At this point, this is fun, but in the great scheme of things, none of this matters compared to actually drinking.
Tasting the coffee, which will do in a little bit.
Now, through the magic of coffee brewing, these bruise effectively have stopped brewing.
That final sort of stir knocks off any coffee at the top and it sinks and floats down to the bottom on that ground.
Coffee is going to sit in this bowl the entire time.
But even though we're gonna taste this for half on hour, maybe it's never gonna taste over extracted because it's pretty much stopped brewing s.
So don't worry about that.
What we want to get rid off at this point is the stuff floating around on top.
So you need two spoons to soup spoons to dessert spoons to cupping spoons.
If you If you have them on, we are going to just scoop off what's on the top.
Okay, prints are spoons.
Scoop off the next one.
Now who?
I've just seen something kind of amazing.
So what?
I'm doing this.
I should tell you, there is a world record for the largest coffee tasting.
It was in Colombia.
They had a kind of coffee festival in Colombia and about 1650 people took part.
Someone could look it up and tell me the right answer, but it's about that number on Guinness was there and they certified.
That was the largest coffee tasting ever.
Not currently.
We have about 1770 people online with us.
So if you're all tasting coffee, we have a record.
It's not official.
Guinness can't certify it, But congratulations, Thio us.
We're now kind of record holders.
So well done, you for taking part in something so completely wonderful and strange.
And I hope fun, sir.
These things we can get rid off.
Andi, we're not gonna jump to tasting it, because these are actually just way too hot.
So we've got a little downtime.
A little calm time.
I can answer a few questions and talking through what's gonna happen next.
So let me get rid of these.
Clean up my mess.
That's the hard work done.
That is, That's the hard work done.
Now, if you're still catching up, don't stress about it, right?
As long as you've gone through the process in the same sort of time, you're gonna have a very similar experience.
So So that's kind of Just relax.
It's okay.
Don't stress.
Don't go too quickly.
Someone in the chat was saying the largest was 1559.
We're more than that now.
A quick shout out to anyone who is hosting a public version of this.
If you have gone to a cafe, toe a roastery somewhere in the world and tasting with other people, that's so cool.
Thank you so much.
If you are sat at home on your kitchen counter with a laptop.
Thank you.
It's just so cool.
I'm actually just a couple quick.
Thank you.
I did say that this was a logistical kind of challenge for us on.
We had toe have some help packing the coffee, right, because we just literally couldn't make that many bags like 17,500 bags is more than we can do is a small team.
So thank you to master roast.
We roasted the coffee and they packed it for us back into little sample bags and shipped it back to us.
Also, big shout out to third wave water who gave us sachets so everyone could could have the same water everywhere in the world.
That is incredibly generous off them.
I am extremely grateful.
It's kind of it's just kind of uh, it's made something that seemed impossible possible.
The idea that that I could taste something here in London and you could taste something in our Salvador.
In Colombia, in Tokyo, in Melbourne, in Milan, in New York, in Canada.
And I don't know, there's a lot of you.
We sent coffee all over the world, which is kind of completely amazing.
Now somebody asked, Will we be doing this again?
I hope so.
We learned some lessons here, like we learned a ton about this.
And it's certainly raised challenges around the logistical side, which is the kind of headache.
How do we get coffee to people in good time?
How do we make sure that everyone who wants to take part can take part?
I think there's still some questions to ask.
No answer there, but we hope to do it again.
But yeah, don't worry.
Fuel behind.
Don't worry.
If you're still grinding your still boiling water, it doesn't matter.
It's okay.
I'm gonna let this go.
Probably 15 minutes from adding water.
Ter beginning to taste.
So hopefully uh you all OK now?
One comment was was like if they have no crust whatsoever and it just sank to the bottom.
I That's a really good question.
I don't know what would cause that in a sample that I wouldn't have happened here.
If you're also seeing this in the chat, you know, let us know.
Like for me.
I think number one sort of aids crust disputable early.
I think one of the ones over here did as well, but it's not a sign of anything bad.
Don't freak out.
It's whether it floats is a mixture of density and how much co two isn't it?
So it might be a case that if you're somewhere outside of the U.
Maybe that airplane journey just pulled a bit more co two out of that coffee.
That's a potential thing, unkind of guessing.
At this point, though, that's like a like a Hail Mary, but like a like a best guess.
It's called a best guess, but let's talk about Let's talk about tasting now.
Hopefully, you've watched the video on tasting where I talked about these things, but that, you know, is a little bit abstract except and this is where it gets kind of Maur Interesting, right?
Like this is where we can talk about actually what I'm tasting, what you're tasting now, if you'll grind isn't 100% identical to mine.
Like I, you know, grab my coffee and an expensive commercial coffee grinder.
You might have a small hand ground or at home.
But with this kind of method with this kind of infusion, it's about the most tolerant way to brew it about the most tolerant thing with different grand sizes.
You'll see some variants of strength and extraction, right, like a very uneven grind will produce a sort of a less pleasant, less coherent cup.
But those key flavors three key attributes that we're gonna talk about you should be able to taste those on, enjoy those and detect those and understand them, which is kind of the goal here.
Like I said, this is for those of you that want to develop your sense of taste.
If you are a seasoned coffee for hash.
If you're a seasoned coffee professional, I don't know how much I can give you in this particular session.
It'll be fun to see if you're tasting notes kind of match up a little bit with mine.
Now, quick note on that, actually There is a second link in the description of this video that takes you to a page on square miles Blawg, where there is a Google form.
I've kept it pretty simple.
I'll talk it through a little bit more of the end, but we would love to hear from you about what you tasted and some Moz.
We're not asking you to put in loads and loads and loads and loads of data because you just won't.
I won't.
You weren't.
It's too much to ask, but we'd love to hear some thoughts.
A few key words around each of the coffees if you're happy to share that, would also like to know how many people tasted coffee with you, whether you're a coffee person in terms of industry or not, that kind of stuff a ranking of your favorites.
But we'll talk more about that in a second, so I'm using the kind of proof worksheet here, which I think we've linked to a bunch in the previous video around this kind of thing on.
So there are five boxes here.
There are five coffees, so I'm gonna take some really, really basic notes as I go right it's no one's gonna grade to this afterwards.
No one's gonna, you know, get a red pen out and say You did right or wrong or that your rating was incorrect or anything else.
There are objective aspect to taste, but ultimately it is still fundamentally, extremely subjective.
What you taste is right is true.
It's honest.
And while I might disagree, I don't get to be right because I practiced this more.
Um, so you'll have noticed some different smells for now.
Put smells put descriptions put those kind of fruit words those caramel words, their sweet words.
Those one of those words Put them to one side.
Before we take a single note on this thing right before you scratch a single pen or pencil mark on here, we're gonna do a kind of first pass, right?
Any time.
My cup, I will taste all of the coffees.
I'm gonna taste once just to know the lay of the land, right?
Like if I'm scoring on a scale and I taste coffee one.
And I think, Oh, that's that's got loads of sweetness, and I give it a nine out of 10 or a skirt right up high, and then my next coffee is somehow much sweeter.
I've broken my scale already.
But if I've tasted everything and I know roughly where things are, you know, there's no surprises coming that makes it a little bit easier for me to begin to take notes.
So the first time we taste, we're not gonna take notes.
We're just We're just gonna take a time.
We're gonna relax now.
About 15 minutes in.
Uh, I'll talk again about about the sort of tasting thing.
Now there are I'm mostly in an empty room right now.
It's kind of weird, but we wanted to keep the sound good.
There are people here, though, who will yell at me or throw things at me if I do a thing which is slurp really loudly because no one wants that coming through their feed into their headphones into their speakers.
And when you taste, slurping is a really useful way to sort of help turn up the volume on what you're tasting, right?
Like by spraying it as you as you drink it.
Ah, lot more.
The aromatics become volatile and sort of the volume gets turned upon flavor, not on taste, which you sort of detecting your mouth would be things like sweetness or acidity or texture of that kind of stuff.
But this is the sort of the descriptive words that this sort of the the more frustrating words that were gonna come to in a little bit.
So, um, if, ah, if you're if you're if you're not ready yet if you've only been brewing for, like, 10 minutes again, don't stress.
I'm not rushing you through this.
There's no there's no mad rush.
I don't want to stress out one quick question from Blue Avatar, which is how much room between the balls.
I don't think it makes an enormous difference if most of the time, if I'm smelling, I'm gonna try and get my face extremely close to the ball.
So there shouldn't be much in the way of cross contamination if you've got a reasonably still air room.
If you're cupping outside, it's breezy, all that kind of stuff, then maybe that's more of a concern.
But here is pretty couple inches between the bowls, and that's partially for the camera and actually a professional cupping.
It's really more about space for multiple participants, so we'd have a bit more of a gap.
But actually, sometimes tables get really crowded and you'll get gaps this small between cups.
It's not a deal just from, ah, logistical perspective with a group of people around the table.
But don't worry too much about cross contamination of aroma between those things.
Quick check on the other things.
See some people start to slip or are there not if you want to start going.
If you If you've hit 50 minutes and you want to start tasting, be my guest.
So, spoon, I'm gonna dip it in this rinse water between bowls.
Um, there's a lot of questions around.
Should you share rinse water?
Is that okay?
I just probably have lower standards.
The people I'm also used to sharing rinse water with my colleagues.
That's kind of a thing.
It does grow some people out.
So if you wanna keep your personal rinse water, if you're in a group, that's okay, too again.
If you want to spit.
If you wanna know if it's two in the morning and I know some of you said you'd get up to in the morning and Wow.
Thank you for getting up to in the morning to do this.
If you don't want to drink this, you can spit it out.
If you ever go to a public cupping, never put your spittoon down on the table.
The potential for horror and disgusting.
This is just too high.
So never ever, ever, ever, ever put your spittoon down.
If it's full of spit on a table, it's just not okay.
That's a rule.
It's my rule.
That's our rule.
Let's not do that.
So I'm gonna have a little little taste.
I'm gonna take a note.
I'm not gonna think too much about anything.
I'm just gonna get a little spoon on here and gently slap it very quietly.
Her gently.
There's a microphone right here, and we don't want that on DDE.
I don't have an opinion.
Don't don't start trying to analyze it yet.
Taste it.
It's a benchmark.
It's It's the first thing you can.
If you want to start thinking about how that's contrasting to the second thing you taste and that's different.
Don't think about how it's different yet.
Just just know this difference into number three different again.
Now What a lot of you I suspect want is the ability to verbalize the way that these are different because you let year.
Yeah, I get it.
This is different to that.
This is different to that.
But I can't.
I can't tell you how I get it.
That's the That's the bit that takes time.
But comparing is definitely the way some of you who are asking for slept noises on the chat.
No, you don't want that.
I see you.
You don't want that.
I promise you.
There's a microphone like inches away.
It would be bad.
Maybe later.
Okay, If you've had that initial taste, right, if you've had a chance just to say a to B B to C.
Okay, I kind of get what's gonna happen here.
Don't worry if nothing pops is being very obvious, very clean or or kind of easy to describe right now, the hotter coffee is, the harder it is t describe to taste, right.
You as a human as an animal, your mouth works best around body temperature.
This this is more like 60 degrees Celsius.
So it's too hot.
A zit cools down against closer to body temperature.
it gets easier to taste because it makes the work easier for your mouth, for your nose, for everything else, right?
There are some chemical changes in the coffee.
Is it cools?
But a much bigger factor is you.
And you're changing.
In a way, I guess, sir, maybe you've got some notes on aroma, right?
You might have noted whether it has a lot of a roamer, whether it had a settler smell, whether that was good and whether that was bad, right?
That's whatthe scale is four in terms of quantity and quality.
Now we're gonna start with the 1st 1 That sheet, which is acidity now, acidity in theory is a relatively simple thing.
Your tongue, your taste buds on your tongue in your mouth that they're not just on the tongue, essentially detecting assets, the detecting We're gonna get into it free hydrogen ions.
You tend to experience that sensation around the sides of the tongue, but the detection of it happens all over the tongue and mouth, right?
Like like not the sides of your mouth, not roof of your mouth.
But there are bits outside of the tongue that do have taste butts back in the throat, but you'll experience it on the sides of your tongue.
Now, when you go from a to be all I want you to think about at this point is, does a have more acidity?
What does B How is that different story about flavor door about texture, None of that stuff.
Take one attribute, acidity.
Let's compare it, Right A to B.
I'm not gonna show you what the answer is.
Not to say I find this.
We'll do it the end, but not right now.
Then again, you can go maybe see So to be now these are in order.
We thought about the order that they be in.
We would presume that most people would go a to B to C to D to eat, but feel free to sort of bounce around.
It's good, actually.
Is good practice to compare sort of e to be orkin a bounce backwards and forwards Um you keep asking me to slit loudly.
Ana, I'm not gonna do it yet towards the end when we have prepared you adequately.
One quick question on the super chat was Have I ever explored how allergies affect taste essentially super quickly here, talk more later.
You can divide taste into two pieces that which you detect in the mouth on that which you detect Retro nasal e Now in the mouth you would do the traditional taste.
The salt sour, sweet, bitter and umami, the sort of sensation of meeting this or brought Penis.
There are other things you detect in the mouth like astringency like P.
Kansi, like spiciness is obviously a taste that you detect, but we don't really include it the same way.
Everything else be it the description of, say, chocolate Penis or floral notes or fruitiness.
All of that really happens.
Retro nasal e If you're ill if you got a cold.
If if you're suffering, then you will struggle to detect much richer and easily.
So you'll be able to understand the differences in taste but not flavor.
Not in smell, not in aroma.
Someone's paid for a slap.
I mean, fine.
You asked for it.
I mean, I'll do it once, twice.
Maybe that's what you get.
That's only get I'm really sorry If that was loud.
I think it's okay.
It's okay.
Um, no more of that.
Okay, Once you've run through and you've made some notes on acidity, right?
You can decide initially on whether you think the quality quantity is there is a high acidity in low acidity.
When you go back a second time, think about how much you like that sensation of acidity, right?
A green apple is incredibly acidic, but it's great.
It's really good.
It's a balance pleasing, clean, refreshing, delightful acidity.
For me, chewing a lemon is not a delightful acidity.
It's an overwhelmingly sour and harsh acidity.
So that's your kind of quality.
Do I like how it makes me feel?
Acidity and food is essential.
It's a re Gloria's part of composing flavor and certainly coffee.
People really love acidity.
I'll talk a bit more about why, towards the end, when we do reveal when you've done that, I don't need you to do the same thing for sweetness.
Now, again, don't stress too much.
If they feel very similar, you're gonna change your mind between starting to taste in the first time you take notes on the end, you're gonna change your mind.
That's that's normal because the coffee is going to seem to change, too.
You make your final decision in a coffee tasting like this when the coffee's pretty much cold.
Something may taste good at the start and then fall to pieces as it cools down.
Something may taste a bit boring at the start and cool and open up into something very lovely.
I should protect the notes, my delicate little slips.
Oh, okay, now body is a little bit easier, and I think these coffees provide I'm not telling you warm tasting.
But they provide some nice contrast as you go from one to the other to the other in terms of body in terms of texture, right, that fullness in the mouth, that sensation, that they feel light and delicate order.
They feel richer and a little heavier.
Did they feel almost spiky, or do they feel soft?
You know, there's no right way to talk about texture.
Some people liken it to say like milk bit skim milk through to a full fat.
Is that that kind of richness to that kind of lightness?
Um, there's no wrong words here.
Now, one question.
That's a good question.
Um, do you need to rinse in between Ah, nde?
I don't think it's a bad thing to do so.
I have some water with me.
What I tend to find is that practically I just get a get a little focused, right?
I'm tasting, I'm tasting.
I'm tasting.
I'm just really paying attention.
It's nice to sort of have a break.
Refresh the brain and you have a drink.
It's totally okay.
Still water, sparkling water.
That doesn't matter too much.
I wouldn't recommend much else if you want to eat something in between tasting.
You see, people use just like dry bread.
No, but in a fact, that would be bad.
So I've just seen someone try and guess the coffees.
I will tell you what that is, but I can't tell everyone because they give it away.
Uh, no, not yet, anyway.
Anyway, so feel free to have a drink.
Have a drink.
It's a lot of talking today.
How are we doing for time?
35 minutes in.
So So I saw that super chat asking about D.
I'm not gonna answer that yet.
I'm really sorry.
I hope that's okay.
I don't want to talk about anything yet because I want you just to focus on taste.
Well, welcome your guesses later on, right?
Like I want you to throw some guesses out when it comes time for the reveal.
But for now, just focus on flavor, right?
Focus on what you're tasting and that does bring us to flavor.
That that brings us to what I ask it finished.
This is we have to be a bit patient, right?
You're gonna taste something.
Finish happens about now, right?
Like, what am I left with?
How does this leave my tongue?
What flavors have emanated this point?
Does my mouth feel good?
That's basically it right, though.
I like how this has left me feeling bad.
Espresso has the worst finish, right?
We've all had bad espresso.
I guarantee every single person watching this feed has had bad espresso When you left for, like, 10 15 minutes with just like the worst finish.
That's that's what you kind of thinking about Kyle ASIO comment.
That's okay.
That you're not into something.
That's okay.
I should have said this at the start.
Actually, Kyle, this is actually a fantastic comment.
It's OK, right?
If you don't like anything here, I'm gonna ask you about it right at the end But it's okay if you don't like anything.
It's OK if you like everything.
Wanted to use some coffees that would give you contrast.
That was the idea here, right?
I hope people enjoy them.
I certainly enjoy them.
But it's okay to really love something and really hate something.
Your preference is entirely valid, even if it doesn't match.
So what else is mine?
Your friends, Your enemy?
It doesn't matter, right?
Like that.
You'd like it or hate it.
That's okay.
I won't be upset.
Knowing what you dislike is really helpful, right?
It helps you prevent prevent making mistakes and buying coffee in the future.
Okay, back to this, I want you about flavor.
Flavor is the part that for me in my career was he's just the most frustrating thing, right?
Like, I'd be reaching for wood, and I still do.
I still I don't I want to describe it, and I just can't start with big categories off flavor, right?
I think fruity words generally a really useful, um See a little super chat there.
Thank you for your donation.
Appreciate it.
They'll be guesses later.
Let me guess is later.
You know it.
You can use colors as an adequate flavor.
If you said one of them tasted really brown, that's valid.
One of them tasted really green.
One of them tasted really purple, all acceptable, and you can start from there.
Okay, what is purple about it?
Is that kind of a purple fruit?
Is it like plummy?
Is it very like, Is it something like that?
Um, Flavor feels like a test like flavor feels like the place where you get to show off.
You know what it is super, super satisfying when you taste something and you describe it and everyone else is like Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it, That's it.
That's a good feeling.
It was a fun feeling, but the reason that we don't talk when we taste is that if I said coffee F tastes like pineapple, that's all you'd taste right, like you can put flavors in people's heads.
And that's why tasting should be done quietly.
And when you're making your assessment, you shouldn't be hearing other people's thoughts.
It's so easy to be derailed, to be focused by something So when are set on suddenly all that you could taste in this mysterious coffee is pineapple part of a viable, and that's not what you want.
So if you have one taste descriptor for a coffee, that's fine.
If you have 20 taste descriptors in a coffee, that's also fine.
Um, I think you can DVR this one on.
So Mike has just have to comment, saying his little bit far behind.
I'm really sorry.
This will be available afterwards.
Tow watch along if you're running really far behind and you don't want to get spoiled by what's coming, Um, on again, I'll just say, if you're throwing into super chat Thank you.
I'll match any donations that you give.
So we'll double up whatever we get at the end of this and give it the world coffee research.
So there's you donating.
Thank you.
That's amazing.
Um, so to the 14 of you in Glasgow, the Thrones of money.
Thank you.
Super cool.
Thank you.
Um, all right, we're not done yet, because now, now, these things were a point where they're just much easier to taste.
If you've stopped tasting, I want you to start again, right?
I want you to go back to the beginning.
Clear brain out stopped listening to me for a second.
I'm gonna stop talking for a couple of minutes and just just taste, okay?
Take whatever notes you want.
Give whatever scores you want.
It's all good.
I just want you to pay attention and go a to b compare contrast Be to see, compare and contrast.
I'm gonna shut up for like, two minutes.
I'm gonna taste.
It's troublesome things down.
I don't need to do the same.
There's a bunch of super jet questions.
They are being captured.
I will answer them once.
I've just finished taking some notes and you're doing the same at home.
Oh, I missed the super chance saying that you want air?
Some are of me slapping.
Promise you don't I don't know.
Maybe you do.
That's okay.
Maybe we could do that one day.
Um, one super chat that I think's worth, uh, answering was there was a quick question about world coffee research.
So it's a not for profit organization that is essentially trying to do research and science around specialty coffee on its longevity.
Like there's a bunch of challenges based producer side right?
It's It's focused only on producer side coffee stuff.
It's not coffee research about roasting.
It's not coffee research about brewing or drinking.
This is really about coffee, making it a sustainable, viable crop for people so that we can keep roasting it on drinking it in the future.
I I went to some very early events, is part of it.
They're doing great work.
I'm a big fan.
I have been for literally years.
We supported a square mile on your old supporting them too.
Now, by slowly making me poorer, I now owe £75 to world coffee research.
So please continue to toe make me more out of pocket.
So thank you, but check out the website things World Coffee Research dot or ge encourage your local roasted to support them, right?
Like put the pressure on the roast is frankly, I think it should be on roasters to bear the brunt of this s o ask you a local restaurant they are supporting.
You could do a checkup system where you donate a few cents per pound of coffee that you roast, which is an appropriate way to do that.
So bigger roasters pay more.
Yeah, I would say encourage wherever you can that happen?
So, yeah.
Um, I was coming off Phillips a picture.
Climate change is a massive threat.
A massive issue.
I unfortunately not gonna listen to you if you deny it on.
I really hope there's view that are rationally paying attention to the damage being done to the planet will help in some way to contribute.
So thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Is all okay?
A little bit more tasting.
A little bit more tasting.
I know.
We've run on for 45 minutes now, which is kind of crazy on before, before we revealed anything, I just actually I wanna introduce you to a few people here at square mile.
Um, who have helped make this happen?
There's a bunch of people actually here in the rose tree, not here with me right now, because because listening to like, 20 people slurp would be really unpleasant.
There's a big sort of a tasting happening inside our tasting room upstairs, so I'm gonna slowly drag some people down here.
So just quick shoutouts, right?
Very started streaming.
Michael, who is helping me hear Michael doesn't work it square mile.
He works with me on other projects and stuff S o.
He's running the stream and doing all the technical stuff on that end.
So just did a gem.
I might just grab Jim.
Who's You've probably seen her in the chat.
She's helping do a bunch of stuff.
So, Jim, can I borrow you for a minute?
Come on.
Just you know, this people a bit shy here.
That's okay.
So, gem working square mile, it's incredible and is helping me out today.
In the chat, you'll see her in the chat looking up.
Two things making sure answer super chats.
Thank you.
Thank you Were trying out the roasters to come down a little bit so you can meet all of them.
I'm just gonna have a quick run through and make sure that I haven't missed any super chats.
Can I come in your podcast?
Yes, sure.
Let's do that.
Uh, Remini Malum James's Square More coffee dot com.
Um, question off.
Could I make this a monthly event?
That's a good question.
We're thinking quite a lot of the moment about how to do this again.
In the future.
It's It's ah, it's really fun.
It's a super surreal experience from my point of view, right?
Like I'm talking to a camera on the light.
There's a couple people in the room, and on the other end of it, there are 1850 ish kind of people, which is kind of wild to me in every single way.
So, um yeah.
Oh, wow.
We're up to £120 raised, so I'm now.
0 £120 toward coffee research.
Please keep making me poorer.
I am very happy to donate my money.
Thank you very much.
I see another $10 over. 00:50:23.0