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everybody will match my channel and today and we're going over another figure.
Salem, Mass.
I just felt like I had to do her because I did her brother not too long ago.
So I thought, Well, Maya's will review her, too.
She is a little bit harder to come by because she's an older model.
Um, I actually bought her off Monda rocket dot com and 100 shit to me.
So this is her box Super cute pink, My favorite colors.
And this is the back of the box.
Got some details about her accessories the side in the top.
Take her out.
So thing is how she comes outside the box tape, please.
We're together so you can see her accessories.
She comes with this little awesome federation stand.
The colors on here Really cool was like a gold ish metallic color and the blue I'm just I love the paint job on here.
So she's got two pegs on her, the bottom of her boot, and they're gonna slide right into here.
She's able to stand up, so she comes with two pairs of guns.
This is her first set of gun and the second gun.
No details on here.
Just absolutely amazing.
So she comes with another head and a second arm.
So you can either gun.
You can just kind of wiggle it into her arm.
Her hand sorry into her hand in a kind of It's just like that.
So that's her.
With her first gun and her first head, you can see all the details on her.
The paint jobs Absolutely amazing.
The shade work is very good.
They lightly shaded in her white pants.
And the creases are just perfect, as it doesn't look like plastic.
Well, you know what I mean.
There's, like movement to her and the clothes.
All the ripples are positioned properly.
I love the shade work on her pink vest in her boots.
The boost would like real leather overall api jobs.
Just wondering.
So, um, where was because my dog interrupted me?
Oh, yeah.
So the shape work on her pink fest has done very well.
I'm in love with the gold accents on her belt, and you can see the gold zipper do running down her.
She's also got some gold details on her little shoulder pieces.
Now the only thing that I would consider that really town side.
But I just feel like I can't really tell the difference between this hat and this head.
It just looks like saying to me, I don't know about you guys what you think, But they are practically almost the same exact face.
I mean, I wish they would have, like, maybe put in a different expression.
I mean, this one looks a little bit more scared than this one.
I don't know.
I just feel like it's too similar for what you're paying for.
So let me go ahead and assemble her second accessories, please.
With his head slide drawing off, this arm comes off like this one right here.
Here we go.
So that is her second set.
So I usually keep her in the polls with the gun because I just think she looks cooler.
I prefer the gun post, but this one's good to, um, again.
I think she's so worth it.
I think she's an awesome character in a good franchise.
Her little baby are gorgeous, like I would even pay $100 for her, and that's kind of my max.
But if you can find her for a good price.
I highly suggest you pick her up.
You can buy on eBay, But again, I think I even find the most expensive website to pick Girl.
But Qimonda Rocco occasionally and see when she goes on sale.
That's just my recommendation to be able to pick girl for a pretty good price like I did Pearson Thio the Mass agreed.
Gundam Origin.
So she's pretty tall figure.
She's not tiny by any means, which is something I like.
I don't like spending, you know, $70 on a figure that's gonna be like that big.
I think it's a waste of money, so she's fairly tall.
Her proportions are spot on again.
Not a 10 for me.
Here's how she compares to her brother said.
He's just a little smidge taller because he is propping himself upon Iraq.
Thumbs up.
And on top of that, she shot her brother.
So if she couldn't possibly be any cooler when she already is over, all the details are just amazing.
Her weight is pretty good.
I love the gold script on her on her little jacket.
Just everything about her is done so well.
And, um, I think I've seen her fluctuate prices around anywhere between like 60 to 100 depending on where you're located.
If you really want to pick up for a great price, I would recommend costly checking montrachet dot com and, um, seeing if you can find her on self.
That's how what I did, I went around.
I kept checking back and forth.
And then one day I saw himself for 6000 yen, which is roughly like $55.
I only do when the markets.
But if it's a Gundam figure, then I kind of just I'm inclined to buy it because I just I want him and, um, there really aren't many good Gundam Viguerie And so I just feel like I had to pick her up.
And aside from that, she's one of my favorite characters because I just think she's so awesome.
So I hope that helped everybody decide whether or not they feel like buying her and adding to the collection.