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  • So how many of you have a robot at home?

  • OK, I see about 20, 30 hands.

  • That's actually pretty good.

  • How many of you would want

  • your own personal robot at home?

  • I know I would!

  • OK, so why doesn't this exist?

  • Why can't I go to the convenience store

  • or the department store and, you know,

  • go up to the cashier and say,

  • "Yeah, I want my personal robot"?

  • Well, I'm going to talk to you about how to make that happen,

  • the things that we need to do is to make robots smarter.

  • Now, no one will argue that we don't have robots.

  • Um, we have rovers that are going to Mars

  • and are getting science data

  • and expanding our understanding of the world.

  • We have manufacturing robots

  • that are helping to build our cars that we drive today.

  • We even have robots that are helping our military,

  • that are out disposing of bombs

  • so our soldiers can come home safely.

  • So we have all this,

  • so why don't we have the personal robot?

  • Why don't I have my robot chef

  • because I can't cook?

  • So, here's one of my robots,

  • this is a simple walking robot,

  • but, it is by no means smart.

  • And so, what we need to do is

  • we need to change the definition of what a robot is.

  • How do we do that?

  • Well, the first step,

  • before we even start designing and getting our hands dirty,

  • we have to come up with rules,

  • kind of the laws,

  • rules of conduct,

  • and why is this?

  • Because if robots are smart,

  • ehhh, they might be capable of more than we want.

  • And so we have to come up with rules.

  • Thou, robot, shall not harm a human.

  • Thou shall obey me, and only me.

  • Thou shall always protect me at all possible times.

  • So we have to lay the boundaries,

  • the rules of engagement,

  • before we actually start designing.

  • And then we have to come up with tools.

  • So I believe that the way to make robots smarter

  • is to mimic people.

  • Now are brains are complex,

  • there's a lot going on in there,

  • and so, it'd be hard to try to open up the brain

  • and actually figure out how to mimic humans.

  • The best way is to observe,

  • is to actually watch people do things,

  • and figure out what are they doing,

  • what are their thoughts,

  • what are their actions,

  • what are their emotions?

  • And so, part of making robots smarter

  • is actually trying to mimic humans,

  • mimic how we do things,

  • so maybe they can do it a little bit better.

  • And so, some of the tools are varied.

  • And so, I'm classically trained as an electrical engineer,

  • I never thought I'd have to understand

  • things like child psychology?

  • Infant development?

  • So, understanding that the way infants develop to children,

  • develop to adults,

  • and how they learn and interact

  • is actually important for robotics.

  • I didn't understand that I'd actually have to watch

  • tapes of monkeys interacting and communicating

  • because they have a whole social kind of mechanism

  • where they learn from each other,

  • and so that's really good to make robots smarter.

  • And, of course, neuroscience,

  • I've always been fascinated with neuroscience,

  • but I never understood that I had to figure out

  • why do the neurons fire,

  • what about the environ helps us to learn,

  • and all of those really contribute

  • to making robots a little bit smarter.

  • And so, some of the things that I do,

  • and this is just a little snapshot,

  • one of the things is mirroring.

  • So they say our ability to look in a mirror and wave

  • and actually recognize

  • that the person on the other side is us,

  • that self-awareness,

  • is a sign of intelligence,

  • and that allows us to then look at someone pitch a ball

  • and figure out, "OK, I know how to pitch a ball,

  • I'm going to mirror their improvement."

  • And so I actually have a robot

  • where we are trying to design a robot health coach.

  • And so, I have an exercise physiologist showing the robot

  • how to do some exercises.

  • You know, we want to get strong.

  • And then, the other thing is learning.

  • So, learning is important.

  • We do this as children,

  • we do this even as adults,

  • we do this as elder.

  • And, yet, one form of learning is muscle memory.

  • So how many of you play an instrument?

  • OK, so when you start off,

  • for example, if you think about the violin,

  • you start off and your instructor might actually come

  • and move your hand a little bit

  • or maybe move your bow a little bit up.

  • So, they actually touch you

  • in order to give you muscle memory.

  • And that helps you understand

  • how to do things a little better.

  • And so we actually have a learning methodology

  • where, of course we're not going to take the motors

  • and move the legs,

  • and so we have to nunchuck

  • to give our robot muscle memory

  • in terms of how to do dance moves.

  • And then, lastly, is creativity.

  • So, you might ask,

  • "Robots? Creativity? I don't get this.

  • Why does the robot have to be creative?

  • What about creativity makes them smarter?"

  • Well, creativity and imagination,

  • those are the things that allow us to create problems

  • when we don't know how to attack it,

  • they allow us to make something out of nothing.

  • I mean, if you look at the apps that at out there

  • and the tablets,

  • and the iPads,

  • and the iPhones,

  • and the Androids,

  • 20 years ago they didn't exist.

  • So, how is it that we got from something

  • where there was nothing and expanded?

  • It was our imagination.

  • It was our creativity.

  • And these are the things

  • that allow us to figure out new things.

  • And so, I have a robot that is creative,

  • it plays piano, is a composer,

  • and if you listen, it plays "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."

  • So, all of this together,

  • the last thing is interaction.

  • So, you have a robot,

  • you want it to be your playmate,

  • your teacher,

  • your instructor,

  • you want it to interact.

  • And isn't it so cute?!

  • So, interaction is key,

  • it is key to understanding

  • how to work in our world with us,

  • and so the interaction piece is very important.

  • It deals with communication,

  • it deals with understanding,

  • it deals with gaze,

  • it deals with attention.

  • All of these things together allow that interaction

  • and our robots to be smart.

  • And so these are just some of the tools that we use

  • in order to make robots smarter.

  • So, I want to leave you with one thought.

  • So, I'm all for robots and smart robots.

  • I mean, that's what I do,

  • I'd be out of a job if I didn't believe in that.

  • But yet, where does it end?

  • How far do we push it?

  • How far and how smart

  • should we make our smart robots?

  • Thank you.

So how many of you have a robot at home?


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TED-ED】ロボットを賢くする - アアンナ・ハワード (【TED-Ed】Make robots smarter - Ayanna Howard)

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    wikiHuang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日