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  • his left and right.

  • And Richard.

  • He hasn't skipped a beat, though.

  • He hasn't.

  • And that's one of the things that Doc even talked about it, like a lack of practice.

  • But that just shows you how much work these guys put in one on one and individually to make sure that they can come in ready to howl.

  • Taking off bye knocks down his 1st 3 right here, Richard and you look at this.

  • He's trying to post to control your body and still see the next play door.

  • Powell, finding a sliver of daylight, has had a multiple effort.

  • I think it has more to do with what their principles are.

  • Power Booth lay up to go off the steal Raptor back within a remix.

  • It and Powell on the other end, fouled by heartless Pascal Siaca, making it happen at both ends of the floor.

  • Talk about their speed and their length.

  • Wild shot with the left hand back out the bowel and Norman Powell hits the three boy.

  • He has been on a nice groove and roll offensively, going back several games ago against the Orlando Magic.

  • Suppose in Indianapolis power with underneath recording lower.

  • Powell from deep got his legs into it.

  • Lead is down to nine.

  • Powell with dynamic rebound.

  • Wow, that was a man sized read right there.

  • That guy was behind my letter last year.

  • Still evolving who he's going to be in 23 years, like a completely different what finished by power.

his left and right.


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B1 中級

ノーマン・パウエル 22点フルハイライト (2019/12/11) (Norman Powell 22 Points Full Highlights (12/11/2019))

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日