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  • What?

  • I didn't know you could hear disorders who don't know who to support.

  • Well, let's take a deep breath and spend a little time on that.

  • We don't have to decide this minute.

  • One of the hardest parts of this is all those and all those little girls.

  • We're gonna have to wait four more years.

  • That's gonna be hard to be making an endorsement today.

  • We know that you spoke with Joe Biden and burning.

  • Uh, not today, Not today.

  • I know space around this and want to take a little time to think a little more.

  • I've been I've been spending a lot of time right now on the question of suspending and also making sure that this works is best we can for our staff or team for our volunteers.

  • So I have no regrets.

  • It'll this is been in honor of a lifetime.

  • 10 years ago, I was teaching a few blocks from here and talking about what was broken in America and ideas for how to fix it, and pretty much nobody wanted to hear it.

  • And I've had a chance to get out there and talk with millions of people, and we have ideas.

  • Now that we talk about that we just weren't talking about even a year ago.

  • A two cent wealth tax and universal child care that could be really we could make it happen.

  • And canceling student loan debt for 43 million Americans and raising Social Security payments does a wife changing events for people, and we could actually do this.

  • So I'm delighted to have been Venner and honored to have had this.



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A2 初級

エリザベス・ウォーレン上院議員が大統領選への出馬を呼びかける「生涯の名誉」|ABCニュース (Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls running for president 'an honor of a lifetime' | ABC News)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日