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  • John Deeben: Okay, it’s after 11:00 so I guess well get started. Good morning and welcome to the National Archives.

  • I’m glad the rain didn’t keep everybody away. I was a little worried about that.

  • When I came in this morning it was pouring buckets. This morning’s talk is part of our Beyond the Basics lecture

  • series where we take some basic records that we generally deal with in our Introduction to Genealogy lecture

  • that we give every month and we go into a little more detail. I’m John Deeben.

  • I’m one of the genealogy specialists in the Research Support Branch here at Archives I.

  • So I guess well get started. Were going to give an overview of army service in both the Confederate and Union forces during the Civil War.

  • One of the things that I want to point our first – I’m going to turn the lights down a little bit further. Is that okay for the camera back there?

  • Okay, then well leave it on. Can everybody see the screen okay?

  • I wanted to point out the two major record groups that were going to be dealing with.

  • All of the records that relate to soldiers in the Civil War are going to come out of two basic record groups.

  • Record Group 94 for Union soldiers, which are the records of the Adjunct General’s Office.

  • The Adjunct General of the U.S. army was basically the chief record keeper of the army at that time,

  • so all of the records relating to the service of these soldiers eventually came to his office.

  • And then for Confederate soldiers the main record group that were dealing with is Record Group 109,

  • the War Department collection of Confederate records. These are basically the records that

  • survived the war, whether they were captured or surrendered during the course of the war or at the end.

  • Then they were turned over to the War Department by the U.S. army and the War Department organized them.

  • They actually had a division within the War Department called the Rebel Archives, and they put these

  • records there and arranged them for publication. So that arrangement is still how the records are used today.

  • There are basically two types of service that were going to be talking about that pertain to the Civil War.

  • The first type of service is the volunteer soldiers. This is always what has been characteristic of the United States army,

  • the citizen soldiers. These are the men who were called up for service during a war or a time of national crisis.

  • They were enlisted, recruited, and they fought during the course of the war. And then at the end of the war their units were disbanded and they went home.

  • That’s basically what distinguishes their service from the regular army. And the War Department documented their services in specific ways.

  • The basic type of record that we have for volunteer soldiers during the Civil War is the compiled military service records.

  • And the thing to know about these records is that theyre not contemporary to the war itself.

  • These records were created by the War Department decades later in the 1890’s. And the basic premise was that they wanted to create a consolidated

  • source of information to document veteran service during the war to facilitate the pension application process for pensions for these soldiers.

  • So they created these compiled service records. What they did was they created a series of cards,

  • and then they looked at all of the available records from the war itself that still existed

  • the muster rolls, regimental book records, all of these things that were going to be talking about in a little bit

  • and they would comb through these records and record every piece of information that related to an individual soldier on a card.

  • And that card was stamped with the soldier’s unit, his company, and every specific piece of information was recorded on a card.

  • And this is how they created the compiled service record for every individual solider.

  • They started doing this for Union soldiers during the war. The idea became so popular that they eventually

  • went back and started creating these compiled service records for other wars, as well.

  • So now what we have today here at the Archives are compiled service records for volunteer

  • soldiers from the Revolutionary War all the way up to the Philippine Insurrection, which ended in 1902.

  • So any volunteer solider who served in a specific war during that whole timeframe, will have a compiled service record for that individual.

  • The compiled service records for Union soldiers, as I said, are in Record Group 94.

  • This is the basic series that the records are located in, Entry 519 in RG 94.

  • These are the carded records of volunteer organizations for the Civil War, and again these are just the Union ones.

  • Theyre arranged generally by state and then by arm of servicewhether it’s infantry, cavalry, or artillery.

  • Then by the numerical designation of the unit, and then by the individual cards

  • in the jackets are arranged alphabetically by the soldier’s name within the unit itself.

  • We have compiled service records for every major northern state that contributed troops to the Civil War,

  • but these are only available in textual form currently. We do have available microfilm records for Union soldiers,

  • also soldiers that were raised in the Border StatesMaryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and sometimes Delaware is also considered a border state

  • because it was a slave state during the war. Also the District of Columbia is considered on the border.

  • So these are available on microfilm. And also Union soldiers that were raised from the western states and territories

  • California, Territory of New Mexico, things like that. And also we have compiled service records of Union soldiers

  • who were raised from the southern states. Most people don’t realize this, but we do have records of Union

  • soldiers who served from every major southern state except South Carolina during the war.

  • Of course these regiments were not raised by the state governments in the south. They were recruited by the

  • Union army as it moved down through the territory and reoccupied different states.

  • They did their own recruiting and did raise at least a handful of regiments from every state throughout the south except South Carolina.

  • Those compiled service records are also available on microfilm. If you look at the green handouts that you got

  • the one on the top says the microfilm compiled service recordsthis will give you the

  • microfilm publication number for all of the indexes and individual publications from every state for both Union and Confederate compiled service records.

  • So youll want to keep that handy as youre doing your research. And there are separate indexes for each state as well for the Union service records.

  • I took a little example of what a compiled service record looks like just in case you haven’t seen one before.

  • The first image here is the jacket that the records are kept in. The basic information that the jacket will always

  • show you is the soldier’s name at the top, it will give you his unit and company designation, and it will

  • show the rank he held when he went into service and the rank he held when he came out of service.

  • So in this case, this is a service record for John W. McLane who was the colonel of the 83rd Pennsylvania.

  • That’s why the company up here is designated as F&S, which stands for field and staff.

  • The two cards here are just two examples of the cards that are located in the jacket.

  • These show specific information that was gleaned from two different records pertaining to John McLane during the war.

  • The middle one shows information take from a field and staff muster roll from May and June of 1862.

  • And the third card over here shows the muster out roll for the regiment that was taken in September 20th, 1864

  • when the regiment was mustered out of service, just before it was reenlisted as a veteran volunteer regiment.

  • Both of those muster rolls show that John W. McLane was actually killed at the Battle of Gaines’s Mill during the Peninsula Campaign in 1862.

  • The reason he shows up on the 1864 muster roll is because this is a muster out roll and it includes a complete

  • listing of every individual that was associated with that regiment during the course of its existence.

  • So even though he died two years previously he was listed as the first colonel of the regiment there.

  • And youll also notice there can be some discrepancies in the records. This record notes the battle as

  • the Battle of Chickahominy and this one notes it as the Battle of Gaines’s Mill. Most people generally know the battle as the

  • Battle of Gaines’s Mill during the Peninsula Campaign, but sometimes you can find little idiosyncrasies like that throughout the records. Yes sir?

  • Audience Member: When did they begin to produce these records?

  • John Deeben: Beginning in the 1890’s. Like I said, they used available muster rolls that were kept during the war.

  • They used regimental book records, which well talk about in a little bit. They gleaned through hospital

  • records that were kept at the time, prisoner of war records. We have all of those.

  • Everything that they used to create these compiled service records, we have in this building.

  • In addition to the state regiments that were raised during the war, the volunteers, there was also a variety

  • of what they called U.S. volunteer regiments that were raised directly by the federal government.

  • They were not associated with anyone in a particular state. They were recruited across state lines.

  • The most famous of those, of course, are the U.S. colored troops. Originally recruited in 1863 as a handful of state

  • regiments, the most famous of which was the 54th Massachusetts, and then they took on the U.S.C.T. designation.

  • But we have the compiled military service records for the U.S.C.T. troops. These are in the process of being microfilmed.

  • At least for the infantry regiments, there were some 138 regiments that were recruited during the war.

  • And so far they are only partially microfilmed. But what we currently have available on microfilm in addition to the index

  • so all of the service records which are available in publication M589. We have all of the cavalry units on microfilm

  • in publication M1817, all of the artillery units in M1818, and we currently have the 1st through the 55th U.S.C.T. infantry on microfilm.

  • And each individual publication is listed on the green handout to show you which publication has which regiments.

  • And then we also have the 55th and the 54th Massachusetts, which are reproduced

  • on their own microfilm publications as well in M1898 and M1801.

  • There are other U.S. volunteer regiments that were also raised. There’s one general index that covers all the

  • different types of units and organizations which is M1290, but the actual service records for these units are not microfilmed.

  • So theyre only available in textual form. But you see from the list here that it’s a pretty eclectic group.

  • Some of these youve probably come across before. Most people are familiar with the U.S. Sharp Shooters, generally known as Berdan Sharp Shooters.

  • These are the guys in the green uniforms that most people are generally familiar with. Signal Corps, Pioneer Corps, Indian Home Guards.

  • These two on the bottom here, the Mississippi Marine Brigade and the Mississippi Flotilla

  • even though these sound like they should be naval units theyre actually not.

  • These were army units that were recruited to serve on the river in conjunction with the navy, but theyre actually army units.

  • We have compiled service records for individuals who served in all of these types of organizations as well.

  • In addition we also have compiled service records for the Galvanized Yankees, which were

  • formally known as the 1st through the 6th U.S. Volunteer Regiments. These were the captured Confederates

  • who volunteered to serve in the Union army during the war. Rather than send them back into the field to fight

  • against their former comrades, the Galvanized Yankees were sent out west to fight the Indians in 1864 and 1865.

  • Again, their service records are covered in M1290. But for the Galvanized Yankees, their specific service records are available on microfilm.

  • They have been filmed in publication M1017. And we also have records for individuals who were assigned to the Veteran Reserve Corps.

  • This was originally referred to as the Invalid Corps. These were the men who were slightly wounded,

  • but they were not so disabled that they could not provide some type of service so they were enlisted into the Veteran Reserve Corps.

  • Mostly they did general garrison duty; they didn’t do active combat fighting. Mostly fort and garrison duty. We have a microfilm

  • publication that indexes those records in M636, but again the compiled service records for the VRC are only available in textual form.

  • In addition to the Union we also have compiled service records for the Confederate soldiers.

  • These records were created by the War Department starting in 1903. And then for the next 24 years they

  • worked to create these compiled service records for the Confederates as well. And these are available

  • in Record Group 109 in the seriesCardedRecords Showing Military Service Entry 193.

  • Theyre arranged identically to the Union compiled service records: by state, then by type of service, by unit,

  • and then alphabetically by soldier’s name. The difference here is that all of the Confederate service records

  • have currently been microfilmed, so everything’s available on film. And again the individual publications are listed on the green handout.

  • There are also separate state indexes for each southern state that supplied Confederate soldiers as well as a

  • consolidated index for pretty much everything. And again those are all listed on the green handout as well.

  • In addition to the microfilm indexes that we have available, I wanted to mention two different indexes that are

  • available online because these can also be useful. The first you might have already heard of at some point before.

  • This is the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System that was created by the National Parks Service.

  • It’s actually based pretty much on the microfilm indexes that we have here. It contains over six million names.

  • And not only does it provide the basic unit information for each soldier, but it gives unit histories and battle summaries

  • as well that you can click on and get more information. And if you go to, they have

  • two specific databases that you can search to find service information in their Civil War collection.

  • The first database is the American Civil War Soldiers, and this is a database that’s based on published soldier

  • rosters that were compiled at various times by different states. And then the U.S. Civil War Soldiers

  • database is actually based on the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System itself. The only place that

  • I currently know of that you can actually look for digitized images of some of the compiled service records are on

  • The thing to keep in mind though is that they currently only have scanned images only of the microfilm publications.

  • So all of the compiled service records that have not been reproduced on microfilm so far, that are only

  • available in textual form, are currently not available yet on Footnote. So to reiterate, what you can find are all

  • the Confederate records, the selected Union ones from the Border States, the western states and territories, and the southern states, and the U.S.C.T.

  • With one exception: they only have the publications running up through the 46th infantry.

  • So the most recent publication that just came out within the last year or so that goes up to the 55th U.S.C.T. is not currently on Footnote yet.

  • Most of the scans for the Confederate records are pretty much complete, between 99% and 100% complete.

  • But the Union and the U.S.C.T. scans are still in various states of completion. If you go on and look at the

  • actual records and click on the different data sets youll see percentages for how far things have been scanned.

  • Before we go on I wanted to show you, if youre actually interested in looking at these databases and websites and seeing how they work.

  • So well do that for a couple of minutes. Let me get out of here for a second.

  • This is going to go to look at the Soldiers and Sailors System first, and if you actually go to the park service’s main webpage on

  • I was not able to find a direct link to the Soldiers and Sailors System from the page.

  • But if you go to the search box up on top and just put inCWSSfor Civil War Soldiers and Sailors and do a search on that,

  • it will bring up the same link to get you to this page. So this is what the Soldiers and Sailors System looks like.

  • And you can see here there are different links to search for soldiers and sailors. You can look up regiments, cemeteries, battles.

  • Not all of these down here are fully complete yet, but the soldiers and sailors information are.

  • And this is what the search page looks like. Does anybody have a specific name you’d like to search?

  • First name? Thomas? And you said Stafford. Union or Confederate? Do you know what state he served?

  • Is this the same person or is it two different persons? You see the search gives you two different options.

  • And when you click on the soldier’s name it gives you this information which basically comes straight off the service record jacket.

  • Itll show his unit, what side he’s on, in this particular instance it doesn’t list

  • what company he’s in, but it shows that he was a private coming in and going out.

  • And it will also show you here which microfilm index the information was taken from.

  • And those are the indexes that we have here that I mentioned before. If you go back and click on the unit information,

  • this will give you an overview of the unit itself, the unit history. And then you can click on any of these highlighted

  • engagements and it will give you an overview of the battle itself. One other thing that might be useful that I saw here:

  • at the very top of the front page of the system, if you click on Researcher’s Toolbox it gives you

  • information on how you can request the information from the National Archives. It identifies the specific mailing forms that we have available, the NATF forms.

  • 85 is actually for pension records, but for service records you can use NATF form 86.

  • And it gives you information on how you can submit the request if you want to get an actual copy from the

  • archives of the original service record. So that information is available at the front of the system.

  • Let me show you Ancestry real quick. Actually for Ancestry I want to go through our subscription that we have.

  • If youre in any archives facility, we have an institutional subscription to Ancestry so you can use it for free.

  • But you have to be in one of our buildings using one of our public access computers. To get to it you go to the

  • genealogy section of the website and then down here where it says, “Within a National Archives Facility.”

  • Then you can click on the Ancestry link, and that will take you to the Ancestry institutional subscription that we have.

  • And then once youre in Ancestry, up here in the main search box youre going to select military.

  • And then if you want to get to those specific databases that I mentioned, down in the middle of the page here is a

  • listing of all the individual databases that are part of the U.S. Civil War collection. So here’s the American civil war soldiers.

  • And this time well do my ancestor. I had a great great grandfather who was in the war.

  • His name was David Hodge, he was Union, and he served from Pennsylvania.

  • I happen to know just from looking before that my David Hodge is the first one listed here.

  • So you can highlight where it says View Record and it gives an overview of his information. Or you can click on View Record,

  • and it will show you againit shows that he was listed as a corporal, his date of enlistment, and the date he was mustered out.

  • And then if you want to you can search for more information on the other enlisted men who were in the company that he served with from these links.

  • And then it gives the source information down here, where the information was taken from. Yes mam?

  • They have thousands and thousands of different databases that theyve compiled from other records that we have and other

  • published records that are available. They might have something, yeah. And then if we go back and look at the other database here quickly.

  • Down at the bottom is the U.S. Civil War Soldiers. And I’m going to do David Hodge again.

  • And I already know that he was in the 6th Regiment. And here again it gives you pretty much the same information that you could find

  • in the Soldiers and Sailors System: his company, his rank, and the microfilm index that the information was taken from, M554.

  • Finally I want to quickly show you Footnotewhat you can find on there. If you go up here and select Civil War,

  • this will give you all of the different collections that they currently have available related to the Civil War.

  • So you can go down here and select either Confederate Soldier Service Records or Union Soldier Service Records.

  • And then theyre arranged by state. Again I’ll just take a quick look here. And up here where I told you, it shows you the state

  • of completion of the scanning. And this currently shows that the Maryland Union service records are currently 20% scanned.

  • So they have quite a ways to go. But within each state theyre arranged by unit, and if you select a unit then theyre arranged

  • alphabetically by soldier’s name. And eventually it will take you to links for the actual images of the compiled service records.

  • And then you can select an image. And there’s the service jacket that the compiled service record is located in. Any questions about the

  • websites before we go on? Yeah? Were working with several partnerships right now to do the scanning, and Footnote’s one of them.

  • One thing I didn’t mention before: you see where all these numbers are. A lot of people look at these numbers and they

  • think they lead to more records, but that’s not actually the case. This is just a record keeping technique that the War Department employed.

  • Each one of these numbers corresponds to a number they stamped on the back of one of the cards that are inside this jacket.

  • So it’s just a means for the War Department clerks to make sure that the right cards stay in the right jackets.

  • They don’t actually lead to other records. Yes mam? On Footnote?

  • We should be able to find him. Do you know what unit he was in?

  • This particular search is not going to be useful. To get to the actual service record you need to know that. So let’s go back to Ancestry.

  • What was the name again? And he served from Virginia. It looks like there are two Martin Ganders.

  • Does Leakesville, Page County sound familiar at all? This one shows that he was a sergeant in Company I of the 97th Virginia Militia.

  • For the first one. And the second one might be for the same guy, because it also references the 97th militia,

  • and then he went to Company C of the 39th Battalion of the Virginia Cavalry.

  • We might have something on him, but it might be somewhere else that were going to get to in a couple minutes.

  • In addition to the compiled service records, we also have what are referred to as personal papers for the volunteer soldiers.

  • Again as the War Department was creating the compiled service records and going through all these regimental records, whenever they would come

  • across an individual document that related to a specific soldier they would file that document with that soldier’s compiled service record.

  • So in the compiled service records youll find different types of personal papers filed in there including

  • the original enlistment papers, like this example that’s shown here. You can find inventory of effects.

  • If a soldier was killed or died during the war, the War Department usually filled out an inventory of his personal effects.

  • Final statements of service are in there. If he was a casualty, sometimes the War Department filled out a casualty sheet.

  • You might find those in there. Yes? Probably not naturalization, because that wouldn’t pertain specifically to his military service during the war itself.

  • But if he was in a hospital there might be a hospital record in there that was filled out.

  • Something of that nature. So you might find these filed with the compiled service records.

  • Now this record some of you might have already seen before. This past spring did any of you get to watch that T.V. show

  • Who do You Think You Are?” Did anyone see that show? Anybody remember seeing this document on that program?

  • This is the inventory effects for Private Robert Martindale. This was the great great grandfather of Mathew Broderick.

  • When they did the episode on his ancestry they featured this document from his compiled service record,

  • so I thought it would be neat to show it again. But anyway, this is what a particular inventory of effects would look like.

  • It gives the information about his service; it shows that Robert Martindaleinformation about his death

  • it shows that he died on the skirmish line in front of Atlanta during the Battle of Atlanta by reason of a musket ball through the head.

  • In this particular instance, though, it doesn’t list any of his personal belongings that he had on him, which I find a little unusual.

  • Even though he was out on the picket line he still would have had his military catchments with him. I would have thought that they

  • would have listed that, but for whatever reason the clerks didn’t. But this is what the typical document would look like.

  • We also have personal papers for Confederate soldiers. For obvious reasons theyre not as prevalent as

  • they are for the Union because a lot of them didn’t survive the war. But if you come across a compiled service record and theyre not specifically filed

  • there in the service records, we have another series called Unfiled Papers and Slips Belonging to Confederate Compiled Service Records.

  • And this is available on microfilm in publication M347. This was intended by the War Department to be a catch-all

  • series because they ended up coming across documents that they didn’t know what to do with.

  • They either found a record that didn’t correlate to an established service record and they didn’t have enough other corroborating information

  • to create a service record for that individual, or some of the records actually relate to civilian service in the Confederate army like teamsters.

  • Things like that. So if youre going through and looking at compiled service records and you don’t

  • find any personal papers, you might want to at least take a look here and see if something shows up.

  • We also have what they call a Record of Events or, sometimes, Troop Movements.

  • As I said, this carded record system apparently became very popular within the War Department.

  • So in addition to creating the compiled service records for individual soldiers, they created carded histories for the regiments as well.

  • And they went about it the same way as they did for the service records. They went through all of the existing records for a particular regiment

  • especially the muster rollsand then they created a series of carded records that documented the

  • activities for that individual regiment month-by-month and company-by-company.

  • So you can actually trace it on a month-by-month basis. What this company did, where that company was

  • temporarily assigned, if they were in specific skirmishes, or things like that. These record of events cards were originally

  • filed along with the compiled service records for each regiment, but when the archives decided to microfilm them

  • separately they were separated out into their own series. So these are available on microfilm.

  • The Union carded record of events are in M594. And again theyre arranged similar to

  • what the service records are for the soldiers: by state and then by type of unit.

  • And then we have a separate series for Confederate record of events or troop movements in publication M861.

  • But as I said, these are not as complete as they are for the Union because a lot of the regimental records did not survive.

  • But theyre basically arranged the same way. And if youre familiar with the ORthe official records of the

  • war of the rebellion, these are the published records of the war that were produced

  • by the War Department in the late 19th centurythere was a supplement to that which was published in the 90’s.

  • And these provide complete transcripts for both the Union and Confederate record of event cards. So you can find them in published

  • form here in Janet Hewett’s supplement to the OR, or you can find them individually in the microfilm publications.

  • Now as I said before, the compiled service records were based on the original records that were kept during the war itself.

  • And we have those records. Specifically we have the muster rolls available. The Union rolls are available in RG94 in Entry 57.

  • You can see the rolls for the Civil War are kind of consolidated with a bunch of other wars, so it’s one huge series.

  • But they are available. We also have medical records that you can look at. And again these are carded medical records with the exact same

  • principle as for the service records, but they were specifically created to document medical information for the volunteer soldiers.

  • Those are available in this series, “Carded Medical Records, Volunteers: Mexican and Civil Wars,” Entry 534.

  • And this is an example of what the carded medical records look like. As I said theyre virtually identical to the compiled service records.

  • This is another one of my ancestors, Michael Jacobs, who was a great great uncle. And the first two cards show that

  • he spent some time in a military hospital convalescing. Up here it shows you that he was in here for incipient amaurosis.

  • Anyone know what that is? I don’t know what causes it, but basically it’s temporary loss of eyesight.

  • So he developed blurred vision for whatever reason. Probably sleeping out at night on the damp ground, I don’t know what causes it.

  • He spent some time in the military hospital convalescing for that. This card here shows that he was admitted on March 1st, 1863.

  • And then on April 3rd he was transferred to a general hospital. Both of these hospitals were located in Philadelphia.

  • So the middle card shows him being admitted to that general hospital on 16th and Filbert Streets in Philadelphia.

  • And then he was finally returned to duty on April 23rd of 1863. The last card here shows when

  • he was wounded in battle during the Battle of New Hope Church during the Atlanta Campaign.

  • So this information was taken from a list of casualties for the regiment. It shows that he was wounded din the leg on May 25th, 1864.

  • And then down here at the bottom, I want to point out, is a reference to the original record that that information was taken from.

  • And just to reinforce the point that these cards were created by referencing the original records,

  • here’s that originally casualty list that they information was taken from. And here is where Michael Jacobs was listed,

  • showing that he was wounded in the leg on May 25th in Dallas, Georgia. And on the reverse side up here is that list

  • number that was referenced on the carded record. Casualty List 8638, that’s where they got that from.

  • I’m not going to talk extensively about the casualty lists, but these are also available in Record Group 94 and theyre arranged by regiment.

  • We have muster rolls for the Confederate army as well in two different series: “Muster and Pay Rollsin Entry 18 and

  • Miscellaneous Rolls for Detailed Menin Entry 19. Theyre arranged pretty much similarly to the Union ones,

  • but again theyre not as prevalent in nature as the Union records. And then we also have their regimental book records

  • that were created during the war. These are the records that the regiments kept while they were operating actively in the field.

  • There are a lot of different types of regimental book records that were kept. There were morning reports, order books, and things of that nature.

  • But the ones were mostly interested in are the ones they referred to as descriptive books. And these are available for

  • volunteer organizations in RG94 Entry 114, again arranged by state and then by type of service: infantry, cavalry, or artillery, and then by unit.

  • And here you can find specific information about the individuals who served in that regiment.

  • Sometimes theyll have lists of officers, theyll have lists of dead and wounded for each company that were compiled during the war,

  • and then theyll have individual descriptions of each member. This is an example from the 46th Pennsylvania, Michael Jacobs’s unit.

  • But I’m actually showing you a different person here. Were going to be taking a look at number 76 here, Amos Wenrick.

  • A typical entry in a descriptive book will show you his age when he enlisted (he was 19), it will give you a little bit of a physical description

  • (it shows that he was 5’6”, he had a ruddy complexion, brown eyes, and sandy-colored hair), he was originally from Dolphin County, Pennsylvania;

  • he was a farmer by trade. Most of these entries cover two pages, so this is page one.

  • If you go to the next page it will show you the date that he enlisted (September 2nd, 1861 in Harrisburg),

  • it will give you the recruiting officer’s name, and his term of service (which was for three years).

  • And then in the remarks section here it will give you any incidental information about the soldier. Yes mam?

  • They were probably compiled by the regimental adjutant. As I mentioned before, the adjutant general

  • was the chief record-keeper of the army, and each regiment had their own adjutant as well.

  • He was part of the regimental staff, so during combat he would have been with the regiment but otherwise he was responsible for keeping the

  • records while they were in camp. And they carted the records around in the regimental wagons, as well. So they kept them in the field.

  • So he made a notation here showing that Amos Wenrick drowned in the lock of dam number 6 on the Potomac River while

  • on picket duty on the night of January 31st, 1862. Sometimes youll find little interesting tidbits of information.

  • Wenrick must have made some kind of impression on his comrades in the company, because the adjutant wrote here that,

  • He fell in the line of duty, a mild, inoffensive boy. Always ready and willing, intelligent and pious, in fact a model soldier.

  • Long will his memory be cherished.” You don’t normally find something like that, but it’s nice when you do come across it in the records.

  • Okay, so that basically covers service relating to the volunteers. The other component of that during the Civil War

  • was service in the regular army. And this was the standing army that served during peacetime and during war.

  • At the beginning of the Civil War, the peacetime army was very small: about 16,000 men.

  • But still it served to form the core of the Union forces during the war. Because these men were regular

  • soldiers their service was documented differently by the War Department. The War Department did maintain a

  • series of registers of enlistment for the regular army units and soldiers who were recruited into the regular army.

  • And these are again available in Record Group 94 Entry 89, and theyre also available on microfilm in publication M233.

  • And you can see it covers a huge time period. So you have to have some idea of when a soldier enlisted,

  • because theyre arranged by year of enlistment and then generally by the first letter of the last name.

  • So theyre not completely alphabetical, but theyre generally alphabetical, if you know what I mean.

  • All the names beginning with B are together, but they may not be arranged strictly alphabetically within. But it will give you

  • specific information about the soldier including his name and rank. Again it will give you a physical description.

  • It will tell you his occupation in civilian life, his date and place of enlistment, his date and place of birth, and his enlistment

  • and discharge information. So basically it gives you the beginning of his service and the end of his service.

  • Here’s a typical example of what the Register of Enlistments looked like. Again each entry covers two pages.

  • Well take a specific look at this page and well look at this soldier: Robert Allen. If you read through his entry this

  • is what you find out about him: he was 18 years old when he enlisted on November 15th, 1862.

  • He enlisted at Hilton Head, South Carolina, but he was originally from Massachusetts near Bedford.

  • We find out that he was a paper-maker. His physical description wasblue eyes, brown hair, brown complexion, 5’3”.”

  • And he was assigned to Company E of the 3rd U.S. Artillery. And in the remarks section, which generally tells you when

  • he was discharged, it shows that he served until February 21st, 1865 and his reason for discharge

  • wasexpiration of service,” which took place at Wilmington, North Carolina. He was a corporal at the time that

  • he ended service. So again it will give you a basic overview of his service; when he went in and came out.

  • We also have personal papers relating to regular soldiers, but because we do not have compiled service records for

  • regular soldiers these records are arranged separately. But they are available. So we have a

  • specific series of enlistment papers for regular army soldiers in Entry 91. We have other personal papers that

  • are available during the Civil War period in Entry 94, again arranged by unit and then alphabetically by soldier.

  • And again, aside from enlistment papers youll find the inventory of effects. If somebody died during service you may find a report of death and interment.

  • Those were also filled out by the War Department. This series, “Final Statements,” used to be part of the personal papers.

  • It had been the intention of the War Department at the time to separate all of the personal papers out by type and

  • arranged them separately into separate series. They got as far as the final statements, and then I guess they gave up on the project.

  • So all the other types of personal papers are still arranged in a general series, but final statements are available in Entry 96.

  • And those records generally document the reason a soldier left service: whether his enlistment expired,

  • or whether he died, or whatever. And I’ll show you an example in a second.

  • Here’s the original enlistment paper for Robert Allen, who we just looked at in the Register of Enlistments.

  • This is the original document on which that entry was based. All of the information that you found in the register

  • was found in his original enlistment paper. This is the final statement of service for Private John Boyer of the 10th U.S. Infantry Company B.

  • And again it gives all the basic information about him: where he was born, a physical description, his enlistment information.

  • And then in this column here it shows his reason for discharge. And in this case it shows that he died during

  • service on October 19th, 1864 at the Lincoln General Hospital in Washington, D.C. from an inflammation of the lungs.

  • So you find those types of records in the final statements.

  • We also have carded medical records for regular army soldiers identical in nature to what weve seen for the volunteers.

  • We have a separate series for the regular army in Entry 529, and then a series for the Pioneer Corps,

  • and also a separate series for hospital stewards, noncommissioned officers, and musicians.

  • But again, theyre virtually identical to the ones that weve seen for the volunteer soldiers. And we also do have regimental

  • descriptive books for the regular army arranged by arm of service: artillery, cavalry, infantry, engineers, and other specialized units.

  • But these are not located in Record Group 94. These are in Record Group 391, which are the records of the U.S. army mobile units.

  • But they do include all of the regular army regiments that were raised and served during the Civil War.

  • I haven’t mentioned descriptive books for the Confederate army mainly because we have very, very few that have survived.

  • So it really wasn’t worth mentioning them too much, but you may find one or two for a specific regiment for the Confederates.

  • But they are by far not nearly as prevalent as what we have for the Union army. But if you do want to

  • see what we do have, they are listed in the finding aid for RG109. If you go to a particular state, you can see for the regiments that were

  • raised for that state there might show up a descriptive book or an order book for one or two particular regiments. But youll find them listed there.

  • We do have a couple of published sources for officers during the Civil War. For whatever reason, officers seem

  • to get more attention than the enlisted men do. All of these different publications you can go to

  • to get specific information about officers in the regular army who served during the war.

  • And we have all of these publications over here in our library. They should be available in most university libraries

  • or public libraries as well. So this is another specific source that you can go to to get basic information about officers.

  • The Confederates did have their version of the regular army, as well: units raised directly by the Confederate government.

  • But the difference here is that we do have compiled service records for these regular army units, as opposed to what we have for the Union army.

  • And that’s generally because when the War Department was creating the Confederate service records, they just went ahead and created the compiled

  • records for whatever type of soldier they found whether it was from a state regiment or one of these regimental units that are listed here.

  • So we have compiled service records for C.S. regiments, Native American regiments that were raised

  • they also had their own version of the Invalid Corps as you can see down here. But basically as I said, these are

  • regiments that were raised directly by the Confederate government; we have all these different types available.

  • We also have a series of compiled service records for Confederate generals, staff officers, and nonregimental enlisted men.

  • And this is where I thought your question might come in. You said your ancestor was a courier for General Lee?

  • Then it’s possible you might find him here. As I said this includes staff officers, general officers, and it goes down

  • to the army corps division and brigade staffs and aides to camp. So if he was a courier he might fall under the aides to camp category.

  • So that might be worth looking at to see if you might find something on him. These are all microfilmed similarly to

  • the other state compiled records for Confederate soldiers in M331. And we also have a separate index in

  • M818 that covers both the organizations raised directly by the regiment, and the general and staff officers.

  • And I thought there was another one. I guess not. So this covers all of the compiled service records

  • that we have that would generally relate to what would be regarded as the Confederate regular army.

  • And that is your basic overview, in a little more detailed sense, of what we have available for general service in the Union and Confederate armies.

  • Again, this probably doesn’t even scratch the surface of what we have. Of course we have pension records for Union soldiers.

  • I mentioned at the beginning that we have hospital records: field hospital records, regimental hospital records during the war.

  • We have prisoner of war records for both the Union and Confederate prison camps.

  • So there are a slew of records that you can still use to research service in the army during the war.

  • But the records that we covered here should at least get you started. Any questions?

  • The draft records that we have for the Union army are in Record Group 110, which are the records of the provost marshal’s office.

  • But we do have the general or consolidated draft lists. Those should still be here in this building, but all of the other

  • field service records that were created during the draft have been sent out to our regional archives. So theyve been disbursed.

  • We have them, but theyre at the regions. But the consolidated lists should still be here in this building. Was there another question?

  • Audience Member: Where would we go to find information about contracted surgeon pensions?

  • John Deeben: I’m not sure what the date range is, but I know in RG94 we have a series

  • relating to contract surgeons. We do have that, but I’m not sure if it extends beyond the Civil War or not.

  • Audience Member: Could we find them online?

  • John Deeben: I’m not sure if theyre online. I would probably go to the finding aid.

  • The finding aid for RG94 isPreliminary Inventory 17.” So if you ever go over to our finding aids office, just ask for PI17.

  • And that will give you a listing of all the series in RG94 with a pretty good description of each individual series and what they have.

  • You had a question?

  • Some of the state colored troops were re-designated as U.S.C.T. The 18th U.S. Colored Troops? Is that what youre referring to?

  • I’m not sure how you would go about finding it out, but we should have something. Probably if you asked one of the

  • reference archivists over in the finding aids room they should be able to figure out what U.S.C.T. units correlated to former state troops.

  • Another question?

  • Basically what we have are the records that the government created during the war. So I know that state archives have their own records,

  • their own enlistment books, and things like that. Those also exist, but those aren’t federal records. Any other questions or comments?

  • Audience Member: Why were there no Union recruits from South Carolina?

  • John Deeben: I thought that would be pretty obvious. South Carolina, those were the hotheads. Pretty much.

  • And the Union army didn’t finally get into South Carolina until the very end of the war, so there

  • probably wasn’t a lot of time left to do any recruiting. Any other questions or comments?

  • Audience Member: During the Civil War, could you speed up the process of naturalization through enlistment?

  • John Deeben: Yes, during the Civil War you could expedite the naturalization process by joining the army.

  • But those wouldn’t have been military records. You still would have had to go through the naturalization process in court.

John Deeben: Okay, it’s after 11:00 so I guess well get started. Good morning and welcome to the National Archives.


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南北戦争における陸軍サービス:概要 (Army Service in the Civil War: An Overview)

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    小葉子 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日