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  • Oh, it's exciting.

  • Really.

  • Is, uh, I think, uh, guys, we're having fun with it out there.

  • So that's what keeps it light.

  • And, uh, no, I appreciate that.

  • So obviously, uh, can't say enough about the senator's organization and what they've done passed since last Wednesday.

  • And I think, uh, just top notch class organization.

  • Can't say enough about difficult to keep emotions in check during that ceremony and then having to play the game.

  • Uh oh, no, no laughter is done.

  • So, um, obviously, uh, lots of friends and family down for this game as well.

  • So I think, uh, you know, for me, it's, uh, just focus on playing and doing the game I love to do, and, uh, just have fun with it.

  • That's a lot of people.

  • Tell me just closely talking Elfi in Philly, you know, just have fun with it.

  • And I think that's all I can do.

  • You will be playing tonight.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • So should be delighted tonight.

  • And just kind of where the where the full shield and everything should be fine.

  • How much adjustment is it for?

  • You just have to wear the full shield.

  • Well, I worked for 20 some years before I turned pro.

  • So it's not It's not the end of the world.

  • I'm just thankful that I'm able to play.

  • And, uh, and they didn't have to miss any time.

  • What exactly did you break?

  • Your nose?

  • No broken nose.

  • Have some stitches in the nose fracture, my job of my upper lip.

  • So that's kind of the only real injury.

  • Minor adjustment, then with the full cage.

  • But is that the breathing?

  • Just the main issue here.

  • Yesterday it was you had both offcials plug.

  • Just so I didn't believe Oliver, but, uh, yeah, that was like holding your breath for the entire practice, which is difficult, but should be good to go tonight.

  • It was fine this morning.

  • And, uh, just looking forward to tonight.

  • Yeah, well, it's not one of those guys that's constantly fighting for his job, so you can't really take any nights off, so it's important to be to play every night, be a part of this team, and, uh, I just got to go with it.

  • All right?

  • So you make your return here to the National Hockey League, and obviously you're very excited.

  • Yeah, really excited.

  • You know I've had a couple injuries to start the year down in Binghamton, so to get the call and, you know, drawn the line up here, it's a great opportunity for me.

  • Then how much does last year's call up on the opportunity to play in the NHL level help you this time around?

  • It's huge to get those five games at the end of last year.

  • I'm not doing it the first time around coming back this year, so there's definitely some comfort there.

  • Also, being familiar with a lot of faces around the room definitely helps.

  • So, um, yeah, getting getting those five games is a huge help for me coming in this year.

Oh, it's exciting.


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A2 初級

12月14日:センズ対シャークス - 試合前メディア (Dec 14: Sens vs. Sharks - Pre-game Media)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日