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So you're here in Brazil And you had just fought in Mexico City.
Both cities have their little adverse conditions.
There you have the altitude here.
The humidity.
How is it for you?
Just kind of like hopping all over the world, Just dealing with the added stress.
I'm enjoying it.
I like traveling.
I like meeting new people.
The interesting thing apart is people think the humanities I'm gonna be a big problem.
Actually, I don't think the humanities too bad.
I'm actually enjoying the heat for the heat.
Mexico City.
Uh, elevation.
That was something completely new.
I never thought I would be so tired after the first round, so I'm I'm gonna take this one Has a big blessing.
You fought a result before, before you did well for yourself.
Yeah, this will be my third fight, actually, in Brazil, I had one before I was in the UFC and I thought Carlos Diego for in the FC again.
And now we're both wen.
So Brazil.
It's kind of you have an interesting situation into division because you have a great record and you're one of those guys were really up there.
But you seem to be a little overlooked when people talk about the title picture.
Do you feel that that maybe people don't really bring your name up?
That I think it's because I don't bring my name up that much?
I used to be really interested in title.
It was one of those things where I was like, I need to get this I need to get this But it's not like that anymore.
Uh, I've changed my mind, said.
I'm not looking for that crown of a different crown, and, um, it is about I've noticed the guys.
You do get the this belt.
It's not always what they expected.
And I think I just want to enjoy this journey more than think about a piece of metal.
Yes, that was actually my question because you're fighting another contender who you guys air up there.
So you're not really thinking about what?
That whether that one will get you anywhere?
I mean, as long as I could get another strong opponent.
I'm extremely happy.
My last, actually, every fight I've had so far in the she has been really good, huh?
I've been getting the top top 10 top five or, you know, undefeated, undefeated guys in the UFC.
So as long as I could continue get thes sorts of matchups no complaints from me if the belt is ever on the table.
Uh, well, I'm not going to complain, but it's not something I'm gonna be like.
I gotta get the belt.
You got to give me the belt ends is we're talking about mention you're fighting Edson.
Obviously you in whatever people talk about him, the chicks, the striking like it is a very obvious thing to point out of his game.
But for you, do you see any other baby hidden parts of his game that people sometimes overlook?
How do you see the match up for years?
You know, surprisingly and a lot of his fights he goes for a takedown.
So I think that's something people don't notice.
He does look for takedowns, and it just depends on how the situation's going for him.
Sometimes he'll do it off a good situation.
Sometimes we'll do it off a bad situation.
But overall, I haven't seen too much from from Mr Jetson because hey hasn't really shown too much money.
Even when he takes people down he spent more time ground about uses good, good ground about Did you like the matchup?
Like, stylistic?
I love this.
I I'm a big, uh, I guess I shouldn't say fan, but I have a lot of respect for that's, um Barbosa.
It's hard to be fan of guys in the same division as you, you know, But I have a lot of respect for us, and I think he's found a lot of good guys and he's done really well.
So this is exactly what I want.
And, um, let's get to political.
But clearly the United States air going through interesting times.
And there was recently a travel ban and it was it didn't become an issue.
But what he was talking about, how he made, he was worried about it.
You're a U.
Citizen, right?
So you're not really concerned about getting back in there, But how did it affect you?
It didn't have too much effect on me personally, but I saw the people around me that it was it was fear.
I don't know if it affected anyone I know to be honest with you personally, but the fear because I think that was something I didn't like seeing.
When you do things and you cost here in such a big crowd, I think you've already made a mistake because that that's the backlash from fear is always the worst thing.
Do you?
You know, do you have any interest in Maybe using your platform to address the source is something that you know politics.
Do you get into it or do you?
I try to stay away from politics.
Uh, just because I don't know both sides of the story.
Uh, you know, we've had travel bans before.
I don't know why we're doing this one and why we're being so extreme about it s so it's not one of those things I want to get involved with because the public opinion can change in six months.
My thing is a sw far.
Politics go.
I just want to see a stop bombing other countries that that's really the biggest thing.
Because if you want to talk about creating terrorism, most of it comes from us destroying other countries.
And lastly, to get back to the ocular, you mentioned that you're not really thinking about the balance stuff, but that you want to fi stop competition.
Is there anyone not even for rankings reasons, but stylistically or a fighter that would interest you in the future?
Uh, for sure.
I think pretty much everybody with Top 10.
There's guys that are coming up that are undefeated in the light.
What division?
A lot of guys like that Tony for isn't right now is on a terror.
That's totally something that would interest me.
I know that.
That's kind of tricky because he's he's gonna be fighting for the bell.
So there's there's the tonic people.
I you know, I would have to get a list.
I I'm a big fan of the sport, so I really do want to fight as many people as I can.