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  • No wonder you've noticed something about British people on the way they speak, that we do a funny thing.

  • Well, we could get well, no.

  • I mean, I love all the every regional accent.

  • Every time I'm a big fan, you're not getting into that scar on Ms uh, But I like that because there's so many accents to such a small country.

  • Everybody sort of puts on different voices when they're doing little bits.

  • But I had a thing where I was checking into a hotel and somebody came out and said, Oh, do you do to help with your bugs?

  • I thought they were doing a bit kept talking like that.

  • I had to, like, slowly transition out of it.

  • You know that that sounds like an exaggeration of their voice.

  • But then I was back in the country several years later and they were on TV on goggle box because it was Stephan Dom from So they actually talk like that.

  • I never knew that that was a real hotel.

  • You say There there accidentally made fun of them to their face.

  • Alan, what's that story you have about?

  • You're a very good friend of mine.

  • She's going for a really stressful time.

  • Onda Lovely aunt said Listen, I'm going to get you a head massage.

  • So she went to this clinic at a head massage.

  • She was in the room and the woman said, Can you take your knickers off wafer ahead?

  • Ok, ok.

  • Yeah.

  • So she took her knickers often.

  • She's like that.

  • And then the woman came back and she was South Africans went No.

  • Nicholas!

  • Nicholas, get back to me.

No wonder you've noticed something about British people on the way they speak, that we do a funny thing.


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A2 初級

アンナ・ケンドリックのイギリス訛りへのこだわり!| グラハム・ノートン・ショー - BBC (Anna Kendrick’s British accent obsession! | The Graham Norton Show - BBC)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日